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Jimin POV

During the night, I think Hoseok started to have a nightmare, because he was shaking and mumbling some words. I knew he wouldn't sleep well after seeing that horror movie. And he even insisted in sleep in the living room all alone. This idiot!

He kept shaking and that made me feel bad. I decided to hug him, leaning his head in my chest. I tightened the hug and he started to calm down and hugged me back involuntary. That somehow made me happy. And looked at him for a while, until I ended up by falling asleep in that position.

Hoseok POV

It was already morning. I could feel the warm and calm light from the sun outside. But when I opened my eyes, I almost had a heart attack. Me and Jimin were hugging and were really close. I was trapped in Jimin's embrace and couldn't get out of it without waking him up.

"Hey, Jimin..." I started quietly "We have to go to school..." But he didn't wake up.

"Hey, Jimin!" I shouted as I easily got impatient. But he still didn't wake up. I tried to move and get out of there, but when I did that he only tighten me more in his arms.

"Dammit..." I mumbled.

"It seems that someone is already awake~" Jimin said playing with his voice.

"A-ah, were you all this time awake?!" I got surprised as I heard him talking. He didn't respond, he only gave me a smirk. That was a "yes"...

"You idiot!" I shouted and got off from his embrace. He started to laugh and didn't seem to stop too soon.

"Hmph..." I stood up and walked to the door. "Idiot!" I turned back and stuck out my tongue, before leaving.

Jimin POV

I continued laughing. He wasn't really expecting me to be awake. He got frustrated and everything.

I got up from the bed and left the bedroom. Jungkook was already up and I assumed that Hoseok was in the bathroom, because I could hear the water running from the shower.

"Good morning." I said to Jungkook.

"Good mornin-" He interrupted as he looked at me. "Why are you not wearing a shirt...?" But before letting me answer, he continued.

"And why did you and Hoseok left both from the same bedroom~?" He asked curious with a perverse smile. "Did happened something that I didn't know~?

I blushed really badly. And that didn't help, because his smirk only grown more.

"Is just that I don't like to sleep with a shirt." I ended up by responding.

"You still didn't answered the others questions~"

"A-ah, it didn't happened anything. We just slept in the same bed."

"If you say so~" And is in this times that I ask myself how someone that looks so adorable and innocent can be like that. I sighed.

"Just think whatever you want." I said.

"I'm already doing it."

"Yeah, I already noticed." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"So... Will you go to school like that or what?"

Oh yeah. I forgot school again. I looked to the hours and it was already getting late. I ran to the Hoseok's bedroom where I left my clothes and started dressing quickly.

When I got to the living room, Hoseok was already ready. He was still a little mad at me, but after he started laughing. I didn't get it in the beginning but then he pointed to his hair. Ah... My hair was a mess after I dressed in hurry. I blushed slightly and went to the bathroom fix it with my hands. When I come back, Hoseok was smirking, just to don't start laughing again. At least, he wasn't mad at me anymore...

We left the dorm and made our way to school.

Taehyung POV

Jimin didn't came back after he left yesterday and school was going to start soon. Now, I must only see him in school. I left the dorm a little more soon than usual because I didn't had anything to do and I was bored. In the way, some girls started chasing me.

"Hey, Taehyung, we heard you went to the shopping last Saturday with Jimin."

"Why did you went with him? You could have just invited us and went with us."

"And why have you been around him lately?" The questions continued coming.

"Ah, you are only playing with him, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, he only can be next to him for that reason." They started chatting with each other, before locking all the attention in me again.

"But you shouldn't waste your time with him and should had invited us instead of him." They started pouting.

"I promise that next time I will invite you." I said smiling, but actually in a tentative to shut them up and to make them leave me alone.

"Yay." They said in chorus. "It's promise then."

Great, another empty promise! Don't they have anything better to do than get false hopes? But now that I think... Going out with other people can actually take Jimin out from my mind and make me stop troubling in thinking in him. I should try to do what I promised for once...

I got inside the school and I made my way to my classroom, still with several girls chasing me. Jimin still didn't arrived. I just sat in my place bored.

I looked outside the window, still pretending that I was listening to the girls surrounding me. After a while I saw Jimin walking in the garden... With Hoseok and the other one I combined to meet later. My attention was all in them. If before I wasn't listening to the those girls around me, now I wasn't even feeling their presence. I only noticed that they were still next to me, when I couldn't see Jimin anymore.

"Oh, he have to go now." The girls said as they looked to the hours. "See you later, Taehyung."

"See you later." I responded before they finally left.

And right away Jimin was in front of the door, saying goodbye to Hoseok and the "other guy". As those two noticed me, they started starting ate coldly. Now I was in stare contest with both. But, as soon they noticed how late it was already, they left and started to walk to their classroom.

Jimin sat in his place and, as the teacher didn't arrived, I decided to talk with him.

"Did you sleep in Hoseok's dorm?" I asked him as I got his attention.

"Why you ask? Are you curious~?"

"I'm not. Actually I don't even know why I made that question. You said that you would sleep in a friend's place. And I don't see you with that much others friends~" I smirked. He just ignored.

"Then you know where I'm starting to sleep for a while." He said as I started taking his things from my backpack.

"What?" I asked a little surprised with what he said, but trying to not show it.

"You heard it. I'm will sleep some days there because "someone" threatened me." He started staring at me. I ignored and he continued. "So you won't be able to do your revenge for some days. It won't make any difference to you, right~?" He smirked.

Before I could even say anything, the teacher arrived and said to everyone be quiet. Jimin continued smirking and I frowned a little with anger. The teacher started the lesson and now I didn't had any other choice than listen to it or, at least, pretending it...

Jimin POV

~ Ding dong ~

Taehyung was still staring at me, but now I had my mind in something else. I had gotten really hungry suddenly during the lesson for some reason. And then I remembered that I didn't had breakfast with the hurry in his morning... Dammit...

I decided to buy a snack to eat before lunch because I wouldn't handle the hunger for too much time. I stood up and left the classroom. But, in the hallway, I got stopped by someone.

"Hi~" A guy that I didn't knew smiled at me.


Who is he?


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Wow, this chapter got really big. o.0 It must be the longest until now. o.0 Well, is not a bad thing... Mainly for you. e.e And why do you have to be nice with me? XD That way, I will update everyday. e.e' And I don't that... e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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