Chapter 1: Lasers Yield Trouble

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Keith hissed as he fought his opponents. Pidge was still setting the explosives in the enemy ship so Keith ran out to the room before to stop the Galra from reaching her. He jumped to the side and swiped his sword, killing one of the Galra. 

"Wheres the other one?!" He looked around and saw his second enemy sitting at a laser type thing. Keith cursed,  he tried to dodge but he felt the burning sensation of the laser hit his side. Keith growled and passed out on the cold floor.

Lance and Hunk finally arrived. Lance shot the Galra with the Laser while Hunk picked Keith up. They ran and got Pidge before retreating to their Lions before they whole thing blew. The Paladins headed to the castle and docked the lions, Blue carried Red since Keith was out for the count. 

Before they could even think about putting him in the healing pod Keith's purple eyes opened, but they were a bit weird. His pupils were in slits like a cat's.

"Kieth! How are you feeling?" Shiro asked while Keith was set down on the couch.

"Nya~" Keith mewled. He crossed his legs and his hands fell to the couch, he was sitting kinda like a cat.

"Keith?" Shiro tried again. Keith glanced towards him. "Buddy, why aren't you talking?"

"Meow." Keith responded before he started scratching at his armor, like he didn't know how to get it off. He hissed irritable until Pidge reached over and helped him. "Murrow." Keith murrowed in thanks. Sitting on his black mullet was a pair of black cat ears with pink insides. 

".....Neko." Lance blinked in surprise. "Pidge what the quiznack happened?" 

"He went to hold off the Galra as I finished setting the explosives. I don't know." Pidge pushed up their glasses. "Maybe he was hit by that laser? Either way, he might have a tail so it'd be best to get him out of his armor to it can move."

"I'll dock the castle so we can figure this out." Coran said and headed to the control room.

"So who's gonna change him?" Allura asked. "I'm not doing it."

"Me neither." Pidge shook their head and stood beside Allura.

"Um I have a recipe to go perfect." Hunk said and excused himself. 

"Guess we're it Shiro." Lance groaned and Shiro nodded. 

They picked Keith up, which Keith didn't like. He hissed and tried to get out of their hold. He even scratched Lance against the cheek, making him bleed. Lance of course complained about his perfect skin, but Shiro was too busy to humor him. It took a lot of fighting but they somehow got him changed into a looser red shirt, and some shorts. They looked like Kieth's pajamas but that's all they could find in Keith's void of a room. Like Pidge guessed, Keith had a tail. It was long and thin, soft to the touch. 

"OKAY! Okay we're done!" Shiro said and stepped away. Kieth glared at him before he licked his hand and drew it over one of his ears to fix his hair and ears. "What are we going to do?" Shiro ran a hand down his face. "He can not stay like this."

"Yeah, definitely not." Lance shook his head and took out  laser pointer. "In the mean time, lets get him back to Pidge." He pointed the red laser to the ground and Keith instantly focused on it.

His head tilted. Keith jumped down from the bed and started crawling towards the light. Lance moved the Light and Keith jumped after it. They used this way to get Keith back to the main room. Keith eventually got bored though and walked towards the kitchen. Everyone watched him with interest.

"So did you figure out what happened?" SHiro asked, tearing his eyes away from Keith to Pidge.

"Kinda. Whatever was in the laser was a unstable compound that was supposed to revert whoever was shot with it into a animal, so the Glara could control them like pets." Pidge said, typing at her computer. "But because it was unstable, it only worked partially. I'll have to do some tests but I'm sure Keith should go back to normal on his own. The think is, it can take anywhere from a few days, to possibly a month."

"A month?!" Lance groaned. "We had a hard enough time changing him, we won't be able to fight, and someone will have to watch him constantly."

"He's a cat Lance, not a toddler." Hunk chirped. "No! Bad Keith! Off the counter!" Hunk pulled him off the counter and tapped his nose.

 Keith hissed and jumped down before walking towards Pidge. He stared at her computer and jumped up to lay on it. "Keith no!" Pidge groaned before the both fell. Keith got off and looked down at her, tilting his head. Pidge sighed and reached up to pet behind his ears. "You're a lot of trouble." He purred.

"Well, cats need exercise too, so he's probably just bored." Hunk offered.

"So what, we walk him around like a dog?" Lance asked. "I'd like to live thank you." 

"What about that Laser Pointer?" Shiro looked at Lance. The Cuban pulled out the laser and handed it to the leader. Shiro pointed the laser and Keith was on it like a hot cake. Shiro sat there and played with Keith. 

No one could take their eyes off the red paladin. He was running around the room, after the laser with a preditorial look in his purple eyes. He hid behind a box that was on the floor. His hips wiggled a bit before he jumped. When he landed Keith slid and crashed into the wall. Keith shook his head and yawned. He ignored the laser and walked to the couch where he jumped up and laid down, curling himself up so his tail rested under his nose.

Everyone seemed to sigh in relief. "Well then, thats settled." Pidge mumbled and took a few pictures for blackmail. 

"This is a dilemma, but everyone is tired. Lets eat and get some rest and then we can deal with this tomorrow." Shiro ran a hand over his face and sighed. The Paladin's, and Alteans nodded their heads, sending the sleeping neko Keith a glance.

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