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Luther kept walking until his legs can't bring him further anymore. He's cold, he's hungry, he's tired, he's so many things at once. He's also scared, confused, and disappointed. Why did he leave the Academy so brashly? Reginald was right- the Academy had been his home for over two decades. What made him think that he can live outside on his own?

He can't give an answer to why. There's no reason why he should think he'll fare better outside alone than in the Academy, where there are Grace and Pogo to care for him and Reginald to keep him on his toes. He doesn't have Allison's support or Diego's or Vanya's or even Klaus's.

Luther realises that between his siblings, he's the dumbest fool. The dumbest bastard there is. Who would actually leave their safe haven with nothing but a couple of shirts? Allison left the moment she got married, Diego left the moment he heard about the boxing place, Vanya left the moment she got money from writing, Klaus, like him, doesn't prepare anything before he left- and look where it got him.

Luther thinks he should turn back. No one would go far in life without any support. He turned his back facing the road that'll lead to the Academy, mentally preparing a script of how he wasn't in the right state of mind, how he's very sorry for the rude act he pulled earlier, and how he's going to live the rest of his life as a soldier to the Academy.

Will he, though?

Will he really want to be a soldier for the rest of his life? Will he really want to be chained for the rest of his life? Will he really want to never erase the damning tattoo on his wrist? Will he really want to be tied to the Academy all the time? Will he want to never know what's it like to party, or get drunk, or even find love that isn't his married sister? Will he want to never actually be referred to by his name?

Will he want to keep on being Number One of the Umbrella Academy?

No. The answer is no. He doesn't want a life of fake shit.

Luther knew it had been the right choice, that he had to keep moving. Again, he can't actually ask for help from any of his siblings anyway; not that they would help him. Except for Allison, who is starting a family. He's not exactly the kindest to them, he had been a replica of their father. Their strict and horrible father who doesn't want anything else but their powers.

No more.

Luther founds himself leaning his back on an empty alleyway and slides down, feeling relief for his legs that had been killing him. He chose that specific alleyway so he can be alone, far from people. Imagine the judgement he'll get when they realise that he's gone rogue on his own with nothing but shirts in hand. They'll laugh at his stupidity, they'll go 'oh you're so stupid, everyone knows you've got to have some cash with you before you run away!'

Well, he knew what he'll do for a living. He's got unimaginable strength, he can work on lifting things from shops, unloading deck or anything. Hell, maybe he can help to unload groceries from lorries to markets. They need strength to get them down the lorries and he's got the guns. He needs money and they got the greens. He can work it out.

What else can he do, huh? That can't be his only occupation, he needs more greens.

He can be a policeman, he had been a soldier for the Umbrella Academy. but that means he'll be a mindless soldier again, and he doesn't want that. At least he'll be seen as Luther Hargreeves. No, he'll just be seen as Number One of the Umbrella Academy and nothing else again. He can't play instruments, so what can he do for a living?

He can be a boxer. Yes, it'd be unfair with what he has, but Michael Phelps is double-jointed yet he was allowed to be a swimmer. Probably it'll take convincing to actually let him be a boxer, but it can work. Or maybe a runner? He can run, he's physically fit and he doesn't have superspeed. The only advantage he'll have would be that he used to be a soldier and nothing else.

Yes, that can work. He can see himself being a runner without any obvious advantage- unlike being a boxer. How does he apply to be a runner, though? He'll have to go to a sports centre and prove his skills before anything. He doesn't even know where is the nearest sports centre- maybe the dream isn't as close as it seemed. Yet again, it doesn't mean it's unreachable.

His stomach rumbled and he knew he should eat first before anything or forget the dream of being able to stand properly on his own. He can't let himself die out of hunger. He checked for money in his pockets before remembering that he doesn't actually have any, he doesn't even have a phone. He had been sheltered all his life- and look where it got him now.

Sighing, he stood up once again, hiding his clothes behind a nearby dust bin. There was a shop selling herbs and such nearby, maybe he can do some work for some dollars. Maybe the shop can provide him with a place to stay for a little! He lifted the bags again and walked in the shop.

"Hello," the clerk greeted him. "How may I help you?"

"Umm-" Luther bit his bottom lip. "I need cash and I was wondering if I could maybe work here? Unload items off the lorries and deliver them here?"

"You're Luther Hargreeves, aren't you?" The clerk smiled. "Number One with the super strength?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"Oh, you are definitely accepted here. Come on, follow me."

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