The Letter

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Dear Rebels,

    I wanted to thank you for liberating Ryloth. The Light Carrier landed near the outskirts of Tann Province where I live. Mr. Syndulla and my father have sent a salvage team out to collect what they scraps they can to help the other Twi'leks. I'm so excited, everyone is decorating for Life Day (Christmas). There are red and green lanterns lit in every windowsill in every hut, and people are even decorating the outside with garland. I wish my mother could see it. She's ill, and desperately needs grattis-root extract. While you took care of the ship above my world, there is a small transport carrying important supplies and information chips probably hidden in a box under the pilot seat, that's where Daddy found it last time. I know you would need the chips, but by any chance could you leave the grattis-root extract in front of my house? My house is the only two story one in our village, and the outside is decorated with garland and we have only red lanterns in our windows, except for the green one hanging by my door. We live about four clicks to the southwest of Tann Province.Could you do this for me? Please, for Life Day?

Merry Life Day.



    With a sigh, I dropped the quill and stood up, folding the paper and sealing it with a red wax in the shape of the Rylothian crest. Walking out of my room, I trotted down the stairs to greet Dad as he walked through the door, raising my right lek in greeting. "Hi Daddy!" "Hey, sunshine." Scooping me up, he twirled me around in a quick circle and put me down. Despite his enthusiastic greeting, he looked sad and tense, long tan lukku stiff. Concerned I blinked up at him, feeling my own lukku tighten as a sense of dread made my stomach churn. "What's wrong, Daddy?" Forcing a smile, he patted my head before stepping around me to greet my older brother Kam. "Gundarks again?" His right lukku lifted in greeting. Dad sighed and nodded. "How's Reha?" Lukku perking up at the mention of mom, I followed them. "Worse I think. If we don't get the extract soon...." Thier voices faded as they went to the underground level. My lukku dropped. Worse meant she might not live, might not celebrate Life Dat, or see Kam's wedding in a couple of weeks. Worse meant no more star gazing or shoping trips or stories with mom. Sniffling, I made my way to the window, searching the grey skies for the famous Rebel's vessel. Please help. Mama's going to die. You wouldn't let anyone die would you? Please? I sniffled again, tears slipping down my cheeks. For Life Day? 


    I turned restlessly in bed. I couldn't sleep. Outside, the Life Day lanterns glowed cheerfully, but I didn't see it. All I saw was Mama laying in bed. I had given the letter to my parents to give to the Elders of the village, and they would mail it to someone who could give it to the Rebels. But will it get there on time? Will the Rebels listen, would they care about saving one person's life? Suddenly, outside, there were shrieks and crashes; and soon after the alarm bells of the village rang into the night. Startled, I sat up. That meant here was an Imperial raid, they had happened in other villages, but not in mine. There were footsteps downstairs, that meant Daddy and Kam were going out to respond to the call. Rushing down the steps, I caught Kam's shirt as he was making his way out. He turned quickly towards me, blocking my sight of what was going on. "Stay here Sunshine. Father and I will be back soon." Numb with shock, all I could do was nod. As soon as the door shut, I crouched on the floor in front of it, hugging me knees to my chest. Sniffling, I tried not to cry. Why was this happening, now of all times? Why would this happen so near to Life Day?


    "TXR-4, get these crates loaded." TXR-4 gave a hasty salute to stormtrooper in command, RS-27, clad with pristine white armor and a heavy black shoulder pad, "Sir, yes, Sir!" While RS-27 continued shouting orders, TXR-4 flicked on the hover switch, pushing the crates over to the troop transport filled with numerous artifacts and crops the Empire could use. Well, you snooze you loose. TXR-4 thought with a shrug, placing them to the side where someone couldn't trip over them. The flipped on the hover function on both, muttering angrily as the second box's lid fell of revealing...mail? Suddenly, there were shouts outside, two in particular catching his attention. "IT'S THE REBELS!" And, "BLAST 'EM!" TXR-4 stood up abruptly, ready to help, before his fellow stormtrooper RSV-3 barged in, knocking him flat in the process of rushing to get to the controls. There was a tremendous surge beneath him as the small transport jerked suddenly in the air, almost sending TXR-4 tumbling out of the open hatch. There were gunshots below, and the transport jerked as one it took a direct hit. "WERE GOING DOWN!" RSV-3 Yelled. I can see that, thanks. The transport tumbled out of the sky, hitting the ground hard enough to send TXR-4 tumbling down the ramp. The Twi'lek rebels were there to greet him, holding TXR-4 at gunpoint.  Stang. He had no choice, so TXR-4 surrendered. Happy Life Day! He though cheerlessly. I get to take a nice long  holiday break in a Tail-Head prisoner cell. 


    Going through the mail was a difficult and personal task. It was difficult because Ryloth's citizens were widespread, some even migrating where the favor of the seasons fell. Because of this, mail would appear from nowhere and would have no return address. Though not elected officially, circumstance had placed Cham Syndulla at the head of Ryloth, which meant his people were always came first, serving and protecting them and Ryloth both literally and politically. Ryloth had no official messaging system, not yet that is; most of its citezens thrives in the ariculteral department. Without a ways to communicate, they were shut off from the rest of the galaxy, vulnerable to attack or the newest wanted bounty hunter. So Cham worked extra hard when it came to sorting the mail, he knew what it felt like to have family worlds away. Absentmindedly, Cham picked up another letter. It was from the small village of Kalicori, from the Rísula family. The little girl, by the looks of it. It was addressed to The Rebels. Cham frowned. That could mean anyone, any cell. Unless it was The Rebels. Cham didn't like opening letters and reading them, but if that was the only way he could figure out the desired receiver.... With a short sigh, he opened it, a slow smile spreading across his face. Oh, yes. He'd send a salvage team for the data chips, but first; to deliver the letter to The Rebels. Don't worry, little one. You will get your Life Day gift.


    It was so dark outside....why was she awake at this hour again? Oh, it's Life Day!  She felt a surge of excitement dispite myself. Did the Rebels get my message? Will they save Mama?  Part of her didn't want to go see, in case they didn't. Tears filled her eyes thinking about it. She wouldn't be able to sleep, though. And they exchanged gifts no earlier than sunrise. Biting her lip, she made up her mind, lighting a lantern and tip-toeing down the steps. Holding her Brett as the floor creaked beneath her bare feet, she unbolted the door pushing it open to stand outside. The first thing she noticed was how strikingly  cold  it was, the second, how enchanting and beautiful the village looked, glowing and decorated for Life Day. The cold was unusual for Ryloth. The sky was grey, and white flurries tumbled out of the sky. Is that snow?!  Forgetting her misgivings, she darted towards it eagerly. She had never seen snow, but had heard it in the Life Day Christmas Tales the elders had told the village. The first time she heard about it, that was all she had wanted for Life Day. A White Life Day, they called it. She tripped over something as the tumbled forward in her haste to get to the snow. She was too light to knock it over, but it send her sprawling to the ground. Thankfully, her lateen hadn't gone out. Curious, hardly daring to breathe, she held it over the box. It wasn't wrapped, but it was  painted, with bright bursts of red and green she saw the rebel symbol on it, as well as the Ryloth Crest. Heart galloping, she looked the note on the top, the first part written in a curious language she couldn't read. The second part though, she could  read.

Dear ?,

    Thank you for your letter, without it, we would not have known where to find the data chips. Every thing we do to help the galaxy is a big step towards freedom, one that we could not have taken without your intel. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I've seen the affects of having no Grattis-root extract, I know what if feels like to be helpless while we watch the people we love suffer and risk thier lives. But we are fighting for freedom, something bigger than any one person in the galaxy, and I've learned sometimes you can't always protect your family and the people you care about. Watching someone die and knowing you can do nothing is a terrible thing, one I have expirianced multiple times. So here, take this gift from my crew and I, use it heal your mother and the people and friends you know and love.

Merry Life Day,

Hera S.

    They did get my letter! Almost beside herself in excitement, she tipped off the top. There, lying in the bottom, were four bottles of Grattis-Root Extract, each containing a gallon of liquid at the least. There was also a framed picture, a small collection of a couple fruits (a couple meiluron, and some she didn't regognise), and a plush Loth-cat. Reaching in, she took it out and gave it a joyous cuddle. Today was officially the best Life Day ever!

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