Chapter Three

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Garroth's POV:

It was my last period of the day, which so happened to be AP calculus, which was my smallest class of the day. There were only eight students in the class. It wasn't required to take calculus , so many students didn't take calculus at all.

Since it was so small, it was probably one of the most comfortable classes I had. I could actually talk to a few of my classmates, and many of them weren't total as*holes.

Emmalyn was sitting next to me reading a thick dusty book on ancient history and mythology. Her black rimmed glasses, which were similar to mine, except larger, and slightly crooked, sat on her thin petite button nose, which was red from the nipping cold air outside. She probably just came in from gym. Since she has a broken arm, she usually just walks the track outside during P.E.

Emmalyn was a sweet, intelligent girl. I've known her since elementary school. She was quite small, so in comparison to many of us, who practically looked like adults, she looked a lot younger. Unlike others, she didn't really care what would happen if she were nice to me. Sometimes she would give me a book just to be kind. We usually study for tests together, and every once and a while we sit with each other for a few minutes after school making small talk. We aren't as close as we used to be, probably since she has her own group of friends, but I would still consider her one of my closest friends. Well, one of my only friends.

I glanced down to see that Emmalyn had already finished all of class work, and her homework.

I was only halfway through my class work, while all of my fellow classmates were working on their homework, but I couldn't seem to focus. I was too anxious about after school. There was only five minutes left of class, and as much as I prayed to Holy Irene in my head, the clock wouldn't stop ticking. In fact, it just seemed to go by faster, pushing me into my inevitable doom.

I ran a hand through my hair, biting on my lip nervously.

Emmalyn shut her book in between her palms and set it down firmly on the desk. She folded her hands together, resting them in her lap with her crossed her legs. She looked at me with questioning eyes, one of her thin eyebrows raised.

"Are you okay? You've been acting strange this whole hour," Emmalyn said. She looked at me with concern.

"I-I'm fine, Emmalyn."

"Garroth, you're an extremely anxious person, but I haven't seen you this worried since your little sister was trapped in your basement by your wicked foster parents," Emmalyn whispered. She still didn't know that I had been kicked out of my house and had been living here. I was planning on telling her the next time we studied for a test together.

She's right though. I'm an extremely anxious person, but I haven't been this anxious since my baby sister, Ireland, was locked in my foster parents' basement. I was also kicked out of the house that day as well.

I had so many reasons to be anxious right now though. I stole a key. I'm a criminal. Laurence probably told someone, and they are going to find out. Gene could also tell on me at any second. Laurence is going to fight me after school. I haven't seen Ireland in two weeks, and she hasn't texted Castor in a week to tell us how she is. I'm scared. If I get caught and put in jail, no one will be here to protect Ireland, and no one will be here to try to stop Killian's company.

I sighed. "Y-yeah, I'm pretty anxious," I said. I glanced around to see if anyone was paying attention to our conversation. The teacher was playing on his phone and jamming out to music in the corner, three of my classmates were working in the library, and the other three were silently finishing up their homework on the other side of the room.

I probably looked paranoid.

"What's wrong, Garroth?" Emmalyn asked. She slipped her books into her backpack.

I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the bell.

"Sorry, Emmalyn. I've got to go. Have a nice day," I said. I gave her a small smile and threw my backpack over my shoulder.

Emmalyn didn't have a chance to respond, for as soon as she began to, I was already scurrying out the door.

So, how is everyone liking this so far? Is this confusing? Do you guys have any ideas on what's going to happen? Do you have any advice for me? I'm really trying to improve my writing, and all of my Wattpad stories.

Anyways, thanks for everything guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope you have an absolutely fantabulous day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns! <3

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