Getting a golden cup, along with a tsundere and a old friend?

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Third P.O.V

Once the light had died down both Y/n along with the blonde goddess appear in alleyway, the young mage had to shake his head a bit and lean on the queen of the dead for balance.

"Sorry about that darling but it's my first time travelling with someone outside the land of the dead so I guess being dizzy is a potential side effect, anyway welcome to Venice" Ereshikgal tells the male who leans out of the alley way with the blonde to see he is in another country and close to a familiar building he seen in either history books or once in a blue moon on a history show .

"In that building holds the means to getting help from others from the throne, the only problem is I don't know if the cup is at the top of the building or underground" the goddess of dead tells the young mage who use a skill he learn from Kiritsugu refers to as trace and he thinks he found it but is not sure.

"I can be of help with finding the holy grail" a voice spoke making both the blonde and the young male turn around to see a older male in a priest outfit with a cross going with his attire, this person gave off a calm and relax vibe to Y/n but he kept his guard up.

"Forgive me my name is father Kirei Kotomine and I know you would come final champion of humanity" the older male bow respected fully towards Y/n who got a a confuse look upon his face and is getting more concern from the male.

"You knew we were coming? And what do you mean final champion of humanity for my beloved?" Ereshikgal questions as she stands close to Y/n in a comforting/protective manner and she links her fingers with the younger male own.

"Forgive me I shall explain, long ago I had a vision or a dream at the start of my career as a man of the dead god and it involve two beast one of red armour and the other as white armour, they resume their ancient battle against each there but through others" Kirei explains in detail of what he saw and Y/n eyes widen in shock by this because it sound so similar to a nightmares that he has been having since he was young.

"The welsh dragon and vanishing dragon I remember them well after all the underworld was in a total panic because of there constant battles sending soul after soul to it, even after they die and put in sacred gears they still cause problems" Ereshikgal states and the priest nods his head as he understood, Kirei then reach into his coat and pulls out a unique looking key.

"The holy grail is within the Vatican secure area of it, I've have the means to get you entry but the grail is guarded by security measures but which ones I don't know" the priest pulls out two objects from his coat, one being a key card for a electronic lock and the other a outfit similar to the one Kirei has on.

"Why are you helping us priest? Don't you like having things under your control or is Michael losing his dominion with his flock?" Ereshikgal questions the older male who gives the objects to Y/n who takes them and the priest lets out a sigh of relief as he turns his back towards them.

"I'm doing this because my wife and daughter were murder, I prayed for their vengeance at the hand of god to destroyed Ddraig along with Albion back when I first began being a priest. Those twin dragons are a threat to those that can't defend them from monsters like them, so I turn to you both and ask to please avenge my family along with all others that died by those beast hands. There a electronic lock to put in along with the key card, the code is the day a movie involve in family was first release by a man that sold it years later to a certain mouse" the priest with a few tears that run down his face states as he leaves the couple by themselves to get in the holy building, y/n looks back to see the priest is gone.

"My heart" Ereshikgal looks at Y/n who pulls the goddess two him into a tight hug surprising her and making the blonde goddess get a blush on her face, Y/n thought this was adorable and got a smile on his face as he held the goddess of the underworld.

(A/n: Like this and who wouldn't think this adorable am I wrong?)

"What the? Y/n I've only known you for a short time but I can tell something is wrong but I'm not complaining about this warmth" The blonde goddess whispers the last part and felt the young male kiss her on the head making her blush more at the affection she was receiving.

"I promise you my adorable little goddess that I will protect you with all my power from those that would dare harm you, this I swear upon my soul" Y/n states as the goddess eyes widen as she wraps her arms around him own and she promises the same to himself within her own mind.

Kouh with at the occult research club brought to you by friendship

"Kiba how are you feeling?" Xenovia ask the blonde sword man as Asia does her best to heal the wounds he got from Y/n but they are taking a much longer time to heal then expectedly

Issei is standing next to Xenovia who has a ice pack on her head and upper back, the brown hair male had a hard to read expression upon his face at the site of what his brother did to those that matter to him.

"I'll live but Issei your brother is not the same as the day you went to face off against Riser, was he able to use magic before he went missing?" Kiba questions the red dragon emperor stays quiet as he doesn't know what to say because he never though his own brother would try something like this.

"Regardless as to why he did this, he try to kill Kiba and Xenovia this is not good. Issei if you see your brother avoid him at all cost, he might have been your brother once but clearly not the same as to when he left and is a clear threat to us" Rias states in a protective and firm tone as she sets down her tea and looks at her pawn who turns his head towards her with a determination look in his eye.

"I'm sorry miss president but I can't do that, he my family and if he attacks a person that matter to me I have to know why. Isn't it a elder brother or sister duty to know why their kin is attacking along with trying to kill another? I won't stand by and let this happen again, if you have to make me a stray then fine but no one threatens those that matter to me or my family" the brown hair pervert states with a fire in his eye that made his fellow members of the research club look at him surprise, they had never seen this determination from issei except during the battle with Raynare to save Asia, the battle from Riser to free Rias from the marriage and to help Kiba destroy Excalibur.

"Perv got a point prez, if Y/n attacks one of us then he attacks all of us. Let me follow him to where he goes after school and report back, I'll keep my distance and not let him see me" koneko states as she finishes up her chocolate bar as she sits next to gasper a vampire/devil hybrid from a chess piece as he has a scared loo on his face.

"This is against my better judgement but okay the two of you can try your methods but be in guard you never know what he is Capable of now, like you said Issei he clearly not the same" Rias states as she gets up and pulls Issei into a hug of comfort, the brown hair pervert got a smile on his face from this and a tiny bit of blood left his nose.

"My this is a interesting story between these two brothers, one has the power to kill gods while the other has a desire to protect those that can't do it themselves. I must say I'm going to enjoy how the rest of this story goes" the dark hood coat figure spoke with interest in their voice as he look through two mirrors in a unknown location and the twin mirrors showed them what was happening, the hooded figure turns their head and sees Y/n in a priest outfit make his way to deep underground.

Back in Venice brought to you by a concern virtual kouhai

'That password was clever for the church I'll say that much, now let see what could be next to this little place of self proclaim holiness' Y/n states within his own mind as he walks to a hallway and he stops, he summons a bow and arrow in both hands then proceeds to launch the sharp object down the hall only for lasers to pop out and slice the weapon into tiny pieces.

"Time alter triple acceleration!" Y/n proclaim as he burst into a quick sprint that the normal eye would miss, as the lasers began to shoot out hit there target the young male began to bend and lean around to avoid them with a few hitting his priest outfit.

"Thanks old man I owe you one, once the cup is mine I'll keep my word to summon you and the others" y/n thinks to himself as he makes it to the end and conjures a magic blade that he throws into the wall to destroy the weapon, he then makes it to the door in which he puts in both objects given to him.

The sound of locks release are heard and Y/n pushes the door open to show a big room with many shelves full of main objects, but the prize he saw at the end was his main goal to which he took off the priest outfit and switched to his combat one as a precaution.

*BANG* a giant sound was heard as two giant metal objects fell onto the ground, the young mage look up to the site of two golden giants before him one that was lean with a spear to go with it and the other very heavy on the front area with a giant war hammer or mallet.

"Of course something like this was going to happen" the male states so casually as he brings out the gun versions of his blades then aims at the two giant golden figures who proceed to break into a sprint and the young male respond but shooting at both speeding juggernauts of gold.

'The slim one is clearly design for speed and the other for raw power, I can't waste goldy gift on either of them or he will kill me when I get his rear here' Y/n thinks as he narrowly dodge the incoming spear and would have been killed by the war hammer but he made a manic shield to take the impact but it sent him back a few feet to which he had to bend backwards to avoid the golden lance once more.

"I guess this is a good test of my skill against the red and white dragons for the future but these two must be able to do something else" Y/n thinks out loud as he then creates a new weapon that was twin crimson spears, this was gifted by the lancer version of his magic teacher of runes from the past.

"With these twin spears I'll get you out of my way" the young male states as he ran head first towards the golden spear warrior, one of the red spears blocks the gold weapon and the other hit the centre of the golden armour which the golden warrior atop moving but Y/n notice that a strange orb of light left the slim body and enters the war hammer wielding warrior to which its size grew to the ceiling.

'This just got more tricky' the young mage thinks as he dodged the now much bigger war hammer, he then summons a bow and he goes to create a blade in the other but he has to stop in order to move out of the way again to not get crushed by the golden hammer.

Y/n then summons a small short blade and loads it into his bow to which the weapon becomes a arrow, the young male sends the arrow towards the giant gold warrior straight into the helmet to which it stumbles back a bit but regains its balance and sees the young archer make a break from the golden cup on the pedestal.

'I'm not going to die at this relic hand, I need to stop the red and white dragon emperors so that the humanity can be kept safe. I'll do what must be do-' Y/n train of thought is cutoff as he was grab by the giant gold warrior, the giant began to squeeze the young male who felt it even if he is strength by the blood from fafnir and the young male felt a tingle on his hand before a bright light erupts behind him to which he slightly turns his head to the glow stop along with his eyes widen at the sight of a female in dark armour and pale skin with a flag in one had with a sword attached to her hip.

"Well this is a horrid place to be summon" the female with ash like hair states in detest as she proceeds to looks at the place in disgust, her gaze turns towards the giant golden war hammer armour that is currently crushing her summoner in one hand and the female gets a smirk as she takes her flag then proceeds to throw it like it's a spear into the giant head causing to release Y/n who lands on his feet and spits some blood on the ground.

"Thank you it's a hugger, now shall we kill it?" The young mage retorts after his attempt of humour, he lets out a breath as he then transfers some magic power into the female servant who gets a craze smirk from the power and she respond by beginning to chant that made y/n eyes widen at the site of what he believes is a noble phantasm that he was told about by his teachers from within the grail.

"This is the roar of my soul that has been polish by hatred, La Grondement Du Haine!" The female proclaim as spikes appear out of the ground and began to run through the giant golden armour, then flames erupted from them after they made contact and the insane amount of heat along with the power from the attack  was enough to demolish the giant and make it become a melted giant golden ooze on the ground with the hammer weapon being the only thing left.

"So your my master? Well I could have done worst like a major perv, I'm a avenger class servant Jeanne D'arc and I'm here because of well your summons" the former saint greets with a somewhat friendly smirk/smile, Y/n surprise her by kneeling before her and have his head down.

"Avenger I vow as compensation for your help today and other future battles I'll give you the head of any holy servant but I need your help to destroy two threats that have haunted my entire life from as far as I remember from my dreams" Y/n states and this shocks the alter servant who gets a kind smile on her face from her master and the truth that he spoke, she taps him on the head making him look up as she grabs his shirt and pull him to her level.

"I think we will get along just fine master, let's get out of here before I kill everyone besides yourself and the other servant you summon" the yellow or golden eye servant states as she pushes the male over to the holy grail which floats before the male before becoming light and enter his body, the avenger servant grabs for flag from the remains of the golden giant and then begins to leave with her master to meet up with Ereshikgal outside the building who going to be surprise by all that she missed inside.

A day back in kouh brought to you by a words from the golden king of hero's

"Oi master what you do to get drag out of school? Also when you going to kill that perv red dragon he makes my skin crawl by his actions with his two other friends?' Jeanne takes to her master in his mind through a magic link because of the contract between them, right now Y/n is being escorted to a parked limo outside and one of the men dress in a black suit opens a door ushering the young male into the vehicle.

'I don't know but stay on alert the both of you' Y/n reply's as the car begins to drive off as soon as the door shut by one of the men in suits enter the vehicle, one of them offers y/n a bottle of water to drink but the young male declines.

'They aren't devils that's for certain, as far as I can tell from here they are human but whatever they want with you is beyond me' The blonde goddess states as she along with Jeanne remain close by to the vehicle, once it stop at a fancy restaurant one of the men in suits gets out of the car with a gesture to follow him which Y/n did and he was being led to the back to a private room.

"Enter" a female voice spoke after one of the suit men knock on the door, he follow the order and open the door then proceed to do a hand motion that made Y/n enter the room to see a female sit at a table and she look familiar to the young mage but he couldn't place it.

"Darling!" The female got up from her chair and ran into Y/n with a big hug, at first the young male was confuse by this action from this female around his age then a name came to mind and the male eyes widen as he spoke a word that he never though he say in a long time.


(Hello my fellow readers I'm sorry this chapter took along time but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless, let me know if you have a favourite part in this chapter and I'll see you in the next one)

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