Chapter Two

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He looked around the area of the town. Luka wasn't upset with the environment he was in. But, it was the place to lay low for good long while.

Two weeks ago, he lost contact with Doctor Fort. He had headed to his home but the moment he got there, hunters were there was well swarming the house and waiting to him. That when he realized he wasn't safe with them discovery his identity and chasing him.

So hiding and laying low was the best option. He hope that all is well with Foster.

He treated him as if he was his son. He taught him to write, swim, and learn to harness his capabilities.

He was truly grateful to have him.

He walked across the street and noticed
a small little cafe on the side of street, Auntie Malpes.

He stepped inside and smell the scent of pancakes. He looks around the arena  but nothing out of the ordinary.

"Well, this is surprise."

His attention was now on the lady in front of him. "We don't see any new face here."

"Oh, I just moved here yesterday and I'm starting to settle in." He answered.

"Dearie, you'll love here. My name is Edna Maple. Call me Edna if you mind."

"Thank you. Luka is my name." He replies.

"Well, Luka sit down and have a seat. I'll get someone to serve you."

And so he did. He sat across from the cafe. He pulls out his phone and still no callbacks from Fort.

Damn it old man. Where are you?


Trent finished up his latest appointment with Trisha Ivy.  She runs a local jewelry store three roads down.

"All done. No problems with your teeth but try to make an appointment early."

"Sorry about that. My little girl Allyson is really handful. Only a mother has to be concerned about her."

"What do you mean?!"

"There has been rumors of people disappearing at the dead of night. Last year, a couple were staying for honeymoon. And in one night, they vanished without a trace that us until five weeks later. The police found thier bodies rip to shreds."


"Yes. That's why someone will do late patrolling at night. I swear if I find out who did this them..."

The door suddenly was open as Hailey came inisde.

"What's it, Hailey."

"Sorry. But, you've company outside."

"I'll be right out."

He turned to Trisha. "Mrs.Ivy thank you for your time. If there's anything please let me know."

"Will do. Take care of yourself. A handsome man like would definitely find someone to sweep you off your feet."

He shook his head. Does everyone loves to gossip?

He stepped outside to see Clad and his father Weston stand in the hallway.

"Officer Weston...Clad." he replied.

"Good to see your in high spirits young man. Foster is here?"

"He's on break right now. He'll be back in five minutes."

Weston handed him a missing paper.

"Camille Began. She was an employee at Pocket's Grocery Store. Her parents are worried that she didn't return from work." Clad answers.

"I surely haven't seen her myself. I hope she's okay."

Clad saw the concerned look on Trent's face.

"We've been giving fliers through the town. If you see anything suspicious. You know where we are."

Trent nod. Weston quietly walked back out. Trent and Clad looked at each other as time stood still.

"Clad!! Get your ass over here."

He quickly obeyed and ran out the door. Hailey came behind look a little timid.

"I tell you that old man gives me the creeps. It like he wants to go on a hunting spree."

Trent turns to her.

"He isn't a bad person. Scary, yes. But not horrible."

"He's right, Hailey. I know the man for Twenty years of my life."

They look to see Foster back from break.


"You can go along and eat, Trent. I take care of things.

Trent sat outside of Auntie Malpes looking through his phone about his nextdoor neighbor. But so far, no luck.

"Not a single glimpse of this guy. Damn it."

Then, he felt a strong hand pressed against his shoulder.

"Finding someone interesting."

His eyes got a glimpse of Clad's smile. Trent didn't think he would be here already.

His face was red as a rose as he silently put away his phone.

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you really going to lie to officer, Trent."

"Of course not. If I did, you dad would show no mercy on me."

He was about to head inside before Clad grabs his arms roughly.

"Whoa..what's going on?"

"Trent, I'm being serious here. This may be a small. But, it'll be a big problem these disappearance keep happening. "

His heart clenched at the way Clad was looking at him. It was almost scary.

"Sorry about that. Man, I'm becoming like my old man."

He walked away leaving Trent. A little worried for him. He knew he didn't get along two with his father ever since his mother passed away.

"I just hoped that you don't get to crazy over something like this."

In the distance, Luka saw a closer look at the man sitting next to him. He didn't  knew him at all. Yet, he was drawn to his attraction.

However, he growled at the man that was with him and touching his shoulder.  Luckily, he calmed himself before it could get out of hand.

Jealousy wasn't in his vocabulary. But this was different.

"Hey there, cutie."

He spun around and saw young lady in black tank top and jeans right to her thighs.

"Yes. I'm talking to you. I haven't seen you around in these parts. Are you new here?"

"Yes. And you are?"

"I'm Penelope. Fashionista extraordinaire. Please to meet you."

Luka looked a little concerned. Not because she was there. But, it was because of smile.

He could tell that if a person was being sincere or just lying to his face. He has been playboy for a good while and one of things he learn is a person attitude.

"Luka. Nice to meet you, Penelope."

"Don't be afraid of me. I know the look when people always give me like I'm some mad woman. But believe me, you enjoy our town. Come on, let me show you some places."

She walked away. Luka didn't feel like touring right now. Once he turn around again, the man left. He hoped that he see him again. Because the vampire in him craved for him.

"Hey, are you coming?" Penelope yelled.

And with that, he continued his touring around the town.

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