Striking Back

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Elsa Arendelle

"Okay I gave you you the keys and the things you need to know. You should go now and keep your head low." I tell him and he nods and leaves.

Kiss me?! We are friends! ... I think.

That kiss thing keeps bothering me it's all I could ever think about.

Would he really of kissed me if I was my evil self?

Grrr ... Damn you thoughts!


It's another depressing school day and I decide to confront the rest of the Fearsomes.

I walk up to Hans, Pitch and Mavis.

"Where were you when we were hunting down Frost?!" Pitch exclaims.

Okay Elsa ... put on your acting gear.

A smirk forms on my face. "I was punishing him actually." I say and smile evilly.

"How exactly?" Mavis asks and raises an eyebrow.

Improvise Elsa!

"I bashed him up." I lie and cross my arms.

"Where is he? I want to see if you did a good job." Mavis says.

Hans nudges Mavis.

"Mavis, this is Elsa we are talking about. A ruthless girl who will relentlessly attempt to get revenge and bring justice. And cold-heartingly rip her victim into threads ... like a monster." Hans says and smiles.

My heart sunk a bit. Is that what people think of me? Are those the expectations I have to live up too? Why am I suprised?!

"Okay ... so why is he standing up with no sight of injury?" Mavis says and points to Jack who is being serenaded by girls. Wow they probably dropped the whole 'Jack is ruining my life'.

"Umm ... I told him to put on concealer. Because wouldn't the teachers be suspicious that a large amount of students are looking like crap from us beating them and them moving schools?" I say and force a smile.

"She's right." Hans says.

When Hans agrees with something that means it is a genius plan. Hans is a genius schemer and can make plans on the spot.

"So um ... cross Jack off the Black List?" I suggest and they all glare at me.

"I guess ..." Pitch says and narrows his eyes at me.

I force a smile and I walk to my locker.

Jack joins me and he leans on his locker and stares at me.

"Don't look at me." I whisper to him.

"I can't help it." Jack says and shrugs and he turns to face his locker.

"So Elsa ... how come people keep talking about the black list when they haven't seen it in the flesh?" Jack asks.

I ignore him and change the subject.

"Jack you no longer have to hide from the Fearsomes. Just be careful around them and if they ask you where your wounds are just say you borrowed concealer off your sister ... if you have one." I explain to him, making sure the coast is clear.

"Yeah I have a sister." Jack smiles.

"Great. Keeps the story even more real."

"She's six."

"Whatever just say you got it from your mother or whatever female." I tell him.

I grab my books and leave for class.

Next class is English. With Mrs. Belle and the only people I'm familiar with is Rapunzel.

It was a loud classroom until I walk in everybody was quiet.

I look at the back row with a seat near a window ... it was taken but that's not going to stop me.

I walk up to a shy girl who trembles as I approach her.

"Ahem." I clear my throat standing in front of her.

"Sorry Elsa!" The shy girl shrieks and quickly grabs her books and flees.

I casually sit down in the seat clicking my pen waiting for a teacher to arrive.

Then Punz took a seat beside me and we stood in awkward silence as the class commences.

"How could you betray us like that?!" Punz whisper yells at me.

"What you really do not know is that I am helping you. And that I am the good one here ... I am softening the rules." I whisper back.

"Exactly so join our forces." Punz whispers to me.

"What forces? Against what?" I ask confused.

"Everybody that has done one slight thing under their 'law' has been bashed and forcefully taken drugs. Heck, some have been robbed and kidnapped." Punz explains "It's time that we struck back. We are creating a rebellion."


Sorry this took longer than usual. I am doing this cool video project for YouTube and I've been caught up with this anime show.

By the way ... HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know I'm late.

If you didn't know this is a one shot so yeah.

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