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"I shouldn't have done that, you didn't know."

Eden noticed that Luther's face fell as soon as Eden 'raged' on Luther's behalf. They can't believe that Luther was never taught of that. Eden knew it couldn't be his fault, nobody bothered to teach him anything outside of being mindless soldier growing up. Still, it doesn't sit right in Eden's consciousness.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'M sorry," Eden insisted. "I should've known."

"Were you angry?"

"Not for you," Eden assured him. "For your 'father' for not teaching you anything."

"What about Allison?"

"I suppose I was-" Eden shrugged, feeling somewhat guilty. "But I remember that both of you were kids and you two wouldn't know better then. I mean it, you should consult it with a psychologist. We'll arrange it later."

"Alright." Luther sighed. There it is, awkward silence falls between the two.

"Ooh, a convenient store!" Eden pulled Luther's hand, pointing to a convenient store nearby.

"I see."

"I want to grab some gum, want anything?" Eden asked. Luther shrugged.

"Just anything." Eden nodded as they dragged Luther in with them too. Luther lets out an 'oh!' before regaining his balance and take a look around the convenience store. Eden kept pulling Luther's hands from aisle to aisle in search for some gum.

"Want a pack too?"

"Are you up for sharing yours?"

"Nah." Eden shook their head. "Well, maybe."

"I'm not buying some gum," Luther decided. "I think I'll get myself some crisps, though. I like salty food more than sweet."

"Well, you're already halfway there." Eden snorted. Luther furrowed his brows as he turned their attention towards them. "Humans naturally generate salt?"


"Come on!" Eden pulled Luther's hand again and looked for the aisle containing crisps. "Which flavour would you like?"

"Umm," Luther hummed as he eyed all the different flavours available. Which one tastes the best? "Which is the most popular?"

"For fuck's sake, this isn't a damn competition." Eden chuckled at their clueless friend looking so lost at a simple thing of different crisps flavours being offered. Luther shook his head and chose the cheese flavoured crisps.

"Alright, let's pay for them," Luther said as he holds one bag of crisps. Eden nods and held Luther's hand as they rushed to the counter. As the barcodes got scanned, Luther prepared some money from his wallet, the exact amount the machine displays.

"Let me chip in," Eden said, stopping Luther. "Let me pay for my gum."

"Alright." Luther took out the smaller nominal of money and combined it with Eden's before Eden takes their gum and Luther takes his crisps. They said their thanks before stepping out the convenience store.

"Do you want some?" Luther offered to Eden as he opened his bag of crisps.

"Thanks, Lu!" Eden bit their bottom lip as they took some from the bag and ate them, continuing on the stroll as both of them snack on the crisps. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it tastes great," Luther commented, just swallowing.

"Ooh, we're here already." Eden grinned as they pulled his hand to the nearest bench, sighing happily. Both of the young adults enjoy the crisps that Luther had bought together, just staring out at nothing. Enjoying the silence, none had any idea to break it. Luther likes it like this, gives him the ability to really think about things.

Luther realised that he hasn't thought of Allison as a romantic interest since her marriage to Patrick, maybe he's finally falling out of love with her. He wonders how she is right now. Is she happy with Patrick? Is Patrick patient with her? Has she has a new addition to the family? How's her job? He knew she's an actress now but he didn't waste much of his time in front of the screen, so needless to say, Eden is right. He's hopeless in the real world.

How are his other siblings? Diego, Klaus, and Vanya? Five is missing (a bitter part of Luther thinks he'll never return, even though Vanya is positive he would) and Ben is dead. Can Klaus conjure him? He felt stupid, of course the German can. It's what he does. But would he, that's the question. He knew Klaus started drugs to escape the corpses from following him, and Luther understands. It's pretty much the same motivation that caused Luther to run away from the academy.

Luther thought about Eden, how sweet they are. Eden is an absolute godsend, Luther decides. Eden has been unbelievably patient with all of his antics, like when they took him to his first clubbing, when he freaked out after accidentally breaking the door handle, how they just smiled and said it's fine as Luther accidentally bend a spoon as he got a tad bit emotional about a movie about a dragon 'killer' that bonds with the dragon instead of killing it, he somehow can relate to the protagonist. He wished he had the same ounce of bravery as the protagonist has.

"Thank you," Luther said, breaking the silence. Eden faced him with a questioning look on their face, still chewing some crisps. Eden swallowed. "For everything. For being a great friend, a patient boss, an informative guide, and a wonderful person."

"Thank you for being my friend too," Eden smiled as they sighed. "Luther?"


"It's a beautiful night out, isn't it?"

"It sure is." Luther nods. Eden laid down their head to his shoulders, intertwining their fingers with his.

"Why don't you tell me something about you?" Luther asked. "I know we're new friends but it feels like I've known you for so long already."

"I trust you won't make fun of me." Eden chuckled. "My parents have passed away and I don't have any other family."


"They're lesbians and their families don't accept," Eden continued. "They had a sperm donor and they had me. But they died in an accident."

"I'm very sorry."

"It's alright, it's long ago anyway. Doesn't hurt that much anymore." Eden shrugged. "What else?"

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