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Jimin POV

I dragged him inside of my bedroom and I jumped to my bed, covering me all up. He laughed as I looked a little kid only focused in doing what people tell him to do. He started messing with my hair playfully, still laughing.

"Hey!" I hit his hand to make him stop doing that and I started pouting. "Stop that! You are messing my hair all up!" But he wasn't stopping and that was starting to piss me off. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him on top of me, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"If you don't stop, I'll make you get sick too~" I smirked, but for my surprise, he started smirking too.

"Jiminie, you know you can't play with others when you are sick~" He managed to release from my embrace easily and grabbed my wrists, pinning my arms in the bed. "You shouldn't do that~. You know better than anyone that you get vulnerable to everyone when you are in these conditions~" I blushed as, in that position, I was totally submissive to him and couldn't get off of his grip.

"So meanie~. Now you need you punishment~" He moved closer. "What should I do to you~?" He touched my lips with his fingers gently.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered nervously.

"Tell me you~" He removed his fingers and moved his face, without showing any sign to stop. I closed my eyes shut and waited with a mixture of emotions for whatever could happen next. And then...

...I felt a kiss in my forehead. I got tricked again...

"You were really expecting me to kiss, weren't you~?" He pinched my nose playfully. "That could even get me sick. And you know I wouldn't want that." He smirked. I got mad in the beginning, but then I started feeling a kind of sadness for some reason without even noticing.

"Jimin...?" He got surprised with the expression that I was doing. "Did you got disappointe-?" Before I could let him finish the sentence, I picked my pillow and threw it at his face.

"Jerk." I stuck my tongue out.

"Hey..." He was the one mad now. I giggled after seeing his angry expression. "Hey stop laughing. If you don't...~" And grinned and he started making me tickles. For some reason, he was the only one that could manage to make me tickles and that wasn't a good thing... Even because he uses that against me so many times...

"Hey... Haha... You... Hahaha... aren't helping...Ha... like that..." I managed to say between laughs.

"I didn't want to help anyway." He smirked.

"Haha... Stop! Hahaha... I'm s-sorry!"

"Hum~? What did you say~" He asked, stopping to tickle me and pretending that didn't managed to hear what I said, even if it was obvious he did. He only wanted to provoke me and to make me say it again.

"I'm sorry..." I ended up repeating, looking away.

"You better be~" He pinched my nose again and, as he had finished playing with me (or at least for now...), he stood up and sat in the edge of the bed.

"So what did you wanted to tell me?" He asked with a expression more serious from before, but still smiling.

"A-Ah... How do I start...? It's about Taehyung..." I saw him bit his lower lip and I got nervous. But then he gave me a calming smile, telling me to continued, and I did as told.

"You know...? I've been forcing Taehyung to be around me to ruin his reputation and to lose all his popularity."

"Really?! How did you managed to force him?" He asked surprised.

"I've been blackmailing him. One day, he left his notebook in school's floor and it had some content that I could use against him. I took several copies from it and I've been only giving them one by one to him, as we do something together that usually ruin his reputation. And that was how we started to look more close to everyone's eyes and how I hope to look differently to Taehyung in a bad way."

"How many copies do you still have?"

"Hum..." I start counting, moving my fingers to make sure that I was right. "Five." (N/A: I didn't had to look in all the previous chapters to count them, just because I forgot... e.e' No, I didn't... e.e')

"Well, we still have some..." He scratched his head. "But couldn't we just get new copies by printing them again?"

"No." I shook my head. "Our main objective is actually not to ruin his reputation, but to change the person he became. If you get new copies, he will end up by knowing and won't change back to who he was before, but yes to a person even worse than the one he is now."

"Oh..." He lowered his head, as he understood my reasoning.

"But don't worry, I'll make sure that we don't need any other copies and that in the end you will manage to be with Taehyung as you always wanted. With the Taehyung from before." I said happily trying to cheer up Hoseok's mood. However he didn't say anything after.

"Hoseok...?" I tilted my head to the side to try to see his face...

...When he suddenly kissed me in my lips!

He pinned me in the bed without breaking the kiss and start sliding his hands in my cheeks and in my chest gently. He moved his lips passionately with mine and captured me in his embrace. Dammit, he knew I couldn't do anything against him... And he wasn't seeming to stop too soon...

When he finally disconnected our lips, as we were lacking for air, he gave me a faint and sad smile that broke me in pieces inside.

"Jimin... I've been lying so much to you..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ They kissed!!!!! >-< Ahhhhhhhh! >-< This is a Vmin fanfic, but who cares?! >-< My Jihope feels!!! \(>-<)/

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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