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I cant believe I gave this title to the chapter! XD It's perfect, isn't it? e.e XD


Jimin POV

After that perfect kiss, we separate our lips, as he were in need for air, and stayed a while looking into each other's’ features. His long eyelashes accentuated his piercing, but warm too, brown eyes.

His orange hair (N/A: In this fanfic, is Tae’s hair orange? e.e’ I don't remember. e.e’ I think I didn't even say any characters' hair color during the story… e.e’ XD Oh well, now it’s orange e.e’ XD) that was almost covering his eyes and that always gave me a huge desire to touch it softly with my fingers.

His hands carefully touching my cheek and that were so big compared to mine, but which fingers slid so perfectly between mine while he were holding our hands.

His mouth that was half open and that had soft and really pinkish lips, which he had the habit to lick them all the time. Those same lips that looked so innocent and sinful at the same time and that the couple times that I tasted them always made me want to kiss him again. And now it was one of those times... I wanted to taste them… I wanted to connect them with mine... I was desperate to feel them against mine again...

And as the had read my thoughts, he leaned his face closer and his lips met with mine again. We moved our lips perfectly in harmony and he started playfully and softly biting mine, to provoke me. So, as my payback, right when I got the opportunity, I slid my tongue inside his mouth, even without his permission, and I started exploring every corner of his hot and wet cavern.

After I touched every place of his mouth, and when I reached his tongue, we started a fight for dominance, which, even after all my fight and my efforts to win, he ended up by winning in the end, giving him all the control in the kiss. And, only after a good time, he pulled his lips away from mine.

“You are enjoying this more than I was expecting~” He said smirking and touching my lips with the tip of his fingers. “But you shouldn't try to take control over me and to dominate me~ It’s still too much for you~ I think the situation could easily get over your control, you know~?”

“I guess we will only know that until we try~” I told him and started sitting up, but he pinned in the couch right away, almost as an unconscious impulse. “What~?” I asked him. “Are you afraid that I can actually take control over you and that you will have to admit that you were wrong, while I make you scream my name at the same time~?”

“Someone is more horny and cocky than he should be~” We send provoking stares to each other and he kept talking. “But you won't have the opportunity to show me that I am wrong just yet~ Maybe next time, babe~” He said, making me win a pink blush on my face, with what he had just called me.

“Oh, did you like how I just called you?” He asked me, right when he noticed my blush and the expression that I was doing. He leaned his face closer right away, until his lips were almost touching my ear and I could already feel his warm breath on it. “I can call you that how many times you want…” He started whispering seductively. “...Babe~” He finished saying even more seductively and he bit softly my ear, making me feel all hot of the sudden.

“But first…” He leaned back, to have a full view of my embarrassed face, before continuing his sentence. “...I need you to call me something special~” He took a while before telling me what I had to call him, just to make impatient on purpose.

“...Call me daddy~”

“W-what?!” I stuttered nervously. “Why do I have to call you that?!”

“Because I want~” He answered with the cockiest smirk ever on his face. “So are you going to say it or do I will have to tease with you until you reach to the point that you are so hard that you will beg for me to “do you”~?” He asked me, as he started sliding his hands slowly through my chest and my abs, and stopped moving them before reaching to my lower zone.

“I’m waiting~” He played with his voice, making me gulp nervously. And, as he started getting impatient, he moved his hand to my bulge and started massaging it. “This is your last opportunity to say it~” He warned me and, as I knew that I didn't had any other choice, I started trying to say the word that he wanted so much to hear.

“D-da…” I tried to said, but it came in a whisper almost inaudible.

“I can't hear you~” He massaged it with more strength and started kissing my neck, making me let out soft and quiet moans involuntary.

“D-daddy…” I said louder and he bit my neck right away, making me yelp at first with the sudden action, but then moan with the strange pleasure that I was starting to feel on that area. After I felt him sucking that same spot, leaning back only when he was sure that he had left a hickey, and locking his gaze on me, licking his lips perversely at the same time.

“I want you to call me daddy more often~” He told me, as me calling him daddy was music to his ears. “It’s sounds so sexy when you say it~” He said, making me feel shy suddenly.

He started taking off my shirt and his too, and he pulled our bodies closer, letting our warmth mix in only one.

“W-what are you doing, Tae?” I asked embarrassed. “What did I tell you~? Call me daddy~” He said and started trailing butterfly kisses through my neck and my chest, at the same time he started unbuttoning and unzipping my pants. He then started slowly taking them off, kissing after my thighs and sliding his hands above my boxers and around my already grown bulge, purposely to tease with me.

“T-ta- D-daddy…?” This time I called him as he has telling me to, and he stopped and lifted up his head, to look directly at me, with the smirk that I was already expecting him.to have. “What~? Do you want me to stop~?” He teased me. “Because I think your erection is telling me another thing~”

“J-just do it…” I whispered embarrassed and I covered my eyes with my arm, but right away he took it off and gave me a quick peek on my lips. “Ok, cutie~ Everything my babe wants~” He whispered, making me even more embarrassed. He took then my boxers, looking after with a surprised expression, but then with a huge smirk.

He slided his cold fingers on my hard member and started teasing and playing with the tip. I whined, as I couldn't handle any longer him teasing with me and as that was already driving me in crazy. He chuckled, as he had understood what I wanted, and then he took it whole. He started moving his head up and down and later I tangled my fingers on his hair involuntary, making him fasten up the process, while sinful moans left my mouth.

“A-ah, w-wait, d-daddy, I-I…” And before I had even realized, I had already come in his mouth and fulfilled it all with my liquid. “O-oh…” I didn't say anything, as I thought he would get angry with me for had done that, and I just stay there quite, afraid of what could happen next. But, for my surprise he swallowed all my warm liquid and licked the rest from his fingers and from the rest that was still on me.

“I love your taste, babe~” He told me, making me blush madly, and right away I saw him unzipping his pants and throw them away. “A-ah…” I tried to say something, but I just left my mouth half open, as I couldn't take my eyes from his tights and his visible erection under his boxers.

“Is this your first time?” He asked me and I didn’t had to answer, because my sudden bright blush responded for me. “Ok then~” He looked at me with a perverse expression and leaned closer, just to provoke me. “Don’t worry, I will make you enjoy it so much that you will remember this night for forever and make you even ask for more of it~ (N/A: And make you not being able to look to couches the same way e.e XD If you know what I mean e.e XD).” He finished saying, playing with his voice, and took off his boxers, making him all exposed to me.

“D-damn…” I said involuntarily as I got my attention caught by that view that I never had seen before. “What?! Do you like what you see~?” He teased. “But I think you will like it even more inside you~” He whispered really seductively in my ear and I got involuntary hard again. And he chuckled when he noticed the state that my member was now.

He lifted my legs and looked at me with lustful eyes to the view that he had now in front of him. Only after a while, he looked straight at me and locked his gaze on my eyes, being attentive to the expression I was making.

"I’m going to get inside you, ok?” He asked perversely, but worried at the same time, and I nodded in response. He gave me a warm smile and then lustful smirk.

"Don't hold back your moans, babe. I want to hear you moan my name~" He told me seductively and slowly entered it inside me. "Babe, you are so tight..." He groaned sexly and he started slowly thrusting inside me. At first, it hurt a lot, but then the pain slowly faded and I was only feeling pleasure at some point. And the pleasure started being so big that I was already a moaning mess (and moaning his name all the time), without even realizing, and I couldn't even think straight anymore.

“Ah… Ahhh… M-more! Ah..." I told him, without really knowing what I was doing or saying at the moment. "Hum, you want more~?" He teased with me and gave him a "Yes, I want m-more~" as response unconsciously. He smirked with what I had just said, fasting the pace and starting to thrust harder after. I let out loud and full of pleasure moans and after a while I knew that I was already reaching my limit.

“A-ahh Tae, I-I’m going to…” I didn’t even finished the sentence when a loud moan left my mouth and I came at the same time, reaching Tae to his climax too inside me and falling tired on top of me. He were both tired and panting heavily. And after a while, we started to talk.

“So...” He started talking and growing a perverse grin on his face. “Did you like it~?”

“S-shut up!” I stuttered and looked away, making him chuckle. “But yeah... I love it…” I ended saying and looked again to him, seeing that he was making a shocked expression at first, but then with his usual rectangular smile.

“You are so cute, Jiminie~” He said while he hug me and ruffled his hair in my forehead. “I love you so much~” He started kissing me a lot and tightening the hug, making me let out a quiet laugh.

“Damn, I felt in love with a idiot.” I said sarcastically to tease with him. “Hey!” He shout out at me, with a cute pout and with playful frown that I couldn't take seriously.

“Kidding, kidding.” I chuckled. “I love you too so much, Tae~” I hugged him back.

And we stayed there all night, lying on the couch and hugging all the time, without feeling any need to move or to do something else, until we felt asleep in each other’s warmth...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ OK, I wasn’t ready to write this. TTuTT But I wrote it anyway. TTuTT So… Here you go… TTuTT ...I’m going now, ok…? TTuTT

I hope you enjoyed. TTuTT

Bye ~(TuT~)

- Danielar

(Seriously, why the hell my smuts always get way bigger than the normal chapters?! TTuTT This has more 1000 words that it usually has! >-< TTuTT)

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