1|2|Position In Bangtan

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1|2|Position In Bangtan


Ji-soo filled the large tub which could fit atleast 2 people in it with warm water and in a few minutes, the two of us were inside it.

Just like the old days.


"-n't be serious!" 

Ji-soo and I giggled. It was a week after our discussion and we were both sitting in Ji-soo's room (which was technically Hoseok's, to be completely honest) and talking about her life in general.

"Yeah, and I-" Ji-soo was interrupted by the door slamming open and we both looked at the door in alarm because it couldn't be Hoseok (he had gone for some work two days ago). It turned out to be Jimin. He was smiling sweetly at us. "Jimin-ssi!" 

"You can call me oppa," Jimin insisted before his eyes fell on me. "Y'know, like (y/n)-ah does. She actually sounds so sweet when she says the word."

"Hyung, will you just go inside already?" Jungkook's irritated voice drifted in from the outside and Jimin immediately moved aside to reveal Jungkook in a black leather outfit that was splattered with blood at some spots. I tried to act casual and smiled at them both, trying not to blush at Jimin's 'compliment'. "Hyung is calling you two downstairs."

"Oh, Namjoon-oppa?" I said as I stood up immediately and straightened out the dress Ji-soo had made me wear. It was black and white and reached till my knees but it's material was soft and flowy. Jungkook's tongue seemed to prod at his cheek from the inside before he nodded.

"Can we go now?" He said, his voice depicting his annoyance. "I really want to take a bath and I can't do that till the meeting is over."

"But Kookie," Jimin said surprised, "you never-"

"Can we please go?" Jungkook snapped. I jumped at his tone and even Ji-soo gulped.

"Sheesh, okay, let's go," I said giving him a weird look. I grabbed Ji-soo's hand and we both fast walked downstairs, with Jimin and Jungkook following behind us, whispering to each other. "I wonder what he wants to talk to us about?"

"Oh my gosh, I hope it's nothing about Hoseok!" Ji-soo said suddenly. "I hope he's safe. Please, Hoseok, please be safe."

She was praying to thin air and I quickened my pace. We went down the staircase and into the dining room, where almost all the meetings were held; atleast the ones which included us. Which were very few, then again.

Namjoon and Seokjin stopped talking to each other and nodded when we entered and took our seats.

"Right, Yoongi had to go out for a weapons deal and you know Hoseok is out for the drug deal," Namjoon said immediately, announcing the members absent. "So it's going to be us-"

"I'm here, I'm here!" Taehyung jogged into the room and quickly slid into his seat and his eyes scanned over all of us. "Sorry, please continue."

"As I was saying, it will be just us seven here," Namjoon continued in the same tone, as if Taehyung hadn't just appeared. Must be used to it. "We are here to discuss your part in Bangtan."

"Our... part?" I asked sceptically, my heart in my mouth. "What can we do?"

"That's what we are going to find out today," Seokjin said pointedly. "First, let me tell you about everyone's positions. Namjoon-ah is of course, the leader of Bangtan. He handles all the dealings with other groups, police, etc. I'm his right-hand man and take charge when he's needed in two places.

"Yoongi-ah deals with weapons and when he comes back, you two have to undergo training from him, because you need to learn self-defense. Hoseok deals with drugs and the likes, making sure our connections are strong with his sweet words and bubbly personality."

I nodded and just absorbed in the information, not knowing when it will be useful. Across me, Ji-soo was listening attentively too.

"Jimin-ah is our seducer, he works to bring out secrets from places," Seokjin continued. "Taehyung-ah is, as you know, our interrogater. Takes out information from all those we capture. And last but not the least, our Jungkook-ah. He is the assassin of Bangtan; he finishes off all those who go against Bangtan. Of course, we help when we are against a large number."

"Okay," Namjoon clapped his hands. "So, is there anything you are specifically good at?"

Ji-soo and I shared a glance where we both expressed out puzzlement to each other. What was I good in? I didn't have a clue. But Ji-soo...

"Ji-soo is good with devices," I prompted. "She can hack and she's actually really good at it."

"Well, I mean," Ji-soo blushed at my compliment. Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

"This is serious," he said grimly. "Can you do it or not?"

"Yes, yes I can," she said confidently. "Although I might have to brush up my skills... I haven't done it for a few months now."

"Not a problem, we can arrange for that," Namjoon nodded before he turned to face me. "What about you, (y/n)-ah?"

"Um..." My heart dropped. Was I really going to be proved useless? I didn't know much about their world in the first place; I was just a teacher for heaven's sake!

"Y'know, she can be a seducer like me," Jimin said suddenly. I shot him a look of surprise. "She's beautiful and I think she has what it takes."

"Hm..." Namjoon scrutinized me up and down and I felt very self-conscious at the moment. "Do you want to do it, (y/n)-ah? I don't want to enforce this on you. You never asked to be a part of Bangtan and well..."

"I don't want to be a burden," I said hesitatingly. "I don't know how much I can help, but if I can, I wouldn't mind doing it. I can't just live off you guys for the rest of my life."

"Well then," Namjoon nodded once again, taking in what I said, "I'll only make you work when we don't have another option, because I don't think you're cut out for the mafia world, to be frank."

"No, I get what you mean," I said, not offended at all. I wasn't cut out for the mafia world at all. "Thanks."

"Well, Ji-soo-ah, Hoseok called in," Seokjin said. "He's coming by tomorrow morning."

Ji-soo whooped in happiness and I smiled, scanning the people in the room. Jimin and Taehyung were talking about something, and so were Namjoon and Seokjin. 

Jungkook was staring at me so I just smiled at him. He hesitatingly smiled back.

Maybe being in this world won't be so bad.


Updated/Published On:
8th June 2020

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