Truth or lies, and truth

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Taehyung POV

I kept looking outside the window for a while, as the morning lesson had just ended and I didn't had hunger or appetite for the lunch.

And here I am... In school... In the same boring school... With the same boring idiots surrounding me... And thinking that Hoseok is all alone with Jimin isn't helping with my mood! And the real problem is that Hoseok can do whatever he wants to Jimin as he is sick... And I can say that he already knows that Jimin gets really weak and can't do anything against people's actions when he is sick. And I know that he will used that however he wants and how much he wants for his own purposes...

Dammit... I shouldn't have left the dorm... Why do I feel so scared now...? I can't be! It can't be... Or that way I am only showing that I like Jimin and that I'm worried with the possibility of Hoseok steal him from me... I need to stop these feelings and thoughts... But how...?

"Hey someone is in bad mood." I heard someone talking behind of me. I looked back and saw Jungkook with a evil grin. Great! Is there any way to this day get worse?!

"You don't usually talk with me. What is the occasion?" I hided my anguish and fear successfully and smirked.

"Is not everyday that we see you worried with someone else." He continued grinning and I got surprised for him knowing that I was worried. And my expression must had denounced my thoughts and shock now, because he smirked even more, before continuing.

"And you should really be worried. Who knows what Hoseok and Jimin are doing now~" Maybe~" He stopped in the middle of the sentence to provoke me.

"Let's just leave it to our imagination~" He teased with me and I frowned. "But anyway... You should watch out, you can be losing him, or maybe you have already lost him, when he keep talking. You may not be capable to get him back by now~"

"Tsk. Whatever." I looked away, pretending that didn't care about what he was saying. I stood up right away and started walking away, leaving the classroom.

"Don't lie to me. It's pointless now~" He kept chasing me and provoking me. "The truth is just too obvious~" He wasn't letting me in peace and I was already getting done with him.

As we entered in a hallway without anyone, I gave up in trying to endure him and pinned him against the wall. He must not be expecting that, because he slightly blushed. And as he noticed that he was doing that, he shook his head trying to make it disappear.

"It seems that even acting all cool, you still are not used with other people's touch." I smirked.

"Then I only have to get used." He said smirking too and starting to grab my jacket's collar to pull me closer to him. I got surprise with his actions.

"Sorry. But I don't want or like to play with you." I said with serious expression, but with a little evil half smile.

"Oh, too bad." He pretended to be sad, but letting obvious that was faking it. "So, with Jimin, you like playing? That is only why you keep around him?"

"Yeah." I said right away, without caring with the fact if it was or not true, or even thinking about the feelings that I was having since I actually affirmed that what he said was true.

"Really~? Then, why don't you just tell him~?"

"W-what?" I stuttered nervously.

"You know... For him to not end up by falling in love with you and have false hopes. He wouldn't want that to happen. And you wouldn't want that too, right~? So... What do you say~?"

"I..." I bit my lip involuntary before responding. "Y-yeah." I ended up by responding.

"Yeah what~?" He wanted me to say all the sentence to torture me even more.

"Y-yeah, I will tell him that I'm only playing with him." I felt so bad when I heard those come out of my mouth. And, for the other side, Jungkook was finding all that music for his ears and was grinning.

"Good~" He played with his voice even more loudly and obviously from before. "Now I need to go. See you later~" He started walking away, still waving his hand to me.

This didn't happen, right...? And I wasn't lying, right? Or was I...? Now, I don't even know if I should be worried with the possibility of all that being only lies or with the possibility of all that I just said being the truth... What I really want anyway...? To all that to be true or just lies...? To admit that I'm only playing with Jimin and nothing else...? I don't even know anymore...

I need to see Jimin... Now...

Jimin POV

"Hoseok...?" I was in shock and didn't know how to react or what to do after that sudden kiss.

"Jimin... I've lying to you so much..."

"W-what do you mean...?" I asked still madly blushing as he kept really close to me.

"I actually didn't asked you to change from your school to mine because of Taehyung. I don't love him and never did. Is true that I knew him before, when we were kids, and that he changed from the person he was in the past, but everything else was a lie. Sorry..."

"Why...? Then, what was the real reason for all this...? Why did you asked me to change school?" I asked with a serious expression, but still anxious and nervous to know the answer.

"I lo-" He got cut off by someone knocking at the dorm's door. Hoseok told me to stay in the bed, but I ended up by following him to the door. As he opened the door, we saw a tired and fatigued Taehyung. He must had came here running. I wonder why...

Hoseok sighed and let him enter. Taehyung gave me several stares as he got in the living room with us, but I ignored them. Hoseok looked to the hours and said that he had to go to school already, as our schedule were different from his.

"W-Well... B-bye, Jimin." He said nervously, before leaving.

"B-bye." I responded shyly, trying to diverge my gaze from Hoseok but failing miserably. He gave me a faint smile and left, closing the door behind him. And now I looked to Taehyung, that didn't seem happy in seeing all with that awkward atmosphere around me and Hoseok.

" What did happen when I was out...? "


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry, I just think I can't let Hoseok have his confession already. :P But I hope he can have it soon. e.e

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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