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As I didn't update yesterday, here you have a udpate at 1.30 am. e.e' I hope you enjoy. e.e' XD


Taehyung POV

And the day finally had arrived... Today Jimin would move to another school and I probably wouldn't ever see him again... Today we would separate our paths and live our not any longer happy lives... Or, at least, I would just try to do that, because I didn't know how I was going to manage to truly "live" my now only surrounded by painful memories life... I guess, I just wouldn't...

"...This was really happening, wasn't it...?" I repeated that, one more time, inside my mind, even if I already knew the obvious answer... It was just that everything kept feeling so surreal to me... Like everything was just a bad dream, as none of this was was really happening...

...But no, this wasn't a dream... I knew that really well... I just couldn't lie to myself, despite how much I wanted to do that... Even if I didn't want to believe in it, this was reality... The cold and depressing reality that I live in...

...And there wasn't anything I could do about it... I couldn't do anything to change it... The only thing that I could do now was try to surpass the pain or try to forget it... But it was already really obvious for me that I just couldn't do any of them...

I opened my eyes slowly, but only leaving them half opened, as I was still half asleep and not used to the brightness provided by the sunlight that entered from multiple windows.

I looked around that room. It was this same place where I had so many memories with Jimin... It was one of the places where I had create an atmosphere so bright, calm and happy without even realizing... Yeah, it was a perfect atmosphere...

...That I knew that wouldn't last too long and that would totally disappear when Jimin had already left this place and was far away from here...

Everything would get much darker and depressing... This room would lose his happiness... This dorm would lose his happiness... My life would lose his happiness... Yeah, I already knew that really well... Jimin was my happiness... The happiness that was going to be taken away from me for forever...

After getting used to the brightness inside that room, I turned my gaze to Jimin, who was still sleeping calmly and slightly snoring.

I looked at him with a faint smile and started sliding my fingers carefully on his messy, but still always beautiful, hair, and softly, to not wake him up. And after a while admiring his features, I realized that the area around his eyes was all red...

"Did he continue crying even when I was sleeping...?" I wondered at the same time that I lost my broken my smile... I move my hands away from his hair and stretched it towards his also red colored, from crying intensively and unstoppably for a long time, cheeks. But before I could even touch them, Jimin suddenly woke up...

"Tae...?" He said, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes, as he still felt sleepy. He took his hands away from his face, opening his eyes slowly at the same time, and started looking around calmly, until he noticed my hand still suspended in the middle of the air, reaching in his direction.

However, before I could even have time to draw it away, to not let him notice that I was touching him without him even knowing, he held it gently, bringing it closer to his face and placing it on his cheek.

"It's okay, Tae... I won't stop you... I'm still yours... So... Don't worry..." He said and, right away, almost like an irrational impulse, I hugged him, without saying or doing anything else. I just hugged him quietly... That's all I did...

"T-Tae...?" He asked, but I still stayed silent and didn't responded back. I only hugged him even more tightly. "Please, T-Tae... I need to leave in half an hour... I can't be late..." He told me, after looking to the clock hanged on the wall next us. I just ignore it...

"P-please T-T-Tae...! Don't make this any harder for us..." He told me, almost like he was begging me to let go of him, while he tried to push me away weakly, but still hesitantly. However I kept quietly hugging him...

"T-Tae..." He whispered my name one last time and then he just gave up on struggling against me, hugging me back even more strongly.

"Dammit..." Was everything he managed to say, while he kept trying to hold back the tears, getting us after surrounded by that usual dense silence, which both of us never dared to break it...


Jimin POV

We had taken a quiet breakfast and we were now outside the dorms, with the car that was going to pick up already waiting for me, right in front of us...

...I couldn't even dare to look at Tae now... I was so afraid to see his expression... I could already imagine his sad and pitiful look towards that car and then at me... I didn't want to see it... Seeing it would only make things worse...

I turned around, to face Tae that was in silence behind me, but with my head lowered, as I didn't have the courage to look at him and see his expression.

"W-well... I g-guess that's it... I need to go now..." I told him with my shaky voice, while I kept trying to hold the tears and to not let Tae notice my struggle to not cry in front of him.

"Yeah, I guess you are right..." Was the only thing he said back, almost in a whisper...

"T-Tae..." I whispered his name weakly, before saying anything else. "C-can I kiss you one last time...?" I asked him quietly, still without lifting my head, and waited for his answer patiently, but still without any high hopes for a "yes" from him...

I just waited... I waited for a few seconds... I waited for a while... I waited for how it seemed me a eternity... But he didn't respond me or anything... "I understand if you don't want that..." I said as I lifted slowly my face, without caring anymore about my fear in seeing his expression...

"It was a stupid request, wasn't it? Just forget it, pleas-" I got interrupted suddenly by his lips pressing against mine and his arms around my waist.

His actions startled me at first, as I wasn't expecting him to do that of the sudden, but, before I could even notice, I was already kissing him back, with my arms around his neck.

"This was our last hug... This was our last kiss... This is was our last time together..." I couldn't take that sad thought out of my mind...

After a while, we pulled our lips away, as we were in need for air, and he stared after to each other's feature, admiring them for a good while. "T-Thanks..." I ended up saying and he weakly smiled at me in response.

"W-well... I really need to go now... B-bye, Tae..." I told him and he didn't say anything right away. But then he managed to force a sad smile, waving at me at the same time.

"B-bye, Jimin... I l-love you..." He managed to say with his raspy voice. "I l-love you so much..." He repeated one more time, without being able to force that broken slime anymore... "I l-love you so much too, T-Tae..." I responded back and waved weakly at him.

I entered the car and looked at Tae through the car's window. I gave him a last broken smile, which he tried to give back too, and then the car started moving and increasing the distance between me and him...

"Goodbye, Tae... Sorry for everything... If everything had been different, maybe we could be happy now... But I don't regret having felt in love with you... That I won't ever regret in my life... Even because...


...You are my only number one...


...And you will always be..."



New chapter. \(*-*)/ So... I'm going to stop this story for now. :P XD And I'm not going to continue it too soon because I still want to see if I get enough ideas to create a second book for the sequel. :P And because of other reasons e.e (One of them is because I'm feeling lazy e.e' XD And another one is because I want to get back to my drawings and my poems *-*) Sorry~ e.e XD

Ah, and I'm going to start writing (but not updating it just yet e.e XD) new fanfics and one of them is going to be (probably) Vmin/Jikook (I still didn't decide... e.e' XD). But I think I'm not going to update anything until next year, so don't expect anything from me for a while. ^-^ But don't worry, I will be back ^-^ Probably... e.e' XD


I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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