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Jimin POV

And without even noticing I had slept all day…

It was Saturday today. I sat up in the bed and I wasn’t feeling sick or dizzy anymore. I put my hand in my forehead, to see my temperature, and I hadn’t fever. I wasn’t sick anymore… I guess that I only felt like that yesterday because of the stress and of my mental breakdown…

I tried to fully open my eyes and I looked around still half asleep. And only after a while I noticed that…


...Was lying in the bed next to me, with only a few centimeters of distance between us two…

… And without shirt…

What?! Why the hell was he sleeping next me and even that close?! And with no shirt?! He must be kidding with me!

I stood up immediately and stared at him angrily. But after, the rage disappeared, as I kept looking to his exposed white skin and started getting a mixture of emotions… My gaze was locked in his chest and abdomen and, as I couldn’t diverge my attention away, I only gulped nervously.

“For much time are you planing in keep staring at me?” He said and opened his eyes slowly, catching me with my guard down.

“Wha-?! For how much time have you been

“Time enough~” He responded, smirking, and stood up, to walk next to me. And right when I saw his evil grin, I knew that he had something not good in his mind and, then, I tried to run away from him. But, right away, he grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the bed. After I saw him licking his lips perversely and I gulped nervously again, as I kept staring at his smooth skin.

“Jimin, you don’t need to be so nervous~ I won’t do anything to you now~” He pick up my hand and moved it to his chest, making me even more nervous. “I want to keep everything for tonight~ And don’t worry, I will let you see and touch more than just my chest~” He said smirking, making my face start to heat up and making me blush in a cute tone of pink. And, as he noticed that, he chuckled, making me blush even more.

“Cute…” He muttered really low, to not let me hear it, but I heard it anyway, and then he gave me quick and sincere kiss, that I never expected him to give me or to anyone else. “As it’s Saturday, let’s go out. Even if you don’t want to go to school, you still have to go outside and get fresh air and sunlight, or then you will get sick again.” He warn me and stood up, allowing me to sit up.

“Why are you being so nice with me…?” I asked again, even knowing what would be the answer that he would give me. But then, when he started talking, I didn’t got the answer that I was expecting...

“Because I like y-” My eyes widened as he was about to say those unexpected words, but he interrupted the sentence right away.  “I-I m-mean, b-because I want to have the opportunity to make you feel fully pleasure with my touch and to take totally over your mind the sooner possible.” He faked a smirk and left nervously the room right away.

What…? What did just happened…?

Taehyung POV

Jimin still didn’t come back to the dorm… I thought that he would come to school yesterday, but he didn’t… Where was he…? I don't know… No one knows... Yesterday, I had even decided to ask Hoseok if he knew anything about it… But, as he seemed already kinda down ultimately and as we still had an awkward atmosphere around us after “that incident”, I just decided to not do it…

So, what should I do now...? I couldn’t just keep waiting for him here for any longer… He wouldn’t come back… I knew that… And I just couldn’t keep myself locked here inside all day, for this last week... I need to get out of here… Even if it was only for get some fresh air and to try to distract myself and to stress me out… I just need to get out of his heavy atmosphere that started surrounding me and all the dorm…

I stood up from the couch that was still giving me happy, but, at the same, painful memories from my good moments with Jimin... I missed him… I miss him so much…

I looked to the kitchen... It was there where he had sometimes that awkward atmosphere around us and where we always tried to not make eye contact, as we felt embarrassed for no reason… That lightens up my heart everytime that I remember… Or, at least it would, if it didn't make my heart and my chest ache in pain, angst and sadness, at the same time…

I looked to the entrance… It was there where Jimin had felt asleep when he was waiting for me to arrive, until really late, even still being really sick… That stubborn idiot… He never listened to me...

I sighed. Jimin was everywhere. In every room here. In all the dorm. In the school. In my mind. In my heart… But…


I guess not by my side…


I decided to go to the shopping next to the school to try to relax and forget my problems. And that was actually working and calming myself, even if this place was still making me remember good/painful moments of when Jimin was still by my side…

I walked without any destiny. I wanted to look outside to see if it was already night or to look at the hours in any clock nearby, but I was too afraid of the idea of seeing the time was passing, as like that it would remember that “everything” would end soon… Yeah… Only a week… That was all the time that I had to… Do something…? Or to maybe only wait for him with false hopes…? I don't know… It were too many unanswered questions for me to handle with… Too many painful questions… And, as all these questions were starting to give me headaches, I decided to just rest for a while and to try to not think in anything...

I sat in a nearby bench and plugged the headphones to start to hear music. Music is one of my ways to try to calm down and to escape from the world and from my problems… Or, at least it was, before starting to think in Jimin and ending up, without even noticing, forgetting all my problems and getting happier and calmer than before… But as thinking in him would only hurt myself even more now, I tried to just close myself from the rest of the world with music… However, I had lost for forever my opportunity to close myself temporary from all my problems and from the world, as I felt a piercing pain in my chest and unbreakable sadness inside me...










New chapter. \(*-*)/ Too sleepy to think in something to say. -.- XD And here I am going to school now. TT-TT Like any other day. TT-TT

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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