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"Ragini, don't jump to conclusions."

"Laksh, I have been an agent ever since, I have the knowledge to differentiate the truth from the lie. Only thing I wonder is why my dad, is pushing me into this. I have no clue."

"Ragini, I can't tell you."

"I ain't even asking Laksh. Lets finish this off soon."

That was the last time we spoke, or I should say I spoke to him. Its the day of the party, I have been waiting for this day since our discussion.

I didn't ask him, no reasons no explanation. What difference would have made? Him and I are just those two strangers put together. I had no intention in letting that change.

Worst was I had already started, it had started changing. I was lost in those swirls of foreign feelings but then I realised how wrong was I? Whatever I felt, was a lie for him. Heck I don't even know who he is.

How, just how could I let myself like him? Allow him.

Today was our last day here, as soon as he party would end, I would leave. Leave immediately. No turning back, turning into that Agent R, who I was.

Not the Ragini, I was becoming.

Laksh, had gone out for a meeting. Meanwhile I was getting ready. Wearing a long maroon gown, with the minimal make up I could manage.

I was sleeping on the sofa these days, he tried to change that but I would just make him meet my glare. We didn't even have meals together, I would always eat before he came and go to sleep. Wake up before him and leave for morning walk and come back only after he left.

I avoided him, but thats what we should maintain.


Been a week almost, since Ragini spoke to me. She was ignoring me like a plague. I tried to initiate conversations, talk to her, discuss but she would just ignore me.

Days, without I could even.

I had thought, she would pressurise me to answer her doubts, would ask, shout get mad, but here it went all opposite.

She just, changed.

Was it so easy for her?

Wasn't she fucking able to feel the emotions between us? Didn't she know, that she was the only one with whom I had actually shared a conversation? She was the only one I told about my likings, she was the only one who say this side of mine.

And now, she ignores me like there was nothing.

She even refused us being friends? Friends? Heck I knew I wanted more.

But probably, she hates me now.

I know it was difficult for her to know that the mission was fake. That it wasn't a serious case, she was living in my house.

But what she doesn't know is that it was all for something else, which I can't tell her. I am handcuffed.

Only I know how badly, I want to go and tell her everything. Everything.

The real plan, my feelings and scold her for doing this to me. Making me feel miserable.

I want you back Ragini.



Only Laksh, knew how hard it was to control to not go and hug her, caress her and tell her how good she looked.

So beautiful she looked.

Her smile, her eyes, every single thing about her.

Ragini, continued ignoring him. She had come to the party with Laksh, but hadn't even glanced at him.


All she was doing was oogling at him whenever he wasn't paying attention.

Fucking hot he looked.

But the stubborn self had stopped her from admitting this to both, to herself and him.

She wasn't wrong and that was the only thing that was giving her strength or else she would have been a pile of jelly just by his looks.

The club house was decorated with roses, lights and balloons. It was decorated as if it was someone's wedding. Ragini and Laksh stood at a corner, keeping their gaze on everybody. Trying to find the thief quickly.

The smell of the buffet aroused Ragini's hunger but then her mission was first.

All the aged aunties and uncles were already at the counter enjoying snacks while the rest either enjoyed the soft or the hard drinks.

Soft music was playing at the background, and the children were playing with the balloons.

Three detective aunties had already graced their presence asking Laksh and Ragini about their personal, professional, emotional and what not life.

"Goood evening People!!" A loud voice caused everyone to be silent.

"Welcome to the anniversary of our beloved!" He shouted while others hooted and clapped.

"Lets start the night with some dance and songs, shall we?" And with that the lights dimmed, and song started playing.

All young couples, some kids and some elder couples entered the stage dancing with their partners.

Laksh and Ragini shared awkward glances, as they clapped slowly.

That was until, Ragini felt a tap on her shoulder, turning to face the source she came infront of Aakash.

"Hey buddy, you mind sharing the dance with me?" He asked almost pleadingly.

Without even glancing at Laksh, Ragini agreed and held Aakash's hand which guided them to the stage.

Laksh hadn't been this angry since a long time, but now that pinched. So hard.

That man's hand on her waist and they both sharing talks. Laughing.

They were engrossed in their conversation, not noticing the fire that had started within Laksh. Only he knew how much it was burning to see that Ragini talking and laughing who hadn't uttered even a single word to him, in these days.

The song ended, and just before the new began, Laksh was already marching to the stage.

"Hey, buddy, do you mind if I have a dance with my WIFE?"

"Sure." And with a smile and a goodbye he left.

"I am tired, I don't want to dance," Ragini uttered and began to leave the stage when she was pulled back harshly.

"The longest you spoke." He whispered in her ears. His hands already locking her waist.

"Laksh, let me go." She commanded in a low tone.

Swirling her to face him, Laksh pulled her even more close.

"I ain't letting you go anywhere. Trust me," his words were sharp. His eyes piercing hers, depicting how jealous he had been, to see her talking to that guy when she was on a ignore spree with him.

His hands on her waist, he pulled her even close, if that was even possible, her hands landing on his shoulder.

Ragini avoided any further eye contact with him, she was afraid one look and she would melt. Giving away her true feelings, her hidden ones.


Hey! I am so sorry, I was going to update SIMM AND MISTAKEN and both are half written but I fell sick. I still am.

I knew the plot for this one, and i penned it down quicker than I thought.

I'll try to update those soon too, but i genuinely can't promise as my health keeps deteriorating. Some days and you would get those too❤️

Thank you for your patience.


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