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(This is a continuation of the last chapter. Enjoy. )


My Pov:

"So what are we supposed to do? Just sit and look handsome?" Sora asks.

Jaemin looks him up and down then asks, ".....and which part of you is handsome?"

Minjae chuckles a little and stops when Sora looks at him. 

Sora shakes his head then says, "Every part. Duh."

Jaemin closes his eyes then open them again. "Yeah, still not handsome." Jaemin says.

Sora looks at Hayoon to back him up that he is handsome, but he should have known better than to do that. 

"For the first time in my life and his life, I agree with Jaemin." Hayoon says and glances at Jaemin then Sora.

Sora gasps and puts his hand over his chest. Minjae starts laughing and says once he stopped laughing, "Damn even your friends won't back up you."

"Dude, you are my friend....wait, what? What do you mean...You and Hayoon are supposed to have my back!" Sora says.

"Top ten anime betrayals~" Minjae says and Sora sighs.

"I need better friends." Sora says and Seokwoo pats his back.

"Too bad. You can't get any new friends because there isn't anyone else on this island." Minjae says and snickers when Sora sighs again.

"I think you are handsome." Seokwoo says and Sora smiles.

"Biased!" Jaemin mutters and shakes his head.

"Even if he thinks that, we all know that Seokwoo is way better looking than you." Hayoon says and thought the rest of the sentence in his head.

Sora huffs and wonders how he became friends with Hayoon and why he is still friends with Hayoon.

"Dude, stop being so offended. This might be the only time we see Hayoon and Jaemin getting along, so just take it." Minjae whispers to Sora.

Sora sighs and crosses his arms. "Sometimes I wish wonder what would have happened if-" he starts, but Minjae cuts him off.

"Don't you say that. You will get the other two started. That event happened. They are gone. We can't bring them back. We all miss our families, but we can't do anything to change the fact that we lived and they died." Minjae whispers and frowns.

Sora sighs and mutters, "But still."


Jaehwan grumbles as he starts fishing and doesn't notice that Taeyang followed him here. 

"I hope they choke on their fish and d-"

"You don't mean that." 

Jaehwan jumps and turns around. "Jesus, why didn't you say something?" Jaehwan asks.

Taeyang shrugs and says, "You were talking to yourself the whole way here."

Jaehwan hums and looks away. He sighs and yawns. He looks at the ocean and slowly calms down.

He looks back at Taeyang and pats the spot beside him. Taeyang gets what he wants and sits next to him.

"I am going to teach you how to fish, so I can take a nap." Jaehwan says and spends the next thirty minutes teaching Taeyang how to fish.

"Tell me  when you get a bite." he says and lays down on the sand then falls asleep.

Taeyang sighs and looks out at the sea. 

After an hour, Taeyang sees a boat in the distance and wonders why anyone would stir this way. Then he sees the ship crash and he only hums. 

"So that is what a ship crashing look like...." he mutters and watches one person jump into the water then starts swimming to the beach.

He was going to look away until he saw that the person was wearing what he and the rest of the SF9 members wore in prison. He gulps and hopes that they don't know that person.

Once the person gets to the beach, he can kind of see the what the person looks like and he groans. He looks away as the person changes.

"Why did it have to be Ayno?" he mutters and sighs knowing he will have to tell the others once he gets back.

"Did you get a bite?" 

Taeyang looks at Jaehwan and notices that his eyes are still closed. He almost said no until he felt the string pull. 

"Yes." he says and start reeling the fish in.

Jaehwan opens his eyes once the fish is on the island ans smiles. "Nice catch for a beginner." he says and takes the fishing rod from Taeyang to put some bait on it.

Taeyang looks back at where Ayno was and noticed that he is gone. 

"That can't be good....." Taeyang mutters.


(The best way to expose SF9's past and add some drama is by adding someone from their past. I chose Ayno because he is Dawon's friend in real life.)

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