SWR Wolves AU~ Part One

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    Wow, it's been waaaaaaay to long since I updated. School is almost out, so expect updates more frequently. :) So, as the title says, this is my SWR wolves AU. Ezra is a lot younger in this, and Kanera (lol)  haven't found Sabine and Zeb yet. Chopper is not in this one. Also, it's kinda angusty, I really wasn't expecting that. Expect Kanera in part two! :D Now, the story (before I  reveal more spoilers :) : 

    Ezra didn't understand. Everything had been fine, just fine. Until he had heard the howls, he had been safe and warm, warm, warm snuggled into his mother fur. His mother shifted, and he felt her lean body tense. She moved again, slightly, muscles hard and firm beneath her slick, short-furred pelt. "Ephraim? What's wrong?" Ezra could smell fear scent, and he raised his head sleepily, opening his eyes just a crack. His father stood in the entrance of their cave, the silver moon outside that had just peaked over the mountain tops blazed behind him, turning his bluish fur to fiery black. His hackles stood straight up, and his lips curled into a furious snarl. Ezra whimpered slightly. He had never seen his father so angry. Was it his fault? Had he done something wrong? "They're here." Ezra felt his mother's wave of fear and shivered, letting out another whimper of fear. He didn't understand. Who was here? Why was everyone panicking? They had, in the past, had guests. So why was it such a big deal now? "Don't worry Little One." His father spoke in a throaty growl as he stepped inside to muzzle Ezra gently to his feet, and away from warmth, and mother. "I'll take care of it." Ezra reluctantly stood, feeling incredibly clumsy with such big paws and such a small body. His mother hauled herself up, and more fear-scent filled the air. "Ephraim, no!" "We knew this would happen." He growled at her gently, nuzzling her. "The Howl Code, the transmissions." Howl code? Transmissions? What where they talking about?! "I-I." His mother seemed at a loss of words. Ezra wanted to go comfort her, but took a wobbly step and tripped instead. "Take Ezra to the Rebels. I'll come find you after-if I-." His father trailed off as Ezra's mother let out a sad whimper. "I love you." He licked her, then Ezra. "I love you too, Daddy." Ezra lifted his muzzle to touch noses with his father. Was this a game? If so, why did everyone look so grim? Ezra had an uncanny feeling he couldn't describe, like he'd better tell his father how he'd been such a good dad and mate to his mother. Like....this might be the last time he saw him. "Com'on Ezra." His mothers voice cracked as she nuzzled him up and to the back of the cave. Ezra obliged, though he twisted on his paws to get one last look of his father, almost tripping in the process. "But Daddy-!" "He'll be fine." She said firmly. Miserably, he followed her, trying not to trip (and failing, at that) as they made their way into utter darkness. "I'm scared." He whispered to his mother. Ezra could smell her ahead of him, and he quickened his pace, paws slipping on wet stone. He fell in a puddle, sharp rocks cutting into his fur and stomach. Ezra yelped, the sound echoing down the long tunnel. "Mommy!" There was no response. Her scent was gone. Ezra's fur tingled with alarm. "Mommy!!" He struggled to his feet, then slipped again, falling and cutting his belly and soft paw pads. He yelped again, hauling himself to his paws. The ground crumbled beneath him as he started forward, tipping him forward into darkness. He heard water crashing below. Panic seized his heart. Letting out howls as loud as he could, Ezra tried to scramble backwards, dirt crumbling beneath his paws and he tipped forward into the darkness. Howls echoed from outside into the cave, along with a loud yelp and crunch. Ezra tumbled through the darkness as paws echoed closer, raspy breathing filling the cave he had called home. With a yelp he couldn't contain, he smacked into a wall as hard and cold as ice. It clung to his thin puppy-fur, soaking it thoroughly and dragging him to the bottom. A current raced through the water, picking him up and sending him tumbling deeper and faster through the icy black water. Ezra couldn't breath, couldn't think. The rough waters sent him spinning into bone-breakingly hard rocks and off again, cutting his fur and leaving painful gashes. Suddenly, rays of light split the water into dappled waves, and the water burped him up in a cascade of bubbles. Ezra gasped, coughing up water. He spotted the shore, and fanatically paddled in that direction. His paw barely missed the shoreline, and the current snatched him up again, the frothy waters seemingly hissing with pleasure. A sound like thunder filled his ears, and the current quickened it's pace, hurtling Ezra through the waters....and over the edge of the waterfall. Ezra howled in surprise, the sound echoing off of the quietly rippling water below, edged with fang-like rocks in the canyon spread out beneath him. Ezra tumbled through the air, paws flailing, and hit the water hard enough to turn his vision black as he sank to the bottom of the lake. Overhead, the waters rippled quietly, unconcerned. 

    So, what do you think? :D Excited for part two? I might post it later today, or perhaps tomorrow. :3 Stay tuned!


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