Don't feel okay

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Jimin POV

"Did something happen when I was out...?" He asked with a blank expression, but still showing slightly that he was pissed for some reason.

"N-No! Why you ask?" I lied and diverged my gaze away from him. But I guess I lied really badly, because he got really angry when I responded him that. He walked towards me and grabbed my wrists and pinned me brutally in the next wall to us.

"Tell me truth! You can't lie to me! What did you guys done when I was out in school?!" He shouted.

"Why do you even want to know?!" I shouted back. But I think I shouldn't had done that because he started getting seriously mad at me. He tightened his fists in my wrists without even really wanting, letting obvious the rage that he had against me.

"H-Hey, Taehyung... You are starting to hurt me..." I mumbled scared. Yes, I was scared... I never saw him like this... I never saw Taehyung so angry because of something else...

He ignored what I said and grabbed my wrists even more tighter. I guess he would only hear me when I tell him the truth... But the pain started growing and, as a reflex, I punched him in his left cheek involuntary. He lost his balance after the punch and fell in the floor. He looked up in my direction and, after putting his hand where I punched him, as he started feeling the pain, he gave me piercing and death stares.

"A-ah.. Sorry..." I noticed what I had done and got even more scared as Taehyung was doing the most scary expression I had ever seen. I nervously stretched my hand in his direction to help him to get up, but, right away, he hit it away and stood up himself. He started walking to the dorm's door without saying a word to me or looking at me.

"T-t-taehyung...?" I said almost whispering and stuttering a lot. Then, as he heard me calling his name, he stopped right in front of the dorm's door. I got my hopes up and expected him to turn back, saying that he was just playing with me, as always, and that he forgives me.

But, this time... He didn't turned and just walked away, letting me all alone in the dorm...

Hoseok POV

I can't believe I kissed Jimin! And that I almost confessed to him! What was in my mind?!

"Well, it seems it was Jimin... Too much Jimin in my mind..." I scratched and let out a small sigh.

But anyway... If it wasn't Taehyung interrupting me, I could have already confessed to Jimin... And not telling today ended up by actually making me feel disappointed for some reason... I was afraid of Jimin's answer, but I thought that now was the right time to tell him the truth.... I guess I will just have to do it another time...

Anyway... Taehyung wasn't even a little bit happy by letting us alone before and now, as he noticed the awkward atmosphere around us, it didn't get better. Now he knows that something happened when he was out, in school. I think I don't want to be in the same room as him for a while... I wish you good luck, Jimin...

I got in school and, as I heard my stomach rumbling, I remember that I still didn't had lunch... Fortunately, as I still had some free time before class beginning, I decided to have lunch in the canteen. Maybe, with some luck, I could even find Jungkook by the way... Anyway... Food first!

I walked by the school's main hallway, in direction to the canteen. As my schedule was different from the most part of students, the others were having class already and the school was totally empty in the hallways.

But as I kept making my way to the canteen, I saw someone standing in the hallway and leaning in the wall next to him, alone in the distance. I got closer to that person to have a better look from him and to see who really was. And then I managed to identify that person...

...It was Suga...

Before I could walk away from there, he noticed me. At first, he didn't care about me and almost ignored me, but then he suddenly started doing a expression showing his shock in seeing me. Then, for my biggest fears, he started smirking... Oh fuck... Please, don't...

I turned back and started walking away in quick pace, almost running. I kept wishing that he didn't had recognised me and that he had mistaken me with someone else. But my mind wasn't going away with the big and obvious possibility of Suga had realized that it was me, the guy that he knew and that he used to get around in the past.

Please... Don't let him had recognised me... Or everything from the past can repeat once more...

Jimin POV

Taehyung still didn't come after all that happened. Where did he went? I need to find him and to do something to resolve all this situation... But how am I supposed to do something if I don't even know where I should start searching for Taehyung? I don't know which places he usually goes to isolate himself... Neither even the places that he goes to just going out and to have fun...

...Yeah, that's right... I don't anything about Taehyung... There's still so many things I don't know about him... And, now that I wanted to know, that I needed to know, he isn't here...

I think I will just sleep... There's no use in worry with those things when Taehyung is not even here... The stress was making me feel even worse and it wasn't helping in any way with my sickness... I should rest...

I walked to my bedroom and jumped to my bed, covering myself with the covers. I let a loud sigh and tightened my fists in the covers, biting my lower lip and after clenching my teeth.

I just hope that I can talk with him later... That I can get around him without any awkward atmosphere around us... That I can be with him... That I won't need to keep lying and that I will be able to say everything I hid from him... That I will manage to be finally free and true with my feelings and everything... Yes, I hope all those things to happen... But I... Still don't how to make them real...

Please, Taehyung... Come back... I need you to be here... I don't feel okay...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Happy birthday, Jimin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \(>-<)/

And dammit! XD Why are all BTS members' birthdays always in the days I don't want to update?! XD Because of Jimin's birthday, I had to update today. XD Well... :P

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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