Chapter One

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Welcome to chapter one!!! :P
Garroth's POV:

I shuffled through the sleek black computer bag, through the endless files and wrapped up cords inside of it. Most might see me as some sort of criminal for sneaking though a bag that doesn't belong to me, with the intents of stealing something if I find it. However, I saw what I was doing as an act of justice, and it was a hunt for proof of the truth. Not an act of justice for what my classmates had done to me -for I had no intent of getting revenge on them- but justice for my family, and revenge for my parents and siblings.

The contents of the bag, such as the files and wrapped up cords did not concern me. I did not care for them. The only thing that I was in search for was the silver key that would unlock the truth, and my freedom from the past, which still continues to haunt me. Once the truth is out about what actually happened that night, when "the incident" occurred, then I will finally not be seen as the poor psycho child of a murderer.

I continued to search the bag as clandestinely as I could. My fingers were nimble as they silently pulled things around without making it look like the bag had gone through.

The bag belonged to Zenix Smith, son of Killian Smith. Killian used to be my father's best friend until their companies became competitors. He's a suspect on my list for someone who framed my father. I'm almost 100% sure that he did.

The only reason why Zenix's bag is here is because his father is on the school board. He always has to hang out here an hour before 7:15 am, and two hours after school ends, while his dad has his meetings in the meeting room, so Zenix always keeps his computer bag in here. He wouldn't be stupid enough to keep anything valuable in here, for he kept his computer in his locker, but he did indeed keep something valuable to me in this bag.

He kept the key to a floor in his father's building that was restricted to almost all of Killian's company's employees.

You might ask how I know all of this. Well, Zenix and I used to be extremely close friends all up until last year, when he backstabbed me. Like father, like son.

I only had three minutes to find the key and slip back into Mr. Montgomery's class before Mrs. Williams walked in to get her coffee for the morning. She always came in here at exactly 7:45 am, and never came in any earlier. I didn't have to worry about any of the other teachers because they all had coffee brewers in their classrooms, or all bought Starbucks on their way to the school. I didn't blame them. The coffee from the teacher's lounge tasted like absolute sh*t.

Finally, I found the key. Uncannily, it was wrapped up in a ball of paper. No wonder it took so long for me to find it. I quickly snatched it from its little hiding place, swiping it, and slipped it into my pocket.

I was just about to leave and head off to the library, where I usually hung out until 8:30 am, when school starts, but I heard a noise coming from the door I had entered.

In walked Laurence Zvahl.

His pale blue eyes met mine as I shuffled to my feet, rubbing the back of my neck. My heart began to race as soon as another human being was inside of the room. The air immediately became uncomfortable, and I, of course, began to feel anxious that this was going to turn out wrong. I was fine with being caught in my act, but I was not fine with knowing that people were going to judge me for it.

I felt my face heat up as it turned a bright red. My hands began to clam up. I tried to calm myself down, but it was difficult. I could only imagine what Laurence was thinking.

He's a freak.


He'll grow up to be a murderer too.

That f*ggot is going to h*ll.

That's what everyone would always tell me. They called me all of these things, and taunted me. It was only normal for Laurence to want to say these things too.

I felt like running out of the room. I couldn't though. I was paralyzed, frozen in my place.

Laurence was one of the most popular kids in school. Not only that, but I ended up having a crush on him in the 10th grade. I don't have the time to have silly crushes anymore though. There are more important things to do now.

I look back at it now, and wonder why I even had feelings for him in the first place. It was probably because Laurence was one to stick up for me. I haven't spoken to him since the "big reveal of February" though. What happened last year messed everything up. Since then, the bullying has only gotten worse. Things would be so much more different if I just didn't trust Zenix in the first place.

I can't change the past though.

"What are you doing?" Laurence asked. He looked at me puzzlingly. Unfortunately, I obviously looked suspicious. I didn't know how I was going to get out of this.

"N-Nothing, Laurence. I just came in here to leave Mr. Montgomery a little something I made for him! As you can see, Mr. Montgomery is asleep, and I can't give it to him now, s-so I left it in the fridge!" I said. I gulped down a growing lump in my throat.

I felt uncomfortable being near Laurence at any moment. He knew about what happened last year.

Laurence squinted at me with curiosity. "Hm? What did you make him?" He questioned as he walked to the fridge. He tapped his fingers against the fridge, waiting for an answer.

"L-Look, I'll show y-you," I said. I pushed passed Laurence and grabbed the handle of the fridge, beginning to open it.

However, Laurence grabbed my wrist firmly, pushing the refrigerator door closed. He looked at me intensely. "No. Why don't you tell me what you made him before you show me?" He asked.

I used all of my strength to stop myself from shaking. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. Everything was going downhill, and fast.

Laurence glanced at his hand holding my wrist and noticed my hand shaking. He let go of it. "Sorry," he whispered.

That's the first apology I've heard in years, and he didn't even need to apologize. I wondered as to why Laurence hadn't already pushed me to the ground and beat me up like what everyone else does.

I smiled innocently and put on a poker face. It was extremely difficult for me to hide my fear, but I knew that I had to do it. I could get expelled if the truth came out. "I'm sorry, Laurence. I must be going off to Mrs. William's classroom to help her clean off the white boards. Now, if you'll excuse me-"

"-I know you're hiding something," Laurence interrupted.

I felt so criminal. I felt so guilty. It wasn't of my nature to lie or steal, but this was necessary. I felt like my morals were being ripped to shreds.

What am I doing?

This isn't me.

"I really d-don't have t-time for this L-Laurence. H-Have a n-nice d-day," I quickly said. I walked out of the room, pushing up my glasses.

Once I was alone inside of the old janitor's closet, which was my current home, I broke down. I fell to the ground, my glasses fogging up as tears began to fall.
Gah! I'm sorry that this was so cringy. ;-;

Anyways, thanks for everything guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope you have a nice day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns! <3

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