2|0|The Flaw That Flows

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2|0|The Flaw That Flows

The week Jungkook had to stay at the home/HQ of Bangtan, was filled with many other memories between us. For one, we had a movie marathon of the Avengers and I learnt of his love for Iron Man that extended right from his phone case to his underwear (as told by Yoongi in secret).

For another, Jimin and I baked a double decker cake under the supervision of Jin and Jungkook ate the whole thing with Taehyung when we kept in the refrigerator to be the dessert it never became. (Jin whooped them with the spatulas; I finally learnt why there was the ridiculous number of spatulas in the kitchen!)

The other members weren't around for long periods and so I was always with Jungkook and Ji-soo. It strengthened our friendship and also my feelings– I was falling more and more in love with his adorable personality that was revealed through the time spent together.

It seemed that the week of fun was good on his behalf too because Jungkook started treating me much much better; it was so sweet at some points, I wanted to hide my face in my hands but I held onto the last piece of my dignity like it was my life and didn't do so (atleast in front of him). 

It was the last day of his home-rest according to the others, but they refused to tell me why saying it was a surprise. I was a bit disappointed that I would no longer get to spend time with him and accidentally let my sorrow show on my face when we were having a karaoke.

"You okay?" Jungkook asked; he had just finished a song about the fun times with friends and it reminded me of the past week and the realisation that it would be over tomorrow. I could see his concerned face searching my own sad one and I immediately put up a sad smile.

"It's nothing, the song just reminded me of my parents," I lied straight through my teeth. "We used to have so much fun together and well..."

Jungkook seemed to have bought my extremely convincing lie and acting because he sat next to me on his bed (we were doing the karaoke in his room) and side-hugged me, his left arm draped over my shoulders and gripping tightly yet gently to provide comfort.

"They must have really loved you a lot," he smiled sadly. "It's always hard to lose those we love. My mom was kind and helpful but dad kept getting in trouble; she always said that she helped to keep the trouble to a minimum. Guess it wasn't enough because they left me at such a young age... You had them for 19 years, and I'm sure they're watching over you even now."

"Yeah, and yours too," my body automatically leaned into him, my head falling onto his shoulder. I closed my eyes upon realising what I had done and hoped he wouldn't mind or find me too clingy or weird. "I feel so bad. You didn't deserve such a harsh life but you ended up suffering. I guess it's true that whatever happens, happens for the best because you have the other six now."

"They mean the world to me," he paused then said, "And so do Ji-soo-noona and you now."

"I never thought I'd get so attached to you all," I confessed. "Sometimes, I feel like I'm in the middle of normal people, not the mafia..."

"We're humans too y'know," I knew he was mock hurt and was actually smiling as he said that. "But the world that has been harsh to us deserves our harsh side. The ones who have been loving and affectionate deserve our warmth. Don't you agree?"

"I do," I whispered, taking my head off his shoulder and looking at him. His face was just a few inches away from mine and it felt too near yet too far at the same time. His eyes roamed my face, searching for what, I don't know. But I did the same, looking for signs of affection in his, hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, he might like me after all this time. 

I don't know if it was my face leaning closer or if it was his– all I know is that our faces were looming closer. Just when it was three inches away, the door opened and we looked away to look at the door which had Jimin and Taehyung standing in the doorway, both holding smirks.

"C'mon lovebirds, we are having a meeting," Taehyung's face was smug as if he has insider blackmail information– which he possibly did. My face turned bright red at the nickname and I saw Jungkook turn the same from the corner of my eye.

"We didn't mean to interrupt but we have to be there right now," Jimin's face was more of amused than smug; but that wasn't much better either. They beckoned us and I sprang up, feeling too embarassed to say anything. I rushed out and I knew from the snickers and thumping sounds behind me that the three were following me right behind. 

The walk downstairs was the longest and the shortest I ever had, considering I half-walked and half-ran. I saw the eyes of the other five trained on me as I entered the dining room and sat on my chair. Other chairs scraped and groaned as the boys sat on their own chairs.

"Now that everyone's here," Namjoon smiled mysteriously. "I have news for Ji-soo and (y/n). We are going to hold a party in our Daegu branch."

"A party?" Ji-soo asked, confusion etched on both of our faces. 

"Yes, a party," Namjoon's face contorted to a stony and hard one. "It is to meet the groups and gangs that we have deals with– peace offerings from both side based on something that's been exchanged or given. It will be on the 14th. Today is the 11th, so you have to pack up because we're leaving early tomorrow morning to go to Daegu."

"Why do you need us?" I asked him, a bit confused and scared about being in middle of trained torturers. 

"We can't leave you alone in the HQ when all seven of us will be there," Jin pointed out. "It's much safer for you to be with us. Anything else?"

Ji-soo and I shook our heads so Namjoon clapped his hands once, smiling warmly at us all.

"Alright then, pack up!"


Updated/Published On:
6th July 2020

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