three » banana milk + handwriting

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"Hello, Jungkook! How was your day?" Yuna asked as she entered the store, just to find a sulking Jungkook sitting in the workers' room as if having a quarter-life crisis. Yuna scrunches her brows as she walks over to him and sits next to him. She observes him as he takes a cup and fills water from the water filter kept on the table next to him, and sighs again. What is wrong with him?

"Not nice," he says and sighs again, slowly sipping the water, and then scrunching his face in distaste, "This doesn't taste good."

"Why? What happened?" she asked, wearing the employee's vest, tying her hair up. She passes on Jungkook's vest to him, which he takes from her.

"Mr. Smith found out that one box full of banana milk cartons is missing," he said, a pout on his face, "I've got to stay for a double shift, Noona," he whined.

"You mean that banana milk box?" Yuna asked, horrified. Mr.Song, aka their boss, wouldn't know about it, right?

"Yes, that one," Jungkook sighed, putting on his uniform as well, "It wasn't extra, it was for his daughter's birthday party."

"No way," Yuna groaned.

A week ago, Yuna and Jungkook, fellow employees of the store, as well as banana milk enthusiasts, found an extra box of 20 banana milk cartons. They thought it was extra so both of them divided the cartons amongst themselves. A lucky day, as per Yuna. Well, guess not. "Is that why I was called for a double shift as well?"

"I suppose," Jungkook sighed. "Well, let's get going."

"What duty do we have today, partner?" Yuna sighed, regretting drinking the banana milk.

"We have to stock supplies on the racks, and the boss has counted everything himself and he has given a strict warning." Jungkook sighed for the nth time. "That, and mopping the floor."

"Cheer up, kiddo. I need your help with something too. I'll treat you with some cup ramen." She winked, "Let's get to work first."


"So that's it for today, I hope you understood." The male with spectacles said, closing his books and keeping them in his bag.

"I did. Thank you Namjoon," Ara smiled at the latter. He was nice.

"Namjoon Oppa," Namjoon corrected her, "Honorifics are very important here. It sounds disrespectful if you don't use them."

"But we're talking in English, so no honorifics," she smirked.

"Then I guess we need to speak in Korean," Namjoon said in Korean.

"I didn't get that accent, but I know what you mean," Ara groaned, "I'll try my best to start speaking in Korean."

"Take it slow in the beginning," he advised, switching back to English, "You'll learn."

"Thank you again, Opparrr," Ara mocked him, laughing.

"None of that. Remember." He told her in a stern voice but ended up chuckling. "I have to go now, bye!"

"Bye! See you the day after tomorrow!"


"No way, Noona!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"So, should I write back?" Yuna asked, keeping the notes securely in her coat pocket.

"YES! Is that even a question? " Jungkook said, slurping on his noodles.

"So... how about I write it back and you tell me if it's good or not?"

"I think that's a good idea." Jungkook nodded.

Yuna scribbled something on a rough paper and showed it to Jungkook. "How about this?"

"This is a good starter, I feel. Try to use some paper which is not crumpled," he said.

"Yeah. Right." Yuna nodded, "I'll go home and write this on a clean nice paper."

"Try to make your handwriting pretty. It's a really big turn-on."

"What...?" Yuna looked at Jungkook suspiciously.

Jungkook's doe eyes largened, and he looked as if he said something wrong. "Ah... That. Yes. Nice handwriting makes a good impression."

"I very well know what a turn-on is," she slapped his shoulder, "How do you know these things?"

"How do you think I know, Noona?" he gave her a mischievous smile, leaning in.

"Yah! Keep your sexual fantasies away from me," she said, "I'm older than you."

"I don't mind older woman, too, Noona," Jungkook said as he licked his lips, which had become reddish tint after eating the spicy ramen. Yuna's face was priceless. "Noona! You should look at your face," Jungkook burst into laughter.

"You idiot!" She slapped his shoulder again, and Jungkook in response showed her his bunny teeth.

"Oh hey, Yuna-ssi!" A foreign voice said, startling the bickering pair.

Yuna turned to see Namjoon parking his baby blue bike in front of the store. "Hello, Namjoon-ssi. How did the first day go?"

"It was good. Ara is eager to learn even though she shows she isn't." Namjoon smiled.

"I am glad." Yuna also smiled in return. "Well, we need to get going. I'll see you around, I suppose?"

"Yes." And Namjoon entered the store.

"Who's that?" Jungkook asked.

"Ara's new tutor."

"Oh! You should've asked me," he said.

"And what, see both of you flirt rather than study? No, thanks." Yuna said. "Come on, help me with these bags."

"And why should I?"

"So you'll get to see your little crush Ara," Yuna smirked, "Put those muscles for some use. She loves strong boys."

"I'm coming," Jungkook jumped excitedly, lifting four of the five bags full of groceries.

"Oh, by the way, Noona," he gave her a smirk, "Ara does have nice handwriting," he ran off.

"Hey you brat, come back here!"

author's note:

honestly, is it my story without jungkook? lol happy reading x

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