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Taehyung POV

He just left... He must had gone to Hoseok's dorm... Dammit... Why I feel like this? When did I started to care about Jimin like this...?

"A-ah, I don't care about him." I tried to convince myself. "I just my competitiveness talking. I just don't Hoseok to win. Y-yeah, that's right..."

But anyway... He is sleeping in Hoseok's dorm! And it is just because I threatened him! I guess doing that was a mistake... I hope it wasn't...


Why do I hope it wasn't...?

Jimin POV

I knocked at his dorm's door and he opened right away.

"Hi Jimin." He smiled at me. I said hi too and smiled back. We got inside and sat in the couch next to Jungkook. I said hi to him, receiving a hi back.

Jungkook decided to put a horror movie and I was surprised that Hoseok didn't said anything or went against it, because he usually is afraid to watch them.

"Oh never mind. He is afraid now too. He is even shaking a little." I chuckled when I noticed. Hoseok realized why I was chuckling and punched me in the arm. Jungkook didn't get it but didn't ask.

The movie started and Jungkook turned the lights off. Hoseok gave death stares to him, but only me noticed. We started watching and, in the beginning, Hoseok wasn't that scared. But after a while he started shaking and hugging my arm with fear. He looked kinda adorable as he was doing that...

I took his hand and started holding it. He got more calm and managed to stop shaking. But, of course, he still got scared and jumped when the most scary parts came. Mainly in one part that some people started dying in a living room similar to the one we were now. I think he only didn't screamed because Jungkook was there.

"Or maybe because we were holding hands..." I slightly blushed with that thought.

The movie ended and Jungkook turned the lights on. Me and Hoseok were still holding hands, but we didn't even remember anymore. Hoseok already had hidden his expression, because he didn't want Jungkook to know that he got really scared during the movie.

"I'm going to sleep now. I won't be able to wake up tomorrow if I go sleep late." Jungkook said as he started going upstairs to his bedroom.

We said goodnight to him and we stayed both there in silent, still holding hands.

"W-well I guess we should go to sleep too." I said to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah. I'm going to sleep in the couch, so you can sleep in my bed." He said and started standing up from the couch and releasing my hand.

"No! I'm not letting you sleep in the couch! I just came to your dorm and I'm already abusing from your sympathy. For me to take your bed, it would be already too much. I won't sleep in your bed!"

"I don't care." He said as he picked me up from the couch. Why the hell do everyone can pick me up all the time?! It is starting to get in my nerves.

He threw me in his bed and commanded to stay there. But I didn't gave up yet. I knew he wouldn't get any sleep if he ended up by sleeping in the couch all alone after the horror movie.

"Come on. I don't mind to sleep in the couch."


"At least, we could sleep in the same bed. It has plenty of spac-"

"No." He insisted.

Dammit, he was being really stubborn. But I knew I would get convince him. And then he didn't gave any other choice.

"Really~?" I started smirking and Hoseok knew that wasn't good news.

"Will you manage to sleep in the couch all alone after seeing that horror movie~?" I continued, playing with my voice. "Poor people... All they most feared happened when they were peacefully sleeping in the living room~."

"After seeing that movie I wouldn't be able to sleep alone in that dark living room. You are so courageous~." I pretended to be scared, moving closer to him. "Please don't leave me alone, I'm too scared to sleep alone~" I whispered in his ear.


"I'm still don't believe that you convinced me..." He muttered.

"I always convince anyone. And in your case is even more easy." I smirked.

"Yeah, yeah..." He sighed. "And changing subject... Don't you mind wear a shirt?!" He shouted.

"Shhh. Jungkook is already sleeping." I told him to speak more quietly. "And I can't sleep with shirt, because I got used to sleep without it."

"Aff." He scratched his head. "Let's just sleep." I nodded and turn off the lights. We left a window open to let some light from outside enter in the bedroom. I was facing my back to him, somehow a little nervous. Even if I was the one that convinced him sleep next to me, it was still a awkward.

I was afraid to turn to other side, but I was starting to get uncomfortable. It didn't took too much time to me to get tired to be in that position and to ending up by turning to Hoseok's side.

As I turned, I got surprised how close Hoseok was to me. And that surprised him too. Our noses were touching up in each other and we could feel our warms breaths mixing together. I started to blush and turned again to the other side, without caring about how uncomfortable I would get again. Hoseok didn't said anything and the silence continued to surround us. The only sounds that we could heard were from outside and our breaths.

Well... The mainly thing troubling me now is... How am I supposed to sleep now?! I lost all my sleep... And it seems that he won't come back too soon...

This is going to be a long night...


New chapter \(*-*)/. Sorry, I won't be updating tomorrow. TT-TT It's really difficult for me to update at Tuesdays. TT-TT I hope you don't get mad at me. TT-TT And I hope you liked the Jihope in this chapter. e.e

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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