Chapter 3: The End

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Keith's tail wooshed back and fourth. He was irritated. His dark eyes darted back and fourth, his black ears pressed flat against his pitch black forest. Ever since he regained his memories, and snapped out of his cat like haze all the others could do was play with his ears, touch his tail, and distract him with lasers.  It was irking the ever living starlight's out of him.

"I think he's irritated." Hunk whispered to his fellow paladins.

Keith was facing away from them, siting crisscrossed on the ground with his arms folded over his chest. The paladins, and Alteans, watched with worried looks as his tail flicked back and fourth.

"I would be too you know." Pidge fixed their glasses and sighed. "We have been constantly in his face. Keith is a bit distant to begin with, constantly being touched must be irritating."

"Waaa He's so mad he's turning purple!" Hunk gasped.

"They hell are you-" Keith whipped around, glaring.

Keith's creamy white skin had splotches of purple forming. There were spots on his face, hands, upper arms and neck. The whites in his eyes were turning a pale yellow, and his big purple eyes turned a shade brighter. His tail changed from pitch black, and sleek to a dark violet with a lion like turft. His thin ears fluffed up as well. 

"What's happening to me?!" Keith yowled, sharp teeth becoming visible in his mouth. Keith's eyes were wide in pure unadulterated horror.

"Calm down Keith, Lets get you down to the med bay and see whats going on." Shiro said in a calm voice, his dark eyes betrayed the calm though. He was worried.

They rushed down to the medical bay and Keith was put in a pod. It was more to scan him, than to heal him. Once the scan was done Keith stepped out of the pod and the Paladin's crowded around Coran as he read the information.

"It seem's Keith's Galra DNA bonded with the tail and ears and made this transformation permanent." Coran explained.

Everyone was silent before Pidge patted Keith on the back. "Congratulation's Keith! You're now a furry!" They said chipper. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Keith yelled.

The End-

"What?! No! We can't end the story here! Give me the stupid computer!"

No! Keith give it back!

"No! I can't stay like this!"

It's my computer Keith! And my story!



Keith I swear!

"Oh my god! Did you just lick me?!

Give me my quiznacking computer dang it!


"Shut Up Shiro!"



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