Which Elsa are you?

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Jack Frost

I just did a pee and I washed my hands to see Hiccup emerge from a toilet stall ... soaked in water.

I stare at him trying to keep in my bursting laughs.

I put a fist against my mouth to keep me from laughing to death.

Hiccuo looked at me with a draining expression.

"I hate highschool." Hicc mummbled and I couldn't hold it in so I burst into laughter.

"Somehow the toilet was rigged and when I flushed toilet water blew in my face." Hiccup explains I just keep laughing.

"Alright Hicc let's see if it's rigged shall we ..." I say and I open the door to the toilet booth for him.

Hiccuo walks in and I hear a ruffle of papee and he comes out with paper.

He unfolds it and I read it with him it says:

By the way some toilets need some ... work.

Kind Regards, The Fearsome Four

"Fearsome Four?! I thought it was three." Hicc says in shock.

"Yeah Elsa joined them again." I tell him and Hicc furrows his eyebrows (on fleek).

"Huh? What is exactly going on. The school is really miserable." Hiccup says in his confused tone.

"Wow you missed out. Well long story short the Fearsome Four practically has every student on their knees. And we have to listen to them not the school staff." I explain and Hicc nods casually.

"Why can't we tell a teacher?" Hicc asks.

"Because ... the people that tried does not attend this school anymore." I say to him.

Elsa Arendelle

I walk by myself to the class as I was blocked by Punz and Mer.

"... Why are yer doing this Els?" Mer asks.

"We can rise together Els. We can stop them." Punz says with compassion.

"Go away." I tell them and push them out of the way.

I hear Punz whisper to Mer "We don't need her we can stop them ourselves."

The Evil Elsa that I claim to be now would report this back to the group but for some reason I didn't.

I had Science so I found Punz trailing behind me to go to class.

I go in and everyone gets nervous of me. I sit down at the back so I can see if people turn around or not.

Jack walks in sitting right next to me so Mavis couldn't sit next me.

"Do you mind? There are other seats around." I tell Jack but he simply shook his head.

"I told you to be careful Jack ... to listen to me you can get into serious trouble from us." I tell him in a caring voice.

"I don't care." Jack says back to me.

Mavis glares at us and suddenly I recieve a text from her because she was on the other side of the room ans we had to stay quiet.

Mavis: Is he bothering u?

Me: No ... not at all.

Mavis: Stop lying Els.

Me: Ok a bit.

Mavis: Ok he is going to be on the black list.

Me: No you don't have too.

Mavis: No he deserves it.

I look up from my phone and I look at Jack with a concerning facial expression.

What have I done?

Jack Frost

I felt like Elsa was staring at me while we were doing a theory work. I look at Elsa and she is mouthing something that I couldn't figure out.

Maybe because I was distracted by her lips ... uhm not that I think they are perfect or anything.

As class ended I caught up with Elsa.

"What were trying to tell me?" I ask.

"I want you to call in sick to the sick bay and leave to go home early. Then at 3:00pm hide in my backyard till I arrive." Elsa explains quickly and hands me her keys.

"... Okay?" I unsurely confirm raising an eyebrow.

"Just trust me. Now go before Mavis finds me talking to you." Elsa says and pushes me away.

"What just happened?" I mutter to myself and I walk to the sickbay to speak with the nurse.

"What seems to be the problem?" The nurse asks.

"I have a really bad head ache." I lie groaning pretending I'm in pain.

"Okay we'll dial your parents up to let them know you are going home." The nurse says.

You see the nurses just send you off home and do nothing about your pain.

I get up and I leave to go home.

I chill a bit at home and check the time.


Oh geez! I'm late!

I run out the door and I run to her house ... it wasn't far away.

I jumped over her gate and land into a flower bed. The things I do for girls ...

After 10 minutes I hear someone call my name.

"Jack?" Elsa calls me.

I leap up covered in dirt and walk over to her.

"Care to explain what happened?" I say in annoyed voice.

"Come inside first." Elsa insists.

We go inside and Elsa drags me to her room.

"You are on the blacklist." Elsa simply tells me.

"Wah- um what?! I was already on that thing!" I yell in anger. "Well ... it can't get any worse from now my reputation is ruined already." I say and I smile.

This time they cannot ruin me.

"No Jack it gets much worse. They were planning to bloodily bash you after school." Elsa explains.

"I can take them." I say lifting up my chest a bit.

"You know that superstar football player in our school? Yeah he broke his leg and now he is mute because he said that he isn't going to listen to them. He can't talk to anyone!" Elsa explains.

"Yeah ... but it's not like I did anything wrong!" I protest.

Elsa sighs "Yeah you did. I told you to be careful and Mavis saw you bugging me. You see if you do a slight thing you will be written on The Blacklist. This shows the tolerance of The Fearsome's and how they can rule."

"Okay. By why are you apart of them yet helping me?" I ask and grew a smirk on my face.

"Because you'll lose that cute smirk on your face when your face gets bashed in." Elsa says.

"Did you just say 'cute'?" I ask and playfully smile.

"Ugh. It was a joke." Elsa sneers.

"Jack you have to hide in my car right after school." Elsa says and throws me a single key and I catch it. "It's a spare one."

I sigh randomly and Elsa raises an eyebrow.

"I thought the evil Elsa was back." I say and chuckle. "If the evil you came back I would've kissed you."

Elsa's eyes widen unexpectedly.

"K-Kissed me? Why?" Elsa stammers moving a further distance away from me.

"Because I know your worst nightmare is me kissing you. And we don't want that to happen ... do we?" I smirk then I wink at Elsa.

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