To keep my promise

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Jimin POV

Next morning, I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face, from the multiple windows around me, and I noticed after that I was lying on the couch, with my head leaned on Tae’s exposed chest and with his arms around my neck and my waist, making me slightly blush involuntary.

After I blushed even more at the sight that I was receiving from his sleeping and calming expression. I shook my head to try to make my blush disappear, but failing miserably, as it wasn't going anywhere.

I could feel his coordinated breaths tickling my hair and my forehead, making my heart start beating faster. The same warm breaths that I mixed in one with mine when we were kissing.

And there it was his messy, but beautiful, orange hair that, one more time, was giving a huge desire to touch it. I started started slowly stretching my hand towards it and touching softly with the of my fingers, but still hesitantly, not only because I didn't want to wake up Tae, but also because I was feeling nervous and shy when I was touching it, for some strange reason.

"If you want to touch my hair that much, just touch it ~” He said and slowly opened his eyes. “D-did I wake you up?” I asked him, still a little embarrassed, as he had just caught me touching his hair.

“No, my alarm already rang and everything. It’s just that I wanted to stay here for a little longer~” He answered and tightened the hug.

“But it’s a shame that you didn't wake up earlier, because now I really need to get up, or else, I will be late for school.” He said with a disappointed tone, while he started standing up and picking up his clothes that were thrown on the floor and on differences places of the living room. And before I could even realize, I got my attention caught by every part of Tae’s body and I was already watching attentively to him dressing.

“Are you going to get up or what?” He asked, as he had guessed correctly where I was looking at and what I was thinking, even if he was with his back facing me.

“I think I’m going to stay on the couch for a little longer~” I played with my voice, almost to provoke him.

“You stay more time with the couch than with me.” He said, turning around, to look straight at me, and rolling with his eyes, making me chuckle, as he seemed to be jealous of the couch.

“If you want, we can just stay like we were before~” I started saying playing with my voice. “You, me and the couch, now~” I smirked and laughed right away with what I had just said, chuckling him after.

“Ok, ok, I’m getting up.” I started standing up, but my body was more sore and felt heavier than I was expecting, and I would have fall on the floor by now, if Tae hadn't walked next to me, stopped right in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my still naked and totally exposed body against his still shirtless.

“At least, you are up now~” He teased with me, making me blush.

“S-shut up!” It was all that I managed to say, even stuttering shyly, and he chuckled, getting me after in a long and passionate kiss.


(N/A:Who cares about the breakfast or the walk to the school?! -.-’

...I didn't want to write about it, because it was already 1 am when I was revising this chapter and everything… e.e’ XD)

He entered the school, by the main gate, receiving cold, shocked and disgusted stares following our movements, as we had a really bad reputation now, and as we were holding our hands and intertwining our fingers...

...But I didn't care about that. I didn't care about what they were thinking about me anymore. All I needed was Tae… All that I had to care about was what Tae was thinking. And now, even still without being able to believe it, I finally had Tae and I didn't have to be afraid of anything…

After a while (and after lots of students staring at us), as I was starting to get curious to know how Tae was reacting to all this, I looked in his direction and I noticed, by the corner of my eye, that, even with all those mean whispers about us being heard everywhere in school, he was still truly smiling. And that was enough for me to smile too and totally forget about everyone around us.

We walked through the school’s hallways, without letting go off of our hands and without losing our true smiles, until I spotted Hoseok in the end of the that hallway and I gulped nervously.

"Hoseok…” I whispered nervously and started shaking involuntary, as my gaze and my attention was totally stuck on him. But then, for my surprise, I felt Tae tightened his hand on mine in a calming and warm way and smiling at me.

“You don't need to be afraid. It won't happen anything, you will see. Everything will end okay. And don't forget that I’m also here and that I won’t leave you.“ He said, trying to comfort me and to calm me down.

“Ok, Tae. I trust you.” I faintly smiled at him and he smiled back again, while we continued our way through the hallway.

We started getting closer to Hoseok and I noticed that he was surprisingly and unexpectedly holding hands with Jungkook and talking cheerfully with him. And when Hoseok’s eyes and mine met for a few moments, both of us faintly smiled, without even sharing a word - just giving to each other a broken, but still friendly, smile - and continued our separate ways like anything had happened.

“See?” He said, when we were really far away from Hoseok and couldn't see him anywhere around us anymore, and I hummed back slightly blushing.

And then I remembered...

“Wait, Tae. How much time do we have before the class starts?” I asked him. “Let me see…” He picked up his phone to see the hours before answering me. “Fifteen minutes.”

“Hum… I guess I still have time…” I thought out loud. “Wait for me here, Tae.” I told him and released his hand that I was holding gently before.

“What...? Where are you going..?” He asked with a curious look, as he wanted to know where I was going now, and with a little sad tone, as he wanted me to keep holding his hand. I chuckled quietly after seeing his cute pout and I held his hand for a little longer, receiving a beautiful and true rectangular smile from him.

“I need to go to talk with the director about something…” I answered him. “To talk about what?” He frowned as he was already suspecting something bad to happen.

“Don't worry, Tae, it’s nothing. I’m just going to cancel my transference to another school, that I had made before.” I responded his question, making him disappear with his frown a little, but still with him being kinda upset.

“You shouldn't even had done that in the first place…” He bit his lip nervously, as he didn't want to remember what he had just passed through during these last days and how much he suffered when I wasn't by his side.

“Tae… Sorry… I’m really sorry... I will never do that again… I already promised you that before, so you don't need to worry.” I gave him a faint smile and he smiled back.

“Now just wait here for me here that I will be back in an instant.” I gave him a quick peek on his lips and walked, shyly and slightly blushing, to the director’s office, as I knew that Tae was still behind me, in the other side of the hallway, smiling at me...

I knocked to the door and, only when I heard a “Please, come in.”, I entered in the director office. He was organizing all the papers, that were on his desk, into a pile and he put them carefully in the next drawer to him. Only after everything was in his place, he started talking.

“Hi, Jimin. Take a sit.” He instructed calmly and nicely, but still maintaining his old formal posture. I did as I was told so and sat on the chair in front of him.

“What brings you here?” He asked and, before letting me even try to answer, he continued. “Even if you are going to change to another school soon, you are still one of my dear students and I’m here to help you with anything. So, you can always tell me if there’s something wrong.”

“Ah, it’s that what I want to talk about actually…” I scratched my head nervously. “I want to cancel my transference and to stay in this school for the next years.” I told him and he looked surprised at me.

“Why that sudden decision, if you don’t mind telling me?” He asked a little curious.

“There's something really important for me in this school and I don’t want to lose it.” I responded with the truth and he comprehensively smiled at me.

“Well, you are lucky, because you won't lose that important thing, as it isn’t too late for you to cancel your transference.” He told me, making me feel a huge happiness all of the sudden.

“But you still need your parents’ permission and them to come here to assign the papers to cancel it. Only after you won’t have to be obligatory changed to another school anymore.” He finished and I hummed back in response.

“Thanks for your attention and your time, director.” I started standing up and walking towards the door. “Now, I need to get back to class. Thank you one more time.” I faced the director and bowed, leaving after the office.

When I got to the hallway, I saw Tae looking to outside, tapping impatiently with his index finger on his cheek, while he had his head supported by his hand and his elbow leaned in the open window from where he was looking by.

I smirked with how vulnerable he looked and I walked quietly towards him, without making any sound. And when I was right behind him, I smirked even more, before finally scare him.

“Sorry for making you wait, Tae!” I shouted out right on his ear and hugged him from behind, startling him.

“Ah, what the hell?!” He yelled and when he noticed that it was me, he frowned. “Idiot! Why did you had to do that?!” He kept yelling at me and I only stayed there giggling and hugging him tight. “Aish…” He sighed and turned around, to face me and hug me back. “So, how did it go, idiot…?”

“I only need my parents to come here to assign the papers and I won't ever leave you again or break the promise~” I told him with a huge grin.

“And you know what? I’m going to call them right now!” I released the hug and ran away from him, while I started picking up my phone from the pocket at the same time.

“Wait for me here!” I yelled already really far away from him, without giving him the opportunity to protest or say something against it, and left the hallway right away.

Taehyung POV

“Aish, this kid.” I told to myself, as I saw the idiot that I loved disappearing in the distance. “Well, now I have to wait again for him here… What I have to deal with because of him…” I thought and sighed, while I scratched my head impatiently.

“But…” I stopped scratching my head. “...Now I will finally have Jimin forever by my side.”  I smiled and blushed without even noticing.

“Hey, someone is really happy~” I suddenly heard a voice coming from behind me and, when I turned around, I saw the person that I wanted the less to see now and for forever...



New chapter. \(*-*)/ Damn, this chapter got bigger than usual… e.e’ ...Again…. e.e’ (More 1000 words than usual again -.-’) You're welcome, I guess…? e.e’ XD

And, instead of Friday, I will update next chapter Saturday, because I've been really tired lately and I think I need to take a little break to rest. TT-TT Sorry. TT-TT I hope you forgive me. ;-;

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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