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(It is the next day. Enjoy. )


My Pov:

Hayoon smiles as he watches the other expect Youngbin choke on their food. Youngbin looks at them in concern as Hayoon mutters, "That will teach you guys to disturb me, while I am cooking and make the food almost burn." 

Youngbin hears this and was going to ask Hayoon what he put in their food until Hayoon says, "Shhh Youngbean and eat your lamb skewers...actually no."

Hayoon decides to feed Youngbin every time Youngbin would open his mouth to ask a question. Eventually, Youngbin gives up and stops trying.

"I would say cute, but what you did was just wrong." Kyungjin says and Hyuntae nods.

"Does this mean I can't go to sleep after dinner?" Jaehwan asks Jieun and Jaemin gives him a look.

"We were trying to eat fish, but he poisoned it making it so we can't eat it. We don't have any more fish, so what the fuck do you think?" Jaemin states.

"I think you have an attitude problem and are a negative little shit no one wants around them. New flash, I wasn't fucking talking to you. Not everything needs your fucking input." Jaehwan snaps and stands up.

Jaehwan walks out of the door and Taeyang gets up the follows him. 

Jaemin blinks and wonders what got stuck up his ass to piss him off. "I am slightly offended, but I can't really be offended when I have said something like that before....I kind of feel like a proud parent....." Jaemin says and smirks a little.

"I mean he was cranky when he got downstairs and he was in a bad mood all day to be honest." Eunjae says and both Jieun and Kyungjin look at him.

"And now you tell us?" Kyungjin asks and Eunjae shrugs.

"....It was pretty obvious." Hyuntae says softly.

"Yeah, he had a dark cloud around him all morning and glared at any of us that touched him whether by mistake or not expect maybe Taeyang.....maybe....It continued for the rest of the day to be honest." Minjae says.

"Even I noticed." Hayoon says still feeding Youngbin.

"Yeah, he did slam any door he had his hands on. I don't know what Eunjae did, but it might have set him off." Sora says.

"I didn't do anything. He had a nightmare and woke up in the middle of the night. I had trouble sleeping yesterday, so I didn't sleep at all.....and I don't feel tired. Don't worry about me. I see your look, Kyungjin. I am fine. Wonderful. Anyway, he didn't go back to sleep after that.....I skipped waking up him because I knew he was awake." Eunjae says.

"I should-" Jieun starts and the other expect Kyungjin shake their head.

"No, Taeyang got it." Youngkyun says.

"But-" Jieun starts, but gets cut off again.

"But nothing." Chanhee says.

"But-" Jieun says again, but gets cut off.

"He said but nothing." Hyuntae says and frowns.

Jieun sighs and nods slowly. Eunjae looks at Hyuntae and smiles.

"So~"  Eunjae says and Hyuntae looks at him.

He gets up and walks away. Eunjae blinks and gets up then follows him. 

"Oh no, you don't. You gotta answer my question." Eunjae says and smiles.

"You didn't ask a question." Hyuntae responds and sighs.

"Somebody is getting bold. I like it. Now tell me when you started liking Chanhee? I mean you never stood up for anyone of us like that and tended to talk once in our conversations. Maybe twice if you find something to say." Eunjae says.


(This is what I was going to put for the last chapter until I remembered they aren't supposed to be working. This will only have 15 chapters plus an epilogue and eventually the slots will find out about SF9 went to jail. Also, I decided to find a way to add drama to this and Imma do that because I was getting bored of this until I thought of this. I will post the next chapter when it is done. The drama starts in that chapter. I didn't say where it will start.)

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