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Part 5

The lascivious picture that Sahil & the unidentified girl painted huried Swara's entire world into chaos.Sahil had been her rock,the one stable presence she depended on & looked up to.But now his role in her life had disintegrated,shattering with every second Sahil did nothing to stop the girl's obscene take on booty shaking.

Swara-U knew about this?

She asked numbly,sensing Sanskar's taut form as her stood next to her.Shame & hurt scalded her cheeks as her heartbeat slowed down into a dull throb.


She believed him.In the 3 yrs she had known Sanskar,he had never lied to her,not even if it had been in his better interest to do so.

Sanskar-I just got here a while ago & I saw him first with another girl.& then I saw u.

Swara-& then u tried to help him out.😢(she ended flatly)

Hands settled on her shoulders,forcing her to look back at Sanskar,whose handsome face was cold in anger.

Girls were not only ones who were loveier in angry,Swara mused absently,Sanskar Maheshwari was proof of it😉.Rage made the angles of his face more defined,his eyes deepening in the colour of stormy clouds,& his beaitiful lips thinned into a forbidding line.

Sanskar-I don't even care if he lives or not.It's u I care about.😍 (he gritted out)

The last words snatched Swara out of reverie she had lost herself in,flinging her back into the painful reality of the present.

Swara-I don't need ur pitty.

Sanskar met her gaze unflinchingly.

SanskarPitty is the last thing I feel for u,my little doll😉😜.I'm just pissed that u had to see something like this.

Swara-I'm not ur little doll.whatever that is,so stop calling me that.😠

It was an absurd way thing to say,not to mention a lie,but right now Swara needed to cling to the absurdities.She was desperate for anything that could blind her to how her bf was practically banging another girl in public.

Sanskar didn't reply,his gaze merely following hers,as did everybody else's.Everybody in this party had to know who Sahil was,& they had to have an idea who she was.But not one of them seemed incline to put a stop to Sahil's source of private entertainment.

Sanskar-U don't need to talk to him.😡

Sanskar's body vibrated with suppressed rage.😡😡

She knew what that coiled form meant.Just one word from her,& he would make a move against Sahil.


Swara-No,I have to do this myself.

She forced herself to say the words even though all she wanted was to lean on Sanskar & let the inevitable happen.

Swara pushed her way into the throng of couples crowding the poolside,stopping only when she stood half a foot away from Sahil & the unknown girl in his arms.

Shouldn't Sahil had sensed her presence by now?They were still oblivious,& that hurt even more.Sahil used to know the moment she came into a room she was in,no matter how many other people were with them,no matter how noisy,no matter how buzy he was.

The pain of his betrayal began to sink in,& she struggled to control her chaotic emotions when the other girl enfolded Sahil in an embrace,pulling his head down for an open-mouthed kiss.

"What now" she wondered.

Should she scream & make a scene?Should she burst into tears like she wanted to & wait if Sahil would comfort or ditch her?In the end,all she could think of doing was...tap.

Her fingers played on Sahil's broad & hard shoulder like they were a piano.


She had to tap thrice.

Oh God,he was so into the other girl-Swara-his gf had to tap thrice.😮

Sahil finally tore his mouth away from girl's.

When he turned to her,there wasn't even a flicker of surprise,no sign of guilt or regret coloring his gaze.

The Sahil she knew had been the gentlest & sweetest man alive,a guy who always did what was best for her.

The Sahil in front of her was stranger.He was still the tall,dark,handsome Swara cared for,but those were the only things that she could recognize.Everything else was different.His eyes used to be so bright when looking at her,but now they were completely hard.Even his clothes were so wrong,with his grey silk polo unbuttoned almost all the way to navel & even a bite mark in the middle of his bare chest.He wasn't the typical lover,but now he could easily pass for a first-class gigolo.

Girl-What's wrong,darling?

Swara wanted to gag.Sahil had asked her to call him "darling".

Now this girl was doing the same,in front of her,& in such a shrill voice that Swara half-expected Sahil to curse right after.

Sahil hated shrill voices,& it had been one of his few explicit requests that Swara speak with him in a soft voice all the time bcoz it soothed his ears.But the seconds ticked passed,& Sahil still had spoken,didn't even seem to hear a girl freaking out next to him.

Precap-Swa___hil talks

How was the part?☺

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