Vidian's (Crazy, Horrific, Not At All Relaxing) Holiday

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    Peacefully shut down for the silent night, Vidian slumbered in his dimly lit quarters in the Ultimatum ll. The only function that was currently on was his internal com link, and ability to receive holographic messages via photoreceptors. He had gone through his day earlier, deleting unwanted data, mostly holovids of stormtroopers dancing to Christmas music. He had had a busy day, despite the upcoming holiday; and even his slogan could take a rest for Christmas. Rest was good. Rest was peaceful. Rest was rejuvenating. Rest was- "Count Vidian! Count Vidian!" Jolting to alertness, Vidian powered himself up, shutting down the blaring carols in the backround and brightening the multicolored bulbs that excessively decorated his room and made it hard to work. "There is no need to yell, Captain." Captain Sloane's voice was unmistakable, though filled with uncharismatic and unseasonal urgency. "You have a meeting with a very  important producer we will be working with! Something about tripling Thorilide quotas by 80% for the holidays. The Emperor himself has requested it for the new line of Wampa Class Star Destroyers." Letting out a cybernetic sigh of frustration, Vidian replied, "I'll take the call now." There was a moment of silence, then: "Oh, I thought he told you he's-.....One second, Count." His internal com quieted, then with a crackle of static, it faded to background music, 'Happy Hothidays' by the sound of it. Running a diagnostic Vidian discovered what he'd predicted: his internal com was jammed. Growling in frustration; ever recourse-full Count Vidian pulled a comlink out of his belt. Flipping it on, all he heard was static and more holiday tunes. "Sir, could I be of any service?" The spindly silver plated droid, CP540, fully recovered from its incident where some repulsive Gorsian had shoved it up the maintenance tube, trundled over from the corner. The silver droid decorated with lights and holly took the com from his hand, fingering a button. Instantly, the static died out, somehow the droid seemed to know more about Vidian's tools then he did. "Sloane it is so wonderful to see you again. Official captain now, hm?" Of course it was Baron; and it was just like him to contact Vidian last minute for a face to face meeting, probably especially arranged to be on his day off. If this was the Empire's "very important producer" then who was the associate?! Had he forgot to mention something else? Even worse, how had Sloane known? Snarling, Vidian snatched the com away from CP540, leaving the thin droid looking pathetically adorned with Christmas cheer. "Baron Danthe, always one for holiday pleasantries." There was immediate silence then a nervous sounding, "My Lord I-" The com had gone out. Crushing it in his fist, Vidian snarled furiously, wringing CP540 neck before tossing him out his personal airlock. Dressing himself in a a checkered red and green knee length kilt and matching red and green embroidered top, Vidian stomped over to his controls. While the pilots flew the Ultimatum ll, Vidian had hi-jacked the controls to where he had the power to override the central systems. Count Vidian's was testing something new (forget the old way!), a second central computer with not only the power to override, but the power to upload his memories and past imagines, view through the security cams, send and revive messages on a secure frequency, and comprehend and obey human commands and speech. "Open airlock in docking bay 66." He commanded the computer. "Switching to auxiliary power." Immediately, the lights dimmed, several of Vidian's useful electronic gadgets shutting down, though somehow the lights stayed on, flickering cheerfully. "Authorize shutdown?" "No! Reboot the power and copy all unsaved documents!" "Powering up the Reboot Christmas Lights. Unsaving all copied documents." "This request requires authorization. Please speak password." Vidian's eye twitched. With a cyborg roar, he smashed his fist into the keyboard, sparks flying, colorful lightbulbs breaking, and holly flung across the room. Growling, and dragging a trail of lights behind him, Vidian strode down one of the Ultimatum ll's endless hallways; pulling a small holo-projector out of his belt and activating it furiously. Flicking through the holovids, he didn't find the camera's that were stationed near where Sloane and the Baron were; which meant they were also jammed. Snarling, Count Vidian shoved it back in his belt, seething and doing his best to untangle the sticky mass of holiday light cords clinging to him like Velcro. Oh yes, Baron would pay. Suddenly, the floor gave out beneath him, and Vidian was sudden sucked into the black vortex of space, the trap door shutting innocently behind him.

****(an hour and a half of seething agony and unnecessary violence later)****

Photoreceptors blinking on from his 'requested' upgrade, Vidian struggled to untangle himself from the inefficient blankets, throwing it over the red and green plated droids head and pushing past the others to get out the door. Stomping down the hall, Vidian found Sloane and Baron chatting happily by the door listening to carols, Baron clearly in no hurry to excuse himself. Letting out a loud snarl, Vidian stalked over. Glaring down at Baron Danthe, Vidian contemplated tightening some Christmas lights around his neck. "I don't suppose my captain had been able to assist you?" I can show you the airlock. Shooting a charming grin at Sloane that made Vidian bristle, Baron replied: "Oh she's been very helpful." Speaking over the Count's growl at Danthe, Sloane replied for him. "It's always a pleasure Baron." Snarling, Vidian pushed him through the airlock into his ship, sealing the door. Shooting Sloane a look, Vidian stalked down the long, lavishly decorated hallway towards his room. He had had enough of these people, it was time to enjoy the holiday.

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