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"One, pass the ball!"

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven were playing in a nearby park as little children, seven years of age. Reginald felt that they've behaved well enough to let them have this one fun. They were playing basketball, One, Two, Three, were in one team and Four, Five, Six, and Seven were in another team. One was holding the ball.

"It's not safe!" One said to Two as Two was being blocked by Six. But One knew he has to, for he himself was getting blocked by Four and the opposing team is not winning this game.

"One! I'm open!" Three kept jumping, but One wouldn't dare to throw the ball to her unless he is at closer range. She is too far right and Four can take over the moment he lets go.

"Four- get out of the way!"


One groaned in frustration as he pushed Four away, causing Four to be thrown so far off that he falls. The rest of the children gasped in awe.

"You just threw me off!" Four protested, being on the ground. "So far off."

"I'm so sorry, Four!" One ran over to Four's side, offering his hand. "Let me help you."

"Don't touch me!" Four glared as he tried to stand on his own but failed as he stumbled, forcing him to accept help from One. "You pushed me!"

"I didn't mean to, I swear! How did you get thrown so far off, anyway? The game was there!"

"Perhaps One has super strength?" Five asked. "We all have shown our powers but One and Seven, maybe One has powers but just a little late in showing?"

"When will mine appear?" Seven asked innocently.

"Super strength!" One grinned, looking down at his hands. "Wicked."

Luther woke up and rubbed his face. He realised that he's never really known as Luther since childhood, but as Number One. That's his most defining feature, along with his 'undying' loyalty for the Academy. Well, that's going to change now.

Luther checked the time, 7 AM. At 8 AM, the pick-up lorry will arrive and he'll have to unload the docks so if he wants to shower, he has to do it now. He checked his bag for the toiletries he had packed earlier and left the spare room provided, heading for the bathroom.

Once he left, he went to the kitchen where he met the clerk again, Eden is their name. Eden is a black nonbinary with a big nose and a bright smile, their hair styled to cornrows.

"Hey, Luther!" Eden greeted. "I prepared you some omelette and coffee. What a rough night you had, huh?"


"Well, you better dig in. Don't want you fainting on the job." Eden smiled. "Don't be so shy, I'm eating too!"

Luther expressed his thanks before digging in. He likes Eden, they're such a warm and friendly person.

"So, where will you go?" Eden asked. "Will you stay here long-term?"

"Well, I would like to," Luther answered. "I have no legitimate plans at hand though. I can be a runner, but I would have to have cash at hand and train first before I can be a runner."

"I'm sure you'll get in quick, you're a member of the Umbrella Academy!"

"I was, yeah."

"Why here?" Eden continued. "Why not a policeman or something more than this?"

"Being a policeman would remind me too much of the Academy," Luther answered, drinking his coffee. "And that I'd love to let it go. I don't want to be a mindless soldier anymore, doing things just because they're orders without questioning them or object."

"I see-" Eden nods. "If I may ask, why are you leaving the Academy in the first place?"

"Because I don't want to be Number One anymore," Luther answered quickly. "I don't want to be recognised as Number One of the Umbrella Academy anymore. My siblings have all either left, missing, or dead. The ones who would call me by my name are Pogo, a humanoid monkey, and my mum, a robot. My dad wouldn't even call me Luther."

"Well, Luther-" Eden nods in understanding. "It's a good thing that you came by and ask for help. From the looks of it, I think this is your first time stepping out of the Academy."

"What makes you think so?"

"You didn't have anything but clothes with you," Eden lists off. "You have no destination to go, you got no legitimate plan on what you'll do, and you're kinda too honest. We just met."


"I mean I appreciate you being honest with me, I would like to house you for as long as you need. I need friends and I happen to have extra space," Eden elaborated. "But if you encounter anyone else, that sort of information should be kept secret. Bad people can use them to their advantage. Super strength is very good and all, but there are more to fighting than just punching and throwing stuff."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Eden took a final drink of their coffee. "Just, be careful of who you trust. Not everyone is your ally."

"Thank you-" Luther smiled at Eden. "For being my ally."

"Don't mention it. Let me have the plates, I'll wash them." Eden had their hand outstretched for the plate. Luther handed them his plate and Eden placed it in the dishwasher. "Have you ever been drunk, Luther?"


"I'll take that as a no." Eden bit their bottom lip. "Well, what do you say if we go for a drink tonight?"


"There's a bar, not too far," Eden continued. "I'm not gonna leave you if that's what you're worried about."

"I've never had alcohol."

"You're in it for a surprise." Eden grinned as they nudged Luther's side.

"How do you do it?"

"I'll show you there later. Come on, the pick-up lorry has arrived."

Maybe this standing on your own thing isn't too bad at all.

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