Chapter Two

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Garroth's POV:

I mentally insulted myself for crying like a baby. Anybody really could have walked by and opened the door. I should've known better to lock it.

The janitor's closet was my home for now. The only person I really could count on was Castor, the janitor at this school. Of course, he was as crazy as they come, but he was all I had. He gave me a place to stay, and that's all that mattered. Heaven knows where I would be without that man.

The janitor's closet was much bigger than a closet. It was about 8 feet by 9 feet. The floor was tile, and the walls were a plain gray. Stored inside of a tall metal cabinet against one of the walls was an air mattress, the one I slept on at night. There were also tons of blankets, pillows, and other bed necessities in there.

I only had a few boxes of my own stuff, most of them filled with what little stuff I had from my past. Another box contained a plastic piggy bank which held all my savings, the few outfits I had, and some simple school supplies.

Next to the cabinet was a student desk with a chair, which had pictures of Castor's chickens hanging above it by pieces of tape. All of Castor's equipment was stored on the wall perpendicular to that wall, and the one parallel to the door.

The only people who had keys to this haven of mine were me and Castor. Thankfully. The principal lost his long ago, and didn't really have a need to replace it.

I know that this can only be a temporary home though. I have to find a different place to live; somewhere besides here. It's too risky.

The only reason I'm staying here in the first place is because my homophobic foster parents kicked me out two years ago and forced me to take care of myself. I'm not legally allowed to live alone yet, so they threatened to- well, do something unspeakable if I said a single word. The school doesn't know about a single thing.

Unfortunately, Zenix knew all about this, and as soon as we ended our friendship, he went telling Gene. That's how Gene knows I sleep here. The only thing holding him back from telling on me is the fact that he has no proof, and he knows that I have a lot more things I could "tattletale" him for.

I grinned at the key in my hand.

The name Ro'meave won't be a name known for death, destruction, betrayal, terror, and hate anymore.

I'm going to prove them all wrong.


My first period of the day was Theatre III with Mr. Dawson. Mr. Montgomery taught Theatre I, Theatre II, Theatre History, and Voice acting, while Mr. Dawson taught Theatre III, Play writing, Video editing, and Stagecraft.

Unlike usual, I was the last person in class. I decided to stop being the first person in class because that meant more time before class that students could whisper taunts to me. I took my seat beside Mr. Dawson's desk in the theatre room.

Mr. Dawson was sitting at his desk, eating a donut. He had red hair, short and slightly messy. At least it didn't look like his hair when he first started working here. He looked like an emo.

When the bell rang, he set down the donut, wiping off his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt as he turned to me. The whole class was chatting amongst themselves as me and Mr. Dawson observed them from afar, silently rolling our eyes as they talked meaningless conversations, which mostly consisted of gossiping, compliment fishing, bragging, talking about who they were attracted to, and anything about celebrities. A few students were copying notes and homework off of each other, while others rushed, writing on their papers at the speed of lightning, trying to finish their homework before they were asked to turn it in.

Last night we were supposed to analyze a few characters and jot notes as to how to act like them. Clearly, some of my classmates decided to not do the assignment though. No wonder our class GPA was so terrible.

I was only glad that everyone was too preoccupied with their own business to even notice me. For the first time in years, I actually felt like I wasn't such an outcast. I could just sit here, relax, and let myself wander deep into thought. It was a peaceful contrast compared to the usual taunts and such.

For once, I could be the observer I was, and simply watch everyone around me. I always had to watch myself, in worry that I was going to get hurt, or do something terribly wrong.

I smiled slightly to myself, finally able to add to my slight hope for humanity.

Mr. Dawson gave me a knowing look, chuckling to himself as he stood up and walked to the front of the classroom. He must've seen the way my eyes sparkled with joy when my anxiety level wasn't as high as usual.

"Okay, everyone. It's time to turn in the homework. Pass up your papers," he said.

A range of groans escaped from my classmates' lips.

Mr. Dawson laughed. "I know, I know. I'm so sorry that I'm actually making you have to get stuff done," he said sarcastically. "It gets worse," He paused. "You also... have homework tonight!!!!" A smirk spread across his face.

I watched as my classmates' faces went from 'Meh' to 'Please-kill-me-now'. One of the kids sitting right next to me rubbed his temple as he glanced over at his already extremely long to-do list. It's no surprise as to why even some of the teachers say that this place is a stress building prison.

I shot an empathetic smile at him. "Hey, do you want a piece of gum? You look stressed. It's the least I can do," I whispered, pulling out my last stick of gum that Castor gave me.

The boy was hesitant, looking at me suspiciously with an eyebrow raised. "Uh... Sure..." He said, taking the piece of gum. He examined the gum and the thin metal wrapper sheet. He noticed a very slight damage in the folding of the wrapper. "Um, is this a trick? Is it poisoned?" He asked.

I chuckled. Deep inside, I knew it was because he knew who I was, and what my family's history was. He was scared. I couldn't blame him though. Surely, he might've been judging me for who my relatives were, but I couldn't get all mad and worked up over it. He was following the current, and didn't know any better.

"No, of course not," I said with a grin. I laughed to myself. "Plus, if I were going to kill you, don't you think I'd do it in private? There are too many witnesses here that are seeing me hand you this gum. Everyone wants gum, and they are all staring at this piece like it is the last piece of Earth."

The boy grinned nervously, his face flushing with embarrassment as he realized the error in his question. "Sorry, you're right. Thank you," he quickly said. Then he turned his attention to Mr. Dawson, who was taking attendance.

Great... Attendance. This is absolutely my favorite part of the day. Note: Sarcasm.

I cringed as all the noise in the room stopped when Mr. Dawson had called my name; First name and last.


I cleared my throat and rose my hand to show that I was here. I was afraid that if I spoke at all, my voice would've cracked with emotion.

I could just feel dozens of cold beady eyes looking at me. All eyes were on me.

The silence in the room was deafening to me, and I could just feel the change in the room as the breaths of my fellow classmates hitched in their throats once they saw that I was here. One of the students lifted her hand to her face in a facepalm, rolling her eyes when she saw me.

A brunette haired boy behind me leaned forward to the point that I could feel the uncomfortable sensation of his breath on my skin as he whispered in my ear. "You're a criminal, just like your parents."

Reality struck me like a bat. I couldn't stay invisible for more than five minutes, could I?

I stayed silent though, ignoring it. I wasn't about to give him any sort of proof to his claim by starting a fight.

Aren't I a criminal though? I just stole a key to a place that I'm going to break into. I've stolen stuff in the past, and have plans to continue to do so. I'm secretly living in a school, using their running water, electricity, and eating their food without consent. I've lied to the authorities before, I've assaulted someone before.

I've killed before.

I've done all of this, and more, just to clear my parents' name, to prove that they aren't criminals. I've done all of this just to put the right people in jail. I've done all of this just to be able to have a place to live.

I'm a terrible human being. Selfish I am.

I shook my head, clearing my spiraling thoughts. I had to stay positive, and just keep going.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and the silhouette of a tall, slender boy stepped in from the doorway. It was none other than the famous Laurence Zvahl.

"Late?" Mr. Dawson asked. He shook his head as he clicked on his mouse to mark Laurence as tardy. "What's your excuse?"

Laurence leaned against the door frame, a smirk growing on his lips as he pulled a pink slip of paper from his left pocket. "No, sir. I was talking to the counselor, actually. I have my pass right here," he said. He held out his hand, handing it to Mr. Dawson.

I gulped nervously, a bead of sweat dripping down the curve of my neck.

Did Laurence tell the counselor about his suspicions of me?

I should've been more careful, and not so obvious. Now I've probably ruined absolutely everything.

"Of course. Thank you, Laurence," Mr. Dawson said. There was a mixed expression on his face. He looked happy to see Laurence, and glad that he wasn't late, for Laurence was one of his favorite students. However, he also looked slightly disappointed that he rarely had tardy students. Mr. Dawson clandestinely enjoyed students walking to their desk solemnly, knowing that they have to stay after school for an extra two hours in this prison. Mr. Dawson was dark, but he was probably my favorite teacher. Before he became a teacher, he used to make skits and videos on this website. I can't remember what it's called, but he was really popular.

Laurence swung his backpack over his shoulder, pushing himself off the doorframe as he took his seat to the other side of me. He slumped into the seat, dropping his bag beside the desk, which was old, and had many pencil marks and carvings into it.

I glanced over at him, looking at his facial expression when he looked at me. I was trying to tell by his body language if he had told the counselor anything.

However, Laurence must've seen the fear in my eyes, and he leaned slightly to his right, towards me.

"Meet me right after school in the back courtyard. Don't bring anyone with you," Laurence whispered. Then he leaned back into his seat with his lips curved into a small smile.

The only thing I could assume Laurence wanted to do was to fight me. The hairs on my entire body rose as thoughts rushed through my head.

Well, I'm dead.

I'm sorry that this part isn't that good. I haven't written anything in a while. Also, I'm sorry that I haven't updated much lately! I will try to update two more times this week! <3

Thanks for everything, guys! You guys are amazing, and I really hope that you guys have a fantabulous day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns! <3

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