07|- Glare

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It was a week more since we shifted, and thus marks the start of us starting our mission. We had to start gelling up with people around and to know what the thefts were about.

Today, as it was a sunday I decided to start my part and was ready to go down and gather some clues.

"Ragini, you are going somewhere?" Laksh asked as he came to the living room rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, down." I replied as I tied my shoe laces. I was dressed in a gym outfit, a pair of tracks and a black sports bra and on top of that I had worn a neon crop tank top. My hair tied in a tight and high pony tail.

"At six am?" He yawned as he sat on the sofa lazily.

"Yep. Jogging and that way I'll start asking people about the thefts indirectly." I told him as I now stood infront of him.

"I'll join you,"

"Huh, Mr. Lazy you sleep, if wait for you my jogging session would start after noon.

"Aye, thats not true."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Okay go." He sulked as he got up and went inside the room. Probably to sleep back.

I quickly took my earphones and phone and left the house.


The morning sun rays hit my face as I exited the lobby. The society was small but had a park of its own, so I started moving there.

The past week had been quite adventurous. Laksh and I were trying hard to adjust to this place, though honestly living with him wasn't a problem now but the way I had started getting adapted to it was now a stress.

The morning bickerings, every morning him sulking as to how badly I kick him at night, the silent afternoons, and the most eventful evenings when he comes back and we cook together fighting and then rejoicing when the food gets cooked.

Its like, I have started liking this, I shouldn't honestly though. I never thought faking as a married couple we would start acting as them.

Yesterday, as it was a saturday, we had gone to buy vegetables, and by god how badly we were fighting.

I was trying to bargain and him being the impatient self was acting a typical bored man and started shouting at me to buy fast. That was normal, atleast for us.

But when we were leaving, the vegetable vendor commented as to how every other married couple comes there to buy behaves as us.

Though Laksh didn't react on that statement, it hit me hard. I had to just fake this whole thing, and now its like the reel-ity is becoming my reality.

I can't let this happen, how can I? I can't get used to this so much, it would be so painful once I leave. Once we go our separate ways.

But then, its weird. The feeling, I have starting liking out fights too. Its like thinking about it makes me smile.

Wrong Ragini. Wrong.

Before I realised, I had almost ran five laps around the gardern, and so I stopped panting. Sweat civered my forehead as I sat on the bench. Despite the sun, the bench was cool.

I shut my eyes, bringing my breath back to normal when I heard a cry. My eyes flew open and I saw a young boy on his cycle as his tyre got stuck in the bushes. I quickly got up and made my way to help him.

As soon as I reached, another man of around my age reached to him and saw me help the boy. The boy thanked me and threw a smile at the man and continued cycling.

"Thank you," the man said.

"You're welcome," I replied confused as to what his relation was with the boy.

He looked around 25ish and having a five year old sibling was quite weird, but it can be possible or the other option was he was his son, which also looked a little doubtful but then again anything can happen.

Can't it?

"He is my nephew," he replied as if understanding my doubt.

"Oh," I smiled back and then the idea was getting some information stroke my mind.

"Ragini," I embarassed myself. Who talks randomly to a stranger?

Papa would be so proud.

Bhai, he will love me.

And then they both will bury me.

"Aakash," he initiated a handshake which I returned and with that we moved to the bench to sit down as he looked over his nephew.

"You are new here? Never seen you around?" He asked directly.

"Yes, just shifted." I answered short.

"Right, you were with that man Laksh, yes right? I did see you both when you came here." He said as he realised.

"Yeah, packing and moving."

"So he and you are-?"

"F-Married." I cut myself as I almost just almost uttered that he was my friend, first and fake husband later.

"Oh, I didn't think you both would be married."

I looked at him confused.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean it that way what I meant was normally, people of our age don't jump into marriages so early, like theres a long dating gap and some people even go the live in route." He justified.

"Na na, we both were sure what we wanted."

"Thats actually great, my girlfriend and I have been thinking over this since when. But now thinking, you are right if we are sure what we want to do then there shouldn't be a doubt." He almost talked to himself as he smiled.

I could make out that he was already planning on proposing her the very next moment he met her. He suddenly stood up and I stood up too, and with a flash he hugged me for a mili second and quickly uttered a big thank you.

"You really helped me, bbye," and he dazed away.

Okay that was weird. Best part, I didn't even get a chance to ask him about thefts.

What a waste, atleast he got a ray.

I face palmed, and started moving towards the exit when I saw a very pissed of Laksh.

"Oooh, someone left his laziness and came down." I taunted as I moved towards him.

"Why did he hug you?" Were the first words that left his very angry self.

Oh okay.



We are moving there
To the part where raglak get to show their agentgiri soooon!!

I hope you liked this one!!

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