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Part 4

Pinning a smile to her face,she whriled around,her headache gone but her stomach queasy when she found herself gazing into dark brown eyes that always seemed to uncomfortably see through her.

Swara quickly looked away b4 she could see more in those eyes.Everything in them was a danger to her,a threat to the self-control she had worked so hard for.

Voice-Having a nice time avoiding me?

A lazy smile accompanied the words,turning them into an innuendo.

Swara-I wasn't avoiding u.

She hated how he made it seem like they were playing a game of hide-&-seek ,like she wanted to run away so he could go after her.

Voice-That's too bad.I like the idea of running after of u.😉😜

Sanskar paused meaningfully,as if wanting her to fully experience the electric current that went through her body at his words.

Swara-I've gotten good at it over the years.

Sanskar Maheshwari was the guy every girl in the university dreamt of.(Mine too😍😍😍).

But to Swara,it was her worst nightmare simply because he made her feel so disloyal to Sahil.Even the emotions Sanskar evoked in her were different.Sahil filled her being with serene peace.He had made her feel safe & cherised--or at least he used to.

But Sanskar was the opposite,disturbing her like an emotional tornado.One bent on exposing Swara's secret flawled side at any cost.

Sanskar-Nothing to say to that?

Sanskar crowded her shamelessly,uncaring of the incredulous glances that went their way as he stalked her,forcing Swara to move backward.He was a few inches taller than Sahil,but unlike Swara's sweet & gentle bf Sanskar liked to use his intimidating height to his advantage.

He cornered her whenever she could,like he did now,as if wanting her to feel small & powerless next to him.Worse,she liked feeling that way,loved how he could so easily crush her but knowing he wouldn't.& he knew it.

Swara-You're too close.

She said b/w clenched teeth.With Sanskar so near,all she could think was of how large he was,how hard--

A tiny cry escaped her when she bumped accidently into something from behind.She turned her head around just to see a pyramid of empty beer cans toppling onto the table.When Swara looked back,Sanskar had imprisoned her in the circle of his arms,his hands holding the edge of the table at each side of her.

Swara-I'm serious.

& she was,even if she sounded a little too breathless than what was right.

Sanskar smirked-Did u come alone?

Every word that dropped from his lips felt like an invitation to make love.He was so intensely s*xual Swara had troble breathing normally around him.


It was so,so hard to keep her voice from shaking,& harder not to at Sanskar when he was this close.Hardest of all to ignore was the heat he exuded,enticing her to touch any part of his ruggedly toned body.He was muscled all over,& his tight black shirt & hip-hugging jeans made no secret of it.

He leaned close,his breath fanning her face as he whispered...

Sanskar-Want me to keep u company?

That look,that voice,those words.😍😘

They were the reason why Swara hated being around Sanskar Maheshwari,would rather be anywhere else but near him.He made her feel clumsy awakward,unable to decide where she should look or what was safe to touch.

Sanskar-Nothing to say?

"Look" was such a tame to describe how Sanskar's eyes devoured her.😍There didn't any instance he didn't gaze at Swara as if he possessed her,body & soul,& he was simply biding his time b4 he claimed ownership.She needed to get away from Sanskar."Fast".B4 her tumultuous emotions caused her to do something she'd forever regret.

Swara-Get out of my way,Sanskar.

Swara winced at how weak she sounded.😕

Sanskar-Not until u say please.

She bared her teeth.


Serveral heartbeats passed b4 Sanskar slowly drew back,his arms releasing her from his prison.He gave a heart stopping grin--

Sanskar-That was the 1st time I heard a girl say "please" like she wanted to kill me.

Swara scowled,just so she wouldn't accidently smile.

But he saw through her,& his laugh said as much.

When he didn't show any signs of leaving,she almost pleaded...

Swara-Aren't u supposed to be somewhere else?

Sanskar raised his eyebrow...

Sanskar-Why do u say that?

Swara-U don't go to parties without a date. (She said baldly)

Sanskar-That was b4.

His gaze challenged her to ask the obvious follow-up question to his words.

She didn't take up the gauntlet he tossed at her,but the silence that followed only made her feel more skittish.

She wanted to look around for Ragini.Her friend's vivaciousness would allow her to blend back into the background.

Sahil was like that,too.He took care of small talk whenever they were out,& she liked it that way.


She felt like she had to say something again.

Sanskar-Were u here long?

Swara-Not that long.

A slow s*xy wink followed.

Sanskar-But I would never mind waiting longer if I knew you'd be coming.😉😎

Swara-Stop saying things like that!

She scowled at him even as her body finally succumbed to the teasing seduction in Sanskar's tone,her n*pples hardening,her br**st aching for the unknown feel of his touch.

His eyes trailed down,causing her n*pples to stretch longer,poking against the cups of her b*a.

Sanskar-Oh,but I think I should.

Swara-U cant say stuff like that.It's not right.

She muttered,hating how only someone as insanely confident as Sanskar Maheshwari could say something like that without sounding cheezy.

Sanskar raised a brow.

Sanskar-What's not right about it?

Swara-Bcoz I have a bf,that's why!

Sanskar stopped smiling.

The sight of it made Swara instantly regret her words.It wasn't his fault she was stressed out tonight.

Swara started to apologize,but the words remained stuck in her throat when a fimilar figure had crossed her vision.

Swara-Is that--

She tried to sidestep Sanskar,but he moved to block her way.

Swara-Hey!Let me pass.

Sanskar-Not until u say 'sorry'.


Then she shoved him aside,taking Sanskar by surprise.


Swara remembered the last time she had seen her bf.

This morning,Sahil had visited her at her dorm,his eyes widening when he caught her stepping out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body.

She had cried out in surprise,turning away to dress bcoz it wasn't like that b/w them.But Sahil had stopped her,his hold firm & commanding,& Swara slowly faced him again.


He had told Swara,drawing her to the velvet cushioned stool in front of her dresser.& then taking the brush from her hand,he had brushed her hair even so gently,as if he had all the time in the world & wanted to spend every moment of it caring for her.😍

That Sahil was gone,her memories now overlaid by another image,the present blackening out the past.

Sahil was here,a tall dark figure standing near the doors,a bottle in his hand,his head bent as he gazed at the girl wriggling her a*s on his crotch.😮

Precap-Broken Swara...& more😔😭

How was the part??😀

How was the Sanskar's entry & his Character.😎😉

Plz do comment☺


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