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Jimin POV

We left the bedroom and said goodbye to Jungkook. We stayed quiet in the beginning but after we started to talk.

"So, who is your roommate?" He asked me curious.

"A-Ah..." I got a really nervous. "Is Taehyung." I ended up by saying the truth.

"Really?!" He said surprised but somehow finding it funny.

"Yeah... Where was my luck that day...? And now...?'" He laughed when I said that. I ended up by laughing ironically to say I wasn't find it anything funny and I continued.

"And now I won't even be able to sleep, because he threatened me that he was going to bore me in the sleep." I sighed.

"Then why don't you sleep in my dorm?" He offered.

"Ah, really?!" I said getting my hopes up.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Thanks. I'll stay only for one or two nights."

"You can stay how much time you want." He smiled. I smiled back.

"Then where we going?" He asked.

"We are going to a restaurant. I'm hungry."

"Me too. Let's go." We started making our way to the restaurant.

Hoseok POV

I'm so happy that Jimin invited me today. Now our awkward atmosphere is gone and we can talk normally like before. I wouldn't be able to take that for much longer.

We finished eating and Jimin insisted to pay, saying that he was the one who invited me and he should be the one paying. I knew he was really stubborn, even more than me, so I gave up fighting with him after a while.

Then we decided to go to a park near by. It was really pleasing to be there and the weather was great too. It somehow made me remember the park that we used to go as kids really often. It was nostalgic.

"This is really nice. It remembers me when we were kids." Jimin said with a bright smile. "And somehow that time too..." He started to lower his voice and losing his smile.


"But anyway. I really enjoyed today. We need to do this more often." Jimin said looking to the sky with only a few clouds covering that calming blue.

"Yeah. Invite me anytime." I smiled.

"Of course I will." He gave me his beautiful eye smile.

We stayed there for a while, until it got late. It would be pitch black if the lights here outside weren't on.

"Is better we get going." I said and we started walking to the dorms. We noticed even more the silence between us, because we couldn't hear any sound around us. I was uncomfortable... And I could tell that Jimin was too.

Our hands touched several times and I couldn't take it anymore. I started holding his hand and I didn't say anything. He must have not been expecting me to that, because he hesitated. However he didn't say anything too. We walked to the dorms like that, until we finally arrived.

Jimin POV

"I'm going to my dorm for now. I see you later." I said goodbye to Hoseok.

"See you." He responded and went to his dorm.

I entered in my dorm and saw Taehyung's feet outside of one of the couch's sides. Taehyung was still lying there since I left. "Did he stay there all day?" I wondered.

"Hey, Taehyung. I'm back." I said walking next to him. But after I noticed he was sleeping.

His hair was a little messy, but he seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I was going to pick a sheet to cover him to not get cold, but then I stopped when I looked again at him. I noticed he looked kinda cute...

"Jimin..." He mumbled still asleep when I was looking at him. I blushed slightly. "Is he dreaming with me?"

I stayed there for a while and suddenly I wanted to touch his hair. But when I started stretching my hand...

"You dumb ass!" He shouted, scaring me. Right away he woke up.

"Ah, Jimin, you already arrived." He rubbed his eyes as he was still a little half asleep. "Where did you went?" And then he looked to the hours. "And why did you only came back now?!"

"Why so much questions? It almost looks that you missed me when I was out." I smirked.

"No, it's just to know where I shouldn't run away and how much time I have for that, next time you leave." He stuck his tongue out.

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed slightly, until I remembered...

"Ah, Taehyung, today I'm going to met with a friend and I'll sleep at his place..."

"...And try to guess why I'm sleeping there..." I gave him stares to Taehyung so intensely that he couldn't even pretend he didn't noticed because it was just too obvious.

"So, you got scared." He smirked. "And if I decide to threatened you every day then?"

"Then I'll start to sleep in his place everyday." I stuck my tongue out. "Now I'm just going to eat something and I'll be going after." I didn't got any response. I guess Taehyung was ignoring me now. I just started doing what I had planned to do.

I prepared some pasta for me quickly, and left some for Taehyung in case he wanted later. I ate my part and I washed the plate.

"Ok, I'm going now. Bye, Taehyung~" I played with my voice to pissed him more. And we could he didn't look happy.

"Is that jealously?" I continued to try to piss him even more.

"Please, just go and never come back." He said angry.

"Is not happening." I gave a evil smile that made him roll his eyes.

"See you later." I said and left the dorm.


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry for not updating so soon as usual. I had some idiots annoying me today. :P One of them knows who I am talking about. e.e Who can be...? e.e

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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