100 truths

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This isn't the sequel announcement or anything like that, sorry... e.e' XD But I'm working on it, ok? e.e' XD

And I'm also working in another fanfic that I still didn't publish and that's going to be Yoonmin. *Q* I can wait to start publishing the chapters! \(>-<)/

But, while I still don't publish any of those two, you can check out my other fanfic "Show business - Vmin/Jikook" that I already started publishing. e.e Do it. e.e And vote. e.e Please... e.e' XD

Anyway... :P I got tagged by bangtanboys-jpg ^-^ Thank you for tagging me \(>-<)/

Real name

My friends call me Dani ^-^

Male or female?
Female, but I always wanted to be a boy ;-;

Elementary, Middle or High school?
Middle school


Favorite color(s)?

Hair color?
Dark brown

Short or tall?
Hahaha... Haha... Ha...

Short ;-; (I'm 5'1.5/1.56m ;-;)

Shorts or jeans?
I don't know which I like more, but I use jeans way more times than shorts, so I guess jeans :P

Phone or camera?
Phone, but not to take photos :P I don't usually take photos :P

Health freak?
Who cares about health, when you have pizza and ice cream? e.e XD

Orange or apple?

Crush or taken?
None of them. Well, I actually have a "girlfriend", but it's just something we started as a joke :P

Coke or Pepsi?
I don't know :/ I prefer Coke but that shit gave kidney stones to my mom -.-' And she still has one even after the operation -.-'

Boys friends or girl friends?
It's the same for me, but currently I spend way more time with girls :P Well, it's not like I have any other choice, our class has more than 15 girls (I don't remember exactly how many e.e' XD) and only 7 boys :P And, even being only 7, almost all of them are jerks -.-'

I don't have any. I actually always wanted to have one in both ears (or at least in one ear), but I know I would only find fun to have them for a week and I would totally forget about them in a week e.e' XD

Been on a airplane?
Yes and I love it *-* Even if I spend all the time sleeping when I was on it e.e' XD

Been in a relationship?

Ever been in a car accident?

Fist fight?
Yes, but I don't use my strength to beat the crap of anyone anymore :P Well, at least not as much as before e.e' XD (I almost got problems one time so I kinda stopped after e.e' XD) One of most recent fist fights (and the only one that I still remember e.e' XD) was one that almost happened between me and a guy, but we had to stop because we were in middle of the class e.e' XD Good times ^-^ XD

Best friends:
Everyone I met until today on internet \(>-<)/ (Only like this to not forget to say someone e.e' XD)

Real life:
Nênê \(*-*)/ (Real name: Inês :P)
Nô \(*-*)/ (Real name: Leonor :P)
Ana \(*-*)/ (ReikaStones)
And maybe another person but I'm still not sure :P

First crush?
Even if I had a good memory, I wouldn't be able to answer that :P

First word?
I don't even remember what I did 5 minutes ago and you ask me that?! e.e' XD

Math, writing, drawing... Body rolls and hip trusts? e.e' XD Forget the last part please e.e' XD

Last person I talked to?
My annoying brother

Last person I texted?

ReikaStones (It was to be potaEto_21 instead of you, you idiot >-< XD)

Last food I ate?
Mini toasts with pâté *Q*

Last song?
Troye Sivan - Gasoline

Last bought item?
A puzzle where I can draw and paint on it however I want *-*

Last person hugged?
My mom

Favorite foods?
Pizza and ice cream *Q*

Favorite drinks?
Ice Tea

Favorite type of bottoms?
What kind of bottoms? e.e XD

Favorite animals?
Dogs and bunnies *^*

Favorite movie?
I don't know, I almost never watch movies

Favorite classes?
English, Visual Education and maybe P.E, I don't know :P

Have you ever...

Fallen in love?
I don't know

Celebrate Halloween?
Yes *^*

Had my heartbroken?

Went over text limit?
In every writing part of a Portuguese test (The maximum is usually 200 words and I sometimes I even write more than 500 e.e" XD) and sometimes of a English or French test too e.e' XD

Had someone like me?
I don't know

Hated the way someone changed?
Yes, more than anything -.-'

Gotten pregnant?
Seriously? -.-' I only have 14 -.-' Well, there's actually girls pregnant with the same age as me in my school, so I can't say anything -.-'

Had an abortion?

Did something I regret?

Broke a promise?
Yeah... (Sorry for not doing what I had said that I would do, person that probably doesn't even know that I'm talking with her ;-; Forgive this poor "shy" and not good English speaker girl please ;-;)

Hid a secret?
I can't actually hide secrets, I forget about them right away e.e' XD That's why my friends aren't afraid of telling me secrets e.e' They know that 5 minutes later I won't remember about them anymore e.e' XD

Pretended to be happy?
Everyday I go to school -.-' And maybe even more times that I'm self-conscious of :/ But if I'm smiling, I'm happy right? ^-^ Happiness is such a weird and so difficult to describe thing :P

Met someone that changed my life?

Gotten into an argument with my best friend(s)?
I'm not sure...

Stayed single for 2 years since your last relationship or been single forever?
I'm single for 3 months (something like that) since my last relationship

What am I currently...

I'm going to get cake now *Q*


Listening to?
Just finished listening ZICO - 오만과 편견 (Feat. SURAN) and I'm going to listen to "Seungri - Gotta talk to U" now and then Cross Gene - Play with me *-*

Sitting or laying?

Plans today?
Cry because school is going to start tomorrow ;-;

Waiting for?
Next vacation ;-; XD

Wanting kids?

Want to get married?

Want to travel?
Yeah, why not? :P

What I look for in a partner...

Eyes or lips?

Short or tall?
It's the same for me, he will probably be taller than me anyway ;-;

Younger or older?
Same age or older

Romantic or spontaneous?
Both? :P

Troublemaker or hesitant?
Both again? :P

Hook ups or relationships?

Looks or personality?

Have I ever...

Lost glasses?
I don't use glasses

Snuck out of the house?

Held a knife or gun in self defense?
Not yet e.e' XD

Killed someone?
Not yet too e.e' XD

Broken someone's heart?
Probably no

Been in love?
I don't think so

Cried when someone died?

Do I believe in...

Yes, even if I shouldn't and don't deserve it



Santa clause?


Angels or ghosts?


Is there someone you want to be right now?
I don't know, I like being myself :P But maybe yes :P

Do you know who you're real friends are?

Believe in god?

Gay, lesbian, bi or straight?

And this is 100 truths about me! \(*-*)/ I tag Alittlelostalien ChimChimsBootey couchIsLife Hyo_YiYi ilyvmin jamless4lyfe Jazz-Hoseok-Howlter kidmen2002 kimnamjie Kpop247Forever OnlyBaka potaEto_21 potatowoman123 real_chanbaek99 ReikaStones (I think you were already tagged by someone else but anyway :P) squalllionhart187 suhojams Taehyung-Chimchim Vmin_Vkook vminxyoonmin Yoonminmin. Damn, I tagged so many people. e.e' XD Oh well e.e' XD (I had forgotten some people, so I tagged them after e.e' XD It seems 13 weren't enough for me -.-' XD)

I will be waiting. e.e XD

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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