Blade master vs devil blade master

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Third P.O.V
After class Y/n packed up his stuff and begins to walk out of the class but not before he lets a piece of paper fall onto the ground next to Kiba desk and he gave a cold glare to the blonde sword man devil before leaving the class room. He then begins to leave the school when he runs into two old friends of his a brunette name Murayama and a pink hair female name Katase.

"Hey Y/n how was your trip? Also why didn't you call us when you were gone?" Both girls ask the young male there questions at the same time and he gave them a nice calm smile before answering both females.

"My time away was great thank you for asking and I'm sorry I didn't call but I both lost my phone and the battery died on it aswell, how about I get us three a drink and we can hangout for a bit?" the male explains and offers to both of them to which both got a smile before both wrap there arms around his arms before pulling him to there favourite coffee place.

Kiba sees the three of them leave from the school entrance before he pulls out the note from Y/n out of his pocket and unfolding it, it told the young devil to meet at a certain place and time. The blonde swordman devil put the note away before he headed to his own home to kill some time until he meets Y/n later and thinks a few things to himself along the way.

'Something is very different about Issei brother but what is it? Before he vanish he didn't have any kind of power inside him and he was very shy? So what change in the time between his disappearance and now? Did he find out on his own about the supernatural or did he find a powerful being to give him power? I shall have to wait till later to find out' the blonde devil gets to his place and begins to cook himself food.

Time skip to later, this is brought to you by the unlucky few FGO players that can't pull this waifu

It in now midnight and Kiba is at the location which was the rooftop of a tall corporate building, across from his with his back turn, Y/n was in his battle attire and he turn to the blonde devil with a cold gaze all over his face.

"Y/n where have you been? Your parents and brother have been worried?" Kiba questions the male who gets a cold rage over his face at the sound of that word that made him clenched his teeth before he whisper some words and two blades appear in his hands, one was Kanshou and the other Bakuya.

He then charge at Kiba with intense speed and the devil barley had enough time to react to this by summoning his own blades that shatter in contact from Y/n own. The devil then made new blades and return to clashing blades with the human who kept his cold gaze on the devil and both then locked blades with each other staring into each other eyes.

"I hope you made peace with your life knight of gremory for I won't leave a single trace of your vile existence" Y/n told the devil before adding magic power into the twin blades of his shattering both Kiba and his own, when that happen Y/n punch Kiba in the face sending him back a few feet.

Kiba regain his footing and looked up to see Y/n already within the air with a bow in hand and the human made three arrows appear in his hand before launching them towards the devil.

The blonde devil responded to this by making a single blade and cutting one of the arrows but the other two hit there mark which was one of Kiba knees, the other was in his shoulder and the blonde devil knight howled in pain from this.

Y/n landed back on the roof gracefully with his bow return from once it came, the human made a single blade appear in his hand and it was the blade name gram.

This made Kiba eyes widen even more in fear from the blade that was in his attacker hand and he try to get up but couldn't, the knight of gremory attempted to summon a blade but couldn't do to exhaustion from the relentless attacks.

"This is one that is a friend of the once fable red dragon emperor? It's sad really but die with some honour intact Kiba for Issei will join you very so-" y/n is cut off by dodging a blade attack from Xenovia blade Durandal and reacted by kicking her in the stomach sending her back a few feet.

"Well this it something I didn't see happening but if I can cause Issei terror then I won't mind ending his petty idea of a harem, hold this for me would you Kiba?" The blonde devil yelled in pain and he saw the blade lodge in his other knee, Y/n ignored this and made his twin blades appear once more as he march towards Xenovia but stop when he felt more demonic energy coming towards his position making him clench his teeth as he return his weapons from whence they came before leaving himself from a blue light.

"Agh thank you Xenovia" Kiba told the blue hair female knight who got up from where she was and went over to her new ally to help him with the blood leaving him and wait for help from Asia with a thought on her mind.

'If that was Y/n and he is Issei brother then why try to kill Kiba? He must be planning something but what?'

At Y/n new home, brought to you by alter jealousy

Once safely at his current living place, Y/n change his appearance to normal comfy clothes and began to make a type of symbol in the backyard in the grass with a normal knife. Once done with that he summon a small purple like dagger that he copy from the king of hero vault, a replica of ruler breaker made by the caster servant Medea.

"Oh ruler over of those that are long since dead I call on thee with this old ritual, please come and speak with thy own self!" Y/n then stab the replica dagger in the ground before summoning another blade to cut the palm of him hand and spill blood on it, the magic circle began to glow a bright light making the male shield his own eyes fur a moment before a mirror appear within the circle.

"You can uncover your eyes now" Y/n hears a female voice speak to him in a kind tone and he lowers his hands from his eyes to see a beauty of a blonde young woman in a interesting attire from old times and with a few skulls with the outfit, this is the goddess of the underworld from the ancient times of Uruk and sister to Ishtar, Ereshikgal.

"It's a pleasure to meet you goddess of the underworld I didn't think you would heed this call of mine, you honour me" Y/n greets the goddess in a humble manner and bows to her on one knee with one of his arms over his shoulder, Ereshikgal got a kind and polite smile on her face from this along with a small blush on her cheeks aswell.

"My either you are well skilled in magic from birth or had a very powerful teacher of magic, it's been a very long time since someone use this old spell to be able to talk with little old me but it's nice" The blonde goddess reply's to Y/n and the male stood up while looking at his hand to see that the self made wound has healed but still felt the pain of it a bit, he then looks at the goddess with a determine look upon his face.

"Forgive me thy lady I summon you to ask to assist me destroy a powerful enemy of mine, the creature is reborn within the booster gear of the red dragon emperor and to this I need to have a great deal of those like myself to help me with this, I was wonder would you like to help me and walk with us humans? I even offer my soul to you for when I die in exchange" Y/n spoke to the blonde goddess to which she was surprise by it and was actually curious about the thought of walking with humans.

"Hmm I have to say I'm interested in this deal but one problem is my power has to reside within you so that way I can walk among but I also want to..." the blonde began to blush a bright red as much close to the daughter of gremory and this made Y/n confuse for the mom before it clicked in his head.

"Do want me to court you? Is that what you are trying to say lady Ereshikgal?" Y/n states with a tiny smile as he approach the mirror and he gently put his hand on the glass, the dead goddess was still blushing which the young male thought was cute and she nodded her head cutely manner.

"Yes I would like that very much and plus I want to stick it in her rotten face" The blonde goddess gets a look of irritation from the mention of what sounded like another goddess, to which the male figure he not poke at the matter any further and he wouldn't want a angry underworld goddess try to kill him.

"In that case how do we go about bringing you to my realm my lady? You will forgive by I mostly study in creating blades from magic and to be able to talk to you in your realm, with also a few other small things in magic but that's it I'm afraid" Y/n states to the goddess to which she understands and she put her hand on the mirror of were the male hand is on, this cause some red and black symbols travel from her arm to his.

Once the process is over Ereshikgal simply walks through the mirror and her appearance remain the same except now she was in casual looking comfortable clothes, to which Y/n thinks she appears great in it or anything else in his mind.

"What do you think at this attempt of a normal outfit?" The blonde asked for the mortal human for his opinion to which he simply smile and a thumbs up to which she get a smile all over her face, she then grabs his hand before zapping both to a different place entirely.

In a unknown locate

"We are almost at Kouh madam is there anything you like to do before the show?" A person in a business suit spoke to a young woman in a limousine who had a bored/sad expression on her face.

"I don't th-" then a light bulb went off in her head and she got a happy smile on her face "actually there is someone I want to see it's been along time, when we get closer I want a small team of my bodyguards to find me my dar- I mean old friend" the young woman spoke to which the person in the suit began to write it done on a piece of paper but stop before asking fir the person name.

"Madam what's this person name so I know who to send the team to pick them up" the young woman got a dreamy smile on her face as she shut her eyes for a moment to a memory in her past before she reopen her eyes.

"Tell the team to find one Y/n and give him this small little riddle he will recognize it, after all we known each other since we were kids" the young woman pulls out a old picture of herself with Y/n and another person but there face is blinded out by the light coming from the sun.

'I promise I be back my darling Y/n and nothing will get between us again unless you want a harem for yourself my love then we will go from there, I can't wait to have you hold me in your arms' the female thinks to herself with her eyes shut and happy co tent smile upon her face.

(Hello my readers I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, if you got a favourite part in this chapter let me know in the comment section and if you got any ideas for future chapters feel free to leave them in the comment section or pm them to me. Have a good day/night of were ever you are in the world and see you all next chapter, here is something to enjoy for your troubles)

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