Another Tag :P

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I got tagged by bubbles_universe11 and jibooty_02. Firstly, I want to thank you both for tagging me ^-^ And secondly, thanks jibooty_02 for being a lazyass idiot and ask the same questions as bubbles_universe11 e.e' XD

I tag:















1.You have to write the rules

2. You have to tag 13 people

3. The people who were tagged have to do 13 tags

4. You have to answer all the questions the person asks you e.e

5. You can not refuse, you hear me?! >-< XD

6. Has to be done within a week or the creator picks a punishment e.e

7. Have to create a unique title

8. You're not supposed to comment here, for some reason :P But who cares? e.e Just comment as much as you want e.e XD

9. Has to be published in one of your stories


13 facts about me!

1. Hip trusts made me run faster XD I managed to run 40m in 6.06s *-* Yupi! \(*-*)/ For someone really small like me (why the hell don't I grow up? ;-;), that's pretty good *-* But now I'm going to waste a whole afternoon just to run for less than 30 seconds and jump two times (Long jump), because I got good scores at both and I'm going to be chosen by my teacher to compete in those things -.-'

2. I have an awful memory and forget everything right away

3. I had to stop reading some fanfics, because lately I haven't been with enough time to read them ;-;

4. My favorite animes are Beelzebub, Magi, Kekkai Sensen and another one that I'm always forgetting e.e' XD

5. I'm currently trying to find good musics to listen to desperately ;-; Can you recommend me any? ;-; I don't have anything to listen to right now ;-;

6. I love to do the covers for my books *-* For my books e.e XD

7. I have an awful memory and forget everything right away

8. I care more about my appearance now, although I still think I'm really ugly :P (I even do more than 200 sit-ups and do 20-40 push-ups everyday to lose some weight :P)

9. I love RPG Maker games *Q* And any other kind of games :P XD

10. I love to sleep *^*

11. I'm currently writing a Yoonmin fanfic and I have already almost 10 chapters written ^-^

12. I will only publish the first chapter of my Yoonmin fanfic between 6th and 10th February e.e XD I don't have school those days, so I thought that was a good time to start updating *-*

13. Me and my family are so lazy, that we still have our Christmas tree in the living room :P XD


Questions \(*-*)/

1. Who's your bias?
I think it's still Jimin... e.e' XD

2. What's your favourite kpop band?

3. Favourite song at the moment?
I don't know ;-; I just listen to anything I find now and try to like it, because I don't have anything to listen to ;-; XD

4. What's your favourite colour?
White *Q*

5. Favourite food?
Pizza and ice cream *Q*

6. Who's your bias wrecker?
Suga TTuTT

7. Favourite band (besides kpop)?
Hollywood Undead *Q*

8. Favourite animal?
Dogs and bunnies :3

9. Apples or oranges? (Why is this a popular question? e.e' XD)

8. G-Dragon or T.O.P?
G-Dragon *^*

11. Jungkook or Taehyung?
Taehyung *^*

12. White chocolate or milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate

13. BTS or EXO?


And now let's go to my questions! \(*-*)/

1. What's your favourite song? (Maybe if I ask this, I can find good musics to hear e.e' XD)

2. Dance or singing?

3. What's your biggest fear?

4. What are your hobbies?

5. Writing, reading or drawing?

6. Sexy or cute? (What you like more in a person)

7. What's your favorite season?

8. What's your favourite Kpop band?

9. Who was your first bias?

10. I don't have any more questions e.e' It's okay if I start asking whatever it comes to my mind? e.e' XD


12. Is this the 12th question? e.e' XD

13. Is this considered a valid question too? e.e'


And here you go. \(*-*)/ Yay, I'm finally done with this! \(>-<)/ XD Oh wait, I forgot that I still have one more tag to do... ;-; XD Oh well XD Now you better answer all of my questions within a week, ok? e.e XD Even because I already thought in a punishment~ e.e XD

And I only tagged 13 persons but everyone else can answer my questions too. ^-^ Just warn me after in case you do, for me to see. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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