It's him

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Taehyung POV

That stubborn idiot! Why doesn't he just tell me the truth?! What happened when I was out for him to keep insisting so much in not telling to me?! What did Hoseok done to him?! I knew he would avail of Jimin's sickness and weakness to do want whatever he wanted! Why did I had to leave them together all alone...? When I get to know what Hoseok done, I'm going to kill him!

And I can't believe that, after lying to me, Jimin even punched me in my left cheek! I was already really angry with him and everything and that didn't help at all! After that, I decided to just leave right away, as I knew that he wouldn't tell me anything. There wasn't any point in keeping insisting with him... And I knew that I really needed to calm down that moment... So leaving was the best thing to do...

But what is this rage and hate towards Hoseok...? Whatever happens to Jimin or whatever Hoseok does to him, shouldn't be my business... Yeah, it shouldn't... But I guess it is already...

Dammit... My cheek was aching and the pain didn't seemed to stop growing and to end too soon... I knew I should do something about that, but I decided to try to just ignore it for now.

I kept walked without destiny, until I ended up in a park nearby the school without anyone around. As I tried to calm down, I saw a small lake in the distance, with a beautiful and clean tone of blue. I moved closer to it and, after some moments, I looked to my reflex. I saw my cheek already swelling, revealing a bright purple color visible and obvious to anyone that could walk next me.

I hid it with my left hand and frowned involuntary. Only after I realized my really big frown in my reflex in the lake and I sighed as I saw that sight of me. Walking wasn't helping to calm down as much I expected... And how much I wanted...

And where I should go now?! I don't have anywhere to go and I don't want to keep wandering like this! I couldn't return just like that to the dorm now! And I couldn't go to school too with my cheek in this conditions! Everyone would start to make me questions about it and would make a big scene. And they could even know that was Jimin who done this to me! And who knows what they will do to him...

I decided to call to Namjoon. Fortunately, I had brought my cellphone with me, but as I tried to call his number, he wasn't answering. Aish... I tried several times, but I kept having no response from the other side... I guess he was "entertained" with Jin in the dorm now... (N/A: Cof cof. e.e') I putted my cellphone in my pocket and sat next to the lake.

How am I supposed to talk with Jimin after this...? I think I shouldn't have left him all alone in the dorm... I had forgot that he's still sick... But how am I supposed to get back there after all this...? For now, I think I should just buy some painkillers or whatsoever to heal my cheek more quickly... And to get a excuse for my cheek being in this conditions, to use it against everyone in school...

Suga POV

"Who would tell that this would happen?! I wasn't expecting to find Hoseok here after so many years!" I thought and laughed as I remembered everything that have been happening recently. "Coming to this school was the best thing that ever happened to me!"

After I finally stopped laughing, I started smirking as I remembered something interesting and fun to me...

"Hoseok was the one who was with Jimin, in the other day, next to the big tree outside..." I started remembering that day. "And Taehyung even had a really big frown in his face when he saw, by the window, Hoseok pinning Jimin in the tree and being really close to him~" I smirked even more.

"It seems that Jimin is a really interesting person. Play with him will make more damage than I was expecting~. It seems I've been lucky ultimately~." I got away from the wall that I was leaned before and started walking to my classroom.

"I hope my luck lasts a little more~"

Jungkook POV

I kept waiting for Hoseok in the canteen, as I knew he would come back. Yes, I knew that he would come back, because, when I talked with Taehyung, he started getting really worried with the fact that Hoseok and Jimin were all alone in the dorm. His expression was telling everything! And I bet that he went to the dorm right away to separate those two!

"That playboy can manipulate really well, but he should do something about the fact that he can get really easily manipulated too. Or maybe not, I like like this~." I thought revealing a little smirk.

When I was starting to get really distracted with my thoughts, I saw Hoseok entering in the canteen. I knew it! Taehyung really kick out Hoseok from the dorm! He really can be so hopeless!

I let out a little laugh and waved my hand to Hoseok. But something wasn't okay... Hoseok didn't had his simple, but charming smile, that I could see anytime during the day. I knew that he had something troubling him in his mind.

"Hey, Hoseok... Did something happened...?" I asked him worried.

"N-no... Why do you ask...?" He muttered. He was obviously lying...

"You are a terrible liar and you know it. Just tell me the truth."

"I-I afraid..." He mumbled with his head lowered and slightly shaking. I never saw him like this! When his beautiful smile fades away, it's always because something is really troubling him. And, to him be like this, something really bad must had happened...

"Afraid from what...? Did Taehyung do something?!" I asked getting already angry with the idea that Hoseok was like that because of Taehyung. But he shook his head nervously.

"Then what is it?"

"It's him!" He shouted, still with his head lowered.

""Him" who?" I asked clueless. Then he lifted his head to look at me and I saw a side from Hoseok that I never saw before... A really heartbreaking side, that I wish that I never had saw...

He grabbed nervously my shirt with fear, tightening his fists, and lowered his head one more time, before answering me almost in a whisper.

"It's him! That guy who commanded to other students to beat up Jimin!"


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Dammit... For much I keep trying to make Suga a good person, it only gets worse. e.e' Why Suga?! \(T-T)/ Well... Let's just hope that this changes in the future... e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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