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Not me completely forgetting about this Q&A...

I got super lazy to copy paste the questions and then it just slipped my mind, whoops.

I screenshot- screenshoted? Screenshoot?- the questions instead of copy and pasting them, sorry to all the people reading this offline, I hope you'll forgive me.

(Also I'll post this in two parts because wattpad has a limit on the number of images you can post in one chapter)

Please don't hesitate to comment on the responses and start conversations with the characters!


Of course I would!

Hoseok wasn't just my boyfriend he was my best friend too. Not being around him all the time, it just... I guess I realise how much I really enjoyed being around him.

How much I need him.

I do. I didn't realise how much I hurt him, and maybe how little I showed it to him, I thought- I mean because we've been- we had been together for so long I just thought I didn't need to be all lovey dicey with him...

I don't know it just makes me uncomfortable. I'm not ashamed or anything I just really don't think it's necessary to be all over your partner in public. Holding their hand or, i don't know, having my arm around their waist is enough.

I thought it would be better to give him space and let him decide when he was ready. Did I fuck up again? Should I go talk to him?

It's just, because we haven't broken up yet, like we're just taking a break, I'm scared that anything I do will just piss him off and he'll break up with me for sure... what should I do?



I guess... Jimin was, Jimin was violant, and impulsive, and dumb, but... he wasn't really a bad guy. I mean, ... maybe he was before but, I think seeing... how much his actions could hurt other really woke him up.

I remember, when we were still sharing the bunk bed, he helped me a lot...

(Bonus flashback chapters coming up)

I don't know much... I wish I knew more actually. Jimin was, unstable, that's for sure. It was kinda scary being his friend- I don't know if we were friends- because I was always worried I'd say something to make him angry.
But, he has a lot of energy... too much energy, he was kind of, not really arrogant but, I guess it was like he didn't realise that other people... were also people outside of their relationship to him.

It was like he was a main character and everyone else was just... in the background. But I think that changed a lot when we got closer, he got better and listening, and I got better at talking too.

Ah... I said too much didn't I? Was that too sappy? Sorry, uhm, bottom line is, I think I saw him grow a little bit in the few months I knew him.



I think I really needed the break, I took some time to focus on my studies and my friends, which has been awesome, but I definitely still miss having him in my life...
But I'm scared he doesn't want me back you know? I mean, he hasn't come to talk to me since we started the break, so maybe he doesn't really... miss me, you know?

I mean, we didn't really break up... did we? Wait does he think I broke up with him? Did I fuck this up for us?

What's that? Can you eat it?

Oh my god, no. Yoongi and I dated when we were like fifteen, I'm sure both of us grew out of our feelings for each other. And what the hell is sope? And why does everyone talk about it?

I don't know... I'm tired of always being the one to make the first step you know?



Uhm, who are you?

No, I don't think so.

Yeah, I know. We went to the same middle school, it's not like I had never seen him before, plus I knew people from his class.

I hated Jimin a first, and he scared me the first time I saw him. But as I kept looking at him, it was like he was a different person.

He was always alone, let people walk all over him and just, wasn't a dick anymore. I think he really regrets what he did, and I want to give him a chance. I'm still a little worried about him, but since he's friends with Jungkook and Yeongsu, I'm not worried. They can handle him, I'm sure.

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