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Note: When paragraphs look like this:

•Hello everyone•

Then that means that it is a flashback.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this prolouge!
3rd person POV:

•He watched, like a hawk in the distance, as the fire on the horizon began to grow, the enlarging flames stretching across the dark night sky.•

November. It's cold. It's boring. It's bitter. It's bleak. The only thing to look forward to is stuffing your face on Thanksgiving while sitting with relatives that you'd usually avoid.

Just by walking through the school's halls, you can tell that it is such a terrible month. The students' faces express it all. You can see their shoulders slumped as they carry the weight of midterms and eight paged essays on their shoulders. Unlike the beginning of the year, it was absolutely silent throughout the halls of Phoenix Drop High. The only noise to be heard was the sound of groans or complaints escaping from the students' lips as they lazily shoved their notebooks and crumbled up papers into their lockers.

It was the worst for the seniors. Most of them were just straight up tired of school. All of their eyes drooped, with heavy dark bags underlining their eyes like eyeliner. The only students who seemed to have energy were the ones carrying around classic pumpkin lattes.

However, one senior in particular was far more excited than anyone for school to be over.

Garroth Ro'meave stumbled through the crowded halls, looking at the floor and trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. He bit his bottom lip, trying to stay in a good mood and not let this be such a bad day. He was trying to keep a smile on his face, and he was trying to not respond to the rude comments people shouted at him with some great and quirky comeback.

You see, Garroth Ro'meave was the most hated student in all of Phoenix Drop High. Ever since 3rd grade, Garroth had been the target for anyone in a bad mood with the intent of hurting someone.

However, he knew that he had to look forward, and not let his heart change because he was being jaded by life. If you were to read his life story, and all of his thoughts, then you would look at Garroth as some sort of "fallen angel". One could spend weeks wondering how the bright blue eyes of this teen, could have seen so much terror in his life, yet have so much attention on others in need. In reality, Garroth could've been the most uncanny person at that school.

Gold is such a soft metal. It can so easily be broken into. Then why does Garroth choose to have a heart of gold, instead a heart of stone?

Garroth smiled at Gene, a rambunctious and rebellious young teen who was the main bully of Garroth. As weird as it sounded, it was as if Garroth was living through some cliche movie. The only difference was that the bullying would continue for the duration of what was left of high school.

Gene grinned nefariously, looking at Garroth like he was a piece of juicy, appetizing meat.  "Hey, fa*got. You should try sleeping in the library tonight on a pile of books. The floor of the janitor's closet isn't really comfortable."

Garroth had been inured to his taunts though, and he just continued to walk down the hall, his head pointed to the ground. He didn't say anything, for he tried to keep his reserved, demure behavior.

Garroth pushed up his black rimmed glasses on his nose and stepped into theater class. The room smelled strongly of lemon, as usual, for the teacher was absolutely obsessed with the lemon scented cleaning wipes the school had stocked up on.

The classroom was completely empty. There wasn't a single soul insight, except for Garroth and his sleeping teacher of course. This was just how Garroth liked it. Not only was this good for his "mission", but this was also good because Garroth did not want to have to socially interact with anyone. Surly, he was very extroverted, and he would love to spend time with people all day, but he was extremely shy. He had been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder, which gave him great anxiety during certain social situations. That anxiety, of course, could have been sprouted from the bullying he deals with.

With the room empty, Garroth tiptoed passed his sleeping teacher, Mr. Montgomery, and slipped into the door, which led to the teacher's lounge. The other teachers would always complain about how close Mr. Montgomery's classroom was to the teacher's lounge.

•The silhouette of the car began to drive off, but the little boy continued to stare out the back window at the blazing fire that engulfed his home. The boy's eyes became watery with glistening tears, and his vision became foggy, but he could still see the flames, the contrast of the bright fiery scarlet and vermillion colors against the gloomy ebony sky.•

Ephemeral flashbacks to what happened "that night" flickered through his head. This was nothing new to Garroth though. He knew that those memories would continue to haunt him for the rest of his life. After all, "that night" is the whole reason he's in this big mess. It was the whole reason as to why he was sneaking into a place forbidden by students.
Well, that was a very short first part, but I hope that you all enjoyed anyways.

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope that you have an amazing day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns! <3

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