10| Shut up

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Third person~~

"Ragini, please talk to me?" Laksh pleaded as they swayed to the song slowly.

"Laksh, we are just two strangers put together to work. I was here to work, and not make friends." Ragini retorted.

"Look into my eyes and repeat that." Laksh ordered her, while Ragini looked away.

"I am thirsty," Ragini said quickly as she left the stage to search for soft drinks.

Seeing a waiter serving soft drinks she took one glass before confirming whether it was alcoholic or not.

She took a sip of the drink as she reviewed her surroundings. She had to find the theif today itself, and leave this place. Leave his house and his life, quickly before she falls any deeper.

Laksh stood beside Ragini as she drank her glass while he too sipped his own.

He was well aware of the importance of the case, which was almost null. But he had to find the culprit nonetheless. This was just a starter and he knew that well.

He knew Ragini would be told about this later, but till that time he would have to keep his mouth shut.

It was difficult for him to not reveal his identity, his mission to her, but it was beneficial for her as well.

Her father, had given him this mission to review their work for the next mission.

"You are very very very bad." Ragini murmered as she slurred.

Wait what?

Laksh kept his drink aside, and took hers too.

"Ragini?" Laksh asked as he eyed her quietly.

He took in his surroundings and saw everything was normal, maybe Ragini had the wrong drink he concluded.

He quickly placed his hand on her waist and guided her outside before she made a huge scene at the party.

The entire way she was murmuring words but Laksh didn't try to hear them, his main concern was to take her home.

If Ragini spilled their identity infront of everyone, it would mean their mission would fail and his identity would be revealed as well.

"Shush," he commanded as they made their way to the building.


"Dishkiyaaaaoonn!!" Ragini shouted as she stumbled at the entrance.

"Ragini," Laksh shushed her to keep silent, others would wake up.

"You are very bad Laksh. I will never ever ever ever talk to you." Ragini pouted as Laksh closed the door behind him.

"I know," Laksh quietly repliead as he guided Ragini to the room.

"You knowwww...,- hiccup- I -I you good. - b-but nooo," she shook her head fast.

"Ragu, its going to hurt, don't." Laksh held her face.

"It is alreadyy hurtingg Lakshhh," Ragini managed to slur as she sat on the bed with a thud.

"Ragini," it was faint word but Ragini had hurt it.

"It- it hurts here," she pointed at her heart as she was almost on the verge of crying.

"I-I trust-hed you," and she sobbed.

Laksh quickly got down on his knees in front of her, as he wiped away her tears.

"I am so sorry, Ragini. I didn't want to hurt you. I li--"

"Youu deeeeed. You hurt meee. Very much. I will never talk to YoU! Neeevweeer." She declared as Laksh pulled her in a hug.

Laksh had closed his eyes replaying her words. He didn't want her to hate him. He knew he was wrong but he had a genuine reason. She couldn't hate him, he would make sure she never did. She had become so special to him. He just didn't want to lose her. Never.

Till the time he broke the hug, he saw Ragini had fallen asleep.

He regretted being chained with the promise. He wanted to tell her, wanted her to be back to normal.

Everytime she said that she and him were just co workers, it pinched his heart, so much that it hurt.

He, he wanted to tell her how he felt or had started feeling. Brushing away his thoughts, he picked up Ragini carefully making her lie on the bed comfortably, he took his one pillow and started going out when Ragini held his hand.

"No." She muttered in her sleep as she took his hand in her grasp and continued sleeping.

Laksh closed his eyes and sighed. He dropped his pillow beside her and lied beside her, holding her in his warmth.


The morning rays, hit Ragini's eyes as her head started spinning. Her head was heavy and it was too difficult for her to keep her eyes open.

"Maaa," she cried as her head hurt.

She tried to get up, but a strong force held her in her place, her gaze shifted to a sleeping Laksh who had his hand tightly placed around her waist as he slept peacefully.

Ragini admired his sleeping figure, closed her eyes and thought about the past day's happening.

She had taken a soft drink, how could she be drunk?

She vaguely remembered her and Laksh's conversation but she knew she had made fun of herself. She regretted not being in her senses yesterday.

Laksh and her relationship was getting even more entagled. So difficult.

She couldn't blame him entirely, she knew Laksh cared enough to tell her if he wasn't seriously bounded.

But, her mind rebelled against it. How could she trust him entirely if he wasn't what he showed.

They were in that position, when the bell rang.

Ragini realised she had to open the door, anyhow.

"Laksh, get up." She called waking Laksh from his sleep.

"Hmm..?" His morning voice made shivers run down her body, but she ignored him.

"The doorbell rang." She informed shortly.

"Oh." Laksh quickly removed his hand and got off the bed, to open the door.

Ragini too followed.

"Yes?" Laksh said as he opened the door.

"Sir, aapke yaha chori nahi hui?" The watch man asked Laksh, as he noticed his sleeping figure?

"Nahi, I don't think so," Laksh said as he made a quick glance around.

"Kyu?" Laksh cross asked.

"Kyuki baaki gharo mein hui hai!" The watchman informed as he turned to another flat.

Laksh closed the door, shocked.

How did the thief left his house? If the theft took place why his house was spared?

"Laksh, the drink, it was spiked." Ragini comcluded as she heard the entire exchange.

"How are you sure?"

"Because I had cross checked from the waiter about the drink. He confirmed it was non alcoholic, I wouldn't have had a hungover from a soft drink." Ragini explained.

"But, Ragini, I took sips too." Laksh said as he realised her point.

"You took sips, I guess thats why? I had the whole glass and I assume others too. The drinks are the main culpirt. Whoever is behind the theft, spikes evrybody's drink so that it is easier for him to do his work."

"I guess. Wait, is your head paining?" Laksh changed the topic.

He knew he had to solve this case anyhow but Ragini's health was also important.

"A little,"

"Come with me," and Laksh guided them to the kitchen where he removed two lemons from the fridge and filled a glass of cold water with salt.

"This will help." He said as he sqeezed the lemon juice.

"Thank you." Ragini muttered quietly not miving her gaze from the floor.

"Here," he said as he handed the glass to her.

Ragini quietly took sips of the juice keeping her gaze focused down.



"You didn't kick me last night."


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Tomorrow i ll be updating ISHQBAAAZ


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