two » tutor

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"How was your day today, darling?" the white-haired woman asked her granddaughter who had just entered the house. 

"It was just the usual," she sighed in tiredness, placing her bag on the sofa, "I'm hungry. Do we have something to eat?" she shrugged out of her coat, keeping it on the stand. 

"I think we have some fried rice left if you want. But you need to go get some groceries for us," the woman reminded. 

"Yeah, I remember. I'll bring them in today," Yuna said, walking into the kitchen and turning on the stove to heat the food, "Is Ara home?"

"Yes, she's in her room, studying."

"She is studying hard, huh?"

"Yes.  Her new Korean tutor will be coming in some time," grandma said, "I hope he's better than the last one."

"Yes, the previous one was a disaster," Yuna remarked. She walked over to the couch to pick up her bag, and kissed her grandmother's cheek, "I'll be in if you need me. I have to go for my double shift at the store at 5," she said.

Yuna was walking back to her room, but her grandma stopped her, "Oh! Something fell off your bag." She bent down to pick it up, "A love letter? I never knew you were into old-school stuff." She eyed Yuna mischievously.

"Grandma!" she snatched the note from the elder, "It's nothing!"

"Who's this mysterious person, Yuna? Why don't you call them over for dinner someday?"

"Grandma!" Yuna exclaimed, not believing what she was hearing, "It's no one, okay?"

"Oh, you know I don't mind these things. Go on, tell me!"

"You know what, I'm out of here."

"I hope you'll tell me one day!" grandma teased the girl who was hurrying into her room. 

"In your dreams, grandma!" She shouted back.


The doorbell rang, echoing through the house. "I'll get it," Yuna said as she walked to the door. Slightly opening it, she saw a tall guy with spectacles, a backpack slung on his shoulder, and a helmet in one hand, looking at her. "Yes?" She politely asked.

"Oh hi. I'm Kim Namjoon, I'm here to tutor  Korean to Kim Ara," he said, "I hope I've not got the wrong address."

"Oh no, come in," Yuna opened the door wide for him to enter, "it's Ara Kim, by the way."

"Oh... okay, I'll keep in mind," he nodded. "And you are...?" He tried not to sound rude.

"Yuna Kim. Nice to meet you, Namjoon-ssi," Yuna introduced herself, extending her hand.

Namjoon took her long palm in his large one, and shook it, "Nice to meet you too, Yuna-ssi."

"I'll lead you to Ara's room. Follow me," she said, motioning him to follow her, "that is our grandmother," she pointed at her grandmother who was seated on the couch, watching some drama on the TV.

"Nice to meet you, Grandmother," Namjoon bowed towards Grandma.

"Same with me, dimple boy," she said, smiling.

"It's Kim Namjoon, grandma," Yuna commented.

"You don't mind me calling you dimple boy, do you?"

"Not at all, grandma," Namjoon shook his head as he flashed his dimples to the old lady.

Entering Ara's room, Namjoon kept his things near the table. "Hi, I'm Namjoon."

"Hello," she replied with a weird pronunciation. "I'm Ara."

"That's what you need to work on," Yuna said, "We moved here a year ago. You have to help her with her pronunciation and teach her how to read and write Korean. She knows the basics though."

"Yes, I think I can do that," Namjoon nodded in understanding.

"I suppose you know English well?" 

"Yes. I do."

"Good, you'll need it. Ara, I'll get going now, call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Yes Yuna, don't worry."

"You need to call her Unnie," Namjoon said, "she's older than you."

"Fine," Ara rolled her eyes. "Bye, Unnie."

"Don't sulk. Bye," Yuna said, "I look forward to your progress, Namjoon-ssi." And Yuna walked out of her home, going to the store for her shift. 

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