Star Wars Rebels Wolves AU~ Part Two

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    Aaaaaaand here's the next part:

      Ezra woke to long white fur filling his vision. He shifted sleepily, burning his nose into it and shivering uncontrollably. A hot tongue rasped across his fur, and gradually, Ezra's warmth returned. He blinked up at his rescuer, feeling as if his unwanted water expedition had left his brain frazzled. She was a white she-wolf. Her lean muscular body was covered in beautiful, thick white fur. Eyes like pools of green watched him, concerned. "Are you okay, little one?" Ezra flinched at the name. His father had been the only one to call him that, and he wasn't sure what he thought of this new wolf. He'd better not offend her though, just in case she was mean. Ezra ducked his head, pressing his tail to his stomach submissively. "I-I'm okay." Ezra was not okay. He needed to find his parents. They would be looking for him. She nosed him gently. "No need to be scared, I won't hurt you." Ezra glanced up at her. She looked old enough to be a mother. Ezra wondered if she had pups. If she lived nearby, maybe they could play sometime. "O-okay." She smiled in response. "Are you hungry?" Ezra realized, yes, he was hungry. But this wolf didn't have milk scent on her, and Ezra wasn't even old enough for his First Hunting Ceremony. His stomach rumbled. The she-wolf stood, then helped him gently stand. "Your not old enough for your First Hunt yet, are you?" She smiled wirily. "Don't worry, I have a friend who's expecting. We can go there." She started to lead the way out of the narrow canyon, then stopped. "What's your name, Little One?" Ezra twitched his ears. His parents had always told him not to talk to strangers, but surely this wolf could be an exception. "I'm Ezra." He took a few clumsy steps after her. She smiled down at him. "Come on, Ezra. This way." She nuzzled him in the right direction. Obediently, he let her steer him over and around rocks. The tall wall of stone spiraled overhead, and Ezra tipped his snout up to follow it. "Do you want me to carry you?" The she-wolf asked, following his gaze. Ezra nodded miserably licking his sore pads. "If your hurting, please tell me." The she wolf was watching him with concern. "We could have slowed down, if you wanted." Ezra looked up and met her eyes hesitantly. She smiled comfortingly at him. "Ready?" Ezra nodded, and she scooped him up gently by his scruff. Ezra jiggled from her mouth as she scaled the sheer walls, sometime jumping from ledge to ledge and leaving his stomach behind. By the time they crawled over the edge of the canyon and onto level ground, Ezra's scruff ached and his feet were numb. The she wolf set him down gently. "Are you okay?" "My paws hurt." Ezra whimpered in response, wishing he could be more helpful. She gently sniffed his paws. "They look sore. The scuffing will heal fast after you rest, though." She gently licked him. "A little longer and we're there Ezra." Suddenly the bushes rustled. Ezra sniffed the air, identifying three unfamiliar wolves making their way towards them. She sniffed the air too, and he watched her, looking for a clue on what to do. She stopped, freezing in place, eyes wide. White fur raised in alarm, and her hackles stood bolt upright along her back and her ears pinned. The she-wolf  stepped in front of Ezra protectively, letting out a rippling snarl. The wolves emerged from the underbrush, two were white with black markings, the third, black and tan. The two black and white wolves stopped a little ways away, blocking their exit. The tan and black wolf paced forward. He and the white she-wolf faced off, eyeing each other coldly. "Give me the pup, and you can go free." He said finally, eyes flickering from her to Ezra and back. Ezra felt his heart tremble. Why did these strange wolves want him? Did it have to do with his parents?! Had he done something wrong? Would she hand him over? "Not on your life!" She snarled in reply, to Ezra's relief. The black and tan wolf stepped back with a gesture of his tail. "Very well." The other two wolves started forward. The she wolf was tense, ears flattened and long white fangs visible. Ezra wonder if she would fight them. The, as quick as a cobra striking, she lunged toward one, slashing him twice along his throat and flank and throwing him over the edge of the canyon. The second black and white wolf backed up, obviously hesitant to attack after what he had witnessed her doing to his partner. The she-wolf returned to her place in front of him, watching the second wolf with pinned ears and sharp green eyes as cold as ice. "Go get reinforcements to transport the prisoners. I'll handle this myself." The tan and black wolf commanded the remaining black and white one, who instantly bowed his head and sprinted off into the bushes. He regarded her thoughtfully, with an expression Ezra couldn't name. "Last chance. Give up the pup or be destroyed." The she wolf curled her lip. "If you want him you'll have to take him from me." The multi-colored wolf snarled at her, leaping towards them in a jump that would have knocked them backwards off the cliff. Instead, the she-wolf leaped too, and they collided in midair, jaws snapping and teeth clicking as they fumbled for each other's throats. The white she-wolf snapped her jaws around his front leg, and with a howl, he spun around so fast she hurtled off and skidded across the ground. She was on her paws in an instant, but he barreled into her, knocking her flat and pinning her to the ground. The white wolf arched her back, almost throwing him off before he forced her down again and closed his jaws around her throat. Ezra couldn't breath. This wolf, who saved him, was about to be killed before his very eyes! A low snarl from the bushes interrupted his thoughts, and the black and tan wolf raised his head. A tan wolf pushed his way out of the underbrush, snarling, turquoise eyes like chips of ice; his fur looking as if it were were on fire. "Let. Her. Go." to Ezra's surprise, the black and tan wolf immediately obeyed. "This isn't over." He snarled, glaring at them before turning and disappearing into the vegetation. Ezra blinked after him, confused why he had left so fast and relieved that he was gone. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" The tan wolf trotted over as the white she-wolf scrambled to her feet. He gently licked her, and she buried her face in his fur for a moment before stepping away. "I'm fine. Ezra-" She turned, saw him, and smiled, relieved. She gently nuzzled him, and he found himself comforted by her presence. The tan wolf made a face that looked like a mixture between excited and confused. "Hera, what-is this-did we..?" "No." The she-wolf, Hera, said, a bit too fast. "I found him in the river, half drowned. I think the Bridgers are his parents. Ezra distantly noticed the tan wolf's disappointed expression. He was a Bridger. His parents were Bridgers. Ezra wondered if these wolves were related to him. "You know my parents! Can you take me to them?! They said they would come find me!" The two wolves exchanged a look. Ezra felt his spark of excitement flutter, then go out. "What's wrong? Where are they." "Kanan, could you find us a rabbit or two?" Hera said carefully. Kanan nodded, pressing his nose gentle to her cheek before padding off. Hera gently licked him. "Walk with me, Ezra?" She started towards the woods and he followed, confused. "Are they- will I see them again?" Hera didn't answer until they came into a clearing open to the sky. A glistening stream ran through it, warbling cheerfully. She sat in the sand, and he beside her. "No Ezra, you won't." Ezra felt his heart break. "B-but they promised." He whimpered. "They promised to be there for my First Hunting Ceremony. They s-said they would always be there a-and that-" Ezra couldn't go on, trailing off in pitiful whimpers. "Oh, Ezra." Hera gently drew him close with one paw, and he buried his face in her fur shaking. Her tongue rasped gently over his fur soothingly. "They told us this might happen." She said to Ezra gently. "We promised to take care of you. And we will." Ezra didn't know what to think about that. He decided not to. Kanan returned, silently. Ezra watched him look at them, cuddled close together and he still shivering. Kanan smiled sadly at Ezra, dropping the two rabbit carcasses and sitting so that Ezra was pressed in between them. The two wolves shared a loving look before Hera glanced down at him, licking his forehead. Ezra snuggled against them, heart breaking a bit more. He'd never get to see his parents again, ever. But if his had parents trusted these wolves, he would too. And he did trust them. And a little flicker of fire reignited in his heart.

    So, what do you think? Bad? Good? The next oneshot will have my OCs in them (particularly Caleb, having a little talk with Kanan about his mysterious, never mentioned mother.) I already have an idea for that, so I will hopefully have it up this week! THANK YA'LL SO MUCH for all the encouraging comments! It means a lot to me to see your enthusiasm! :D

Goodnight, and God Bless.


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