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"Let's go, Lu!"

Eden had been standing by the door. It's the weekend and Eden wants a change to their weekend routines. Instead of winding up drunk in a nearby bar, they're going to walk around the neighbourhood and end up in a beautiful park nearby.

"Wait up, E!" Luther grabs his coat and rushed to Eden's side. Eden opened the door and stepped out, Luther following behind them. Eden locks the door then and the two began on their journey.

"It sure is a nice evening, isn't it?" Eden sighed. Luther smiled as he nods, admiring the road and the buildings on the sides.

"It's a beautiful evening," Luther confirmed. "Thank you, Eden."

"For what?"

"For everything you've done for me, giving me so many of my firsts and staying beside me," Luther elaborated. "I don't think I've ever smiled this much before."

"Come on, Lu-" Eden pats Luther's shoulder. "I don't want you gloomy and thinking about your unhappy past. It's past, this is what's present! Come on, chin up!"

"I'm not sulking today, E." Luther smiled as he looked down.

"Say it with me, come on." Eden stopped Luther for a moment as they faced him, hands on either of his shoulders. "I'm putting the past behind me and I will not dwell on them anymore."


"Say it, come on," Eden insisted. "I want to hear it from you. You can do it."

"Fine." Luther sighed as he looked up to meet Eden's big dark brown eyes. Somehow their eyes glow brightly tonight in a way Luther can't quite describe, he liked it. "I'm putting the past behind me and I will not dwell on them anymore."

"Make a pinky promise with me," Eden said, having their little finger pointing out already.

"That is?"

"It's a move you make when you make a promise," Eden explained. "So when you make a promise to someone, you link your little finger to theirs and you will have to try your best to honour the promise."

"Sounds scary."

"There's no consequence if you break them," Eden countered. "Nothing will happen to you if you break it. Well, in actuality you'll have your little finger cut up-"


"WE'RE NOT GOING TO CUT YOUR LITTLE FINGER IF YOU BREAK IT!" Eden yelled before they sighed. "Nothing is going to happen."

"So what's the purpose of this, then?"

"It's just for fun, I promise!" Eden exclaimed. "Please?"

"Fine." Luther linked his little finger with Eden's. "I promise that I'll put the past behind me and I will not dwell on them anymore."

"Noted!" Eden grinned as they soon put their hand down, Luther following soon after. Eden laughed soon after.

"What's so funny?"

"You should've seen your face!" Eden snorted. "You were so panicked it's hilarious!"

"That's another first in my list," Luther commented. "Along with my first coffee, my first alcoholic drink, my first selling things, my first runaway destination-"

"I'll be delighted to show you other firsts," Eden smirked as they took Luther's arm and put it behind their shoulders and walked along. "Maybe your first kiss."

"Believe it or not, I've kissed," Luther confessed.

"Really?" Eden raised an eyebrow as they turned to look at him. "Who?"

"Allison, one of my sisters," Luther answered. Eden furrowed their brows. "Yeah. She's my first kiss and my first relationship. My only, if I might say."

"Did she force herself on you?" Eden asked, all defensive for Luther. "Were you hurt?"

"What- no!" Luther denied. "We were resting after playing with the rest of our siblings in a park. There was a couple kissing in front of us and Allison suggested that we should try that because we care for each other so much."

"You realise THAT was incest, don't you?" Eden asked, their voice dripping with worry for their newest friend.

"What's so bad?"

"What's so bad about incest?!" Eden can't believe what they're hearing. Luther doesn't know what's so bad about incest? Damn it, what does this boy know? Eden wanted to let out a groan of frustration right then and there. He seriously doesn't know why incest is bad? What does Reginald teach the kids growing up?! What the fucking hell?!

Ok, Eden doesn't know the full story and from the sound of it, neither actually knew what they were doing. There's nothing Eden wanted to do more than just storming into the Academy and punch the living daylights out of Reginald and yell at him for hours' end for not teaching the kids he raised shit.

But that's not what Luther needs right now. Luther needs to be taught why is incest bad. Luther needs to be taught of so many things on how to be a respectable citizen and this is atrocious. He needs to learn, not scrutinised. It's not his fault he doesn't know shit, it's the first time he ever daringly went against Reginald's words and from Luther's stories, Reginald barely paid attention to any of the children.

"Here's why incest is bad-" Eden took a deep breath as they start a speech in their head. "You two are siblings, right?"

"Well, we're adopted."

"Adopted family is still family," Eden insisted. "By genes, it wouldn't be so wrong because you're not related, but adopted siblings are still siblings. Legally, you and Allison are siblings. It's incest because legally you're related."


"Incest is taboo because of the genetic faults that may happen if they reproduce," Eden continued. "The definition broadens from just genetically to legally. Usually, incest happened between an older relative to a younger relative-"

"Allison and I share the exact same birthday."

"But you grow up together," Eden countered. Luther furrowed his brows in confusion. "The chance of forcing is there."

"She wasn't forcing and nor was I."

"I think it's best if you consult it to a psychologist," Eden said. "You should see a psychologist to help you overcome your traumas of the Academy and the shock of running away."


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