2|5|Cravings Of The Heart

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2|5|Cravings Of The Heart


I wondered where they all are. Surely Ji-soo must have insisted on having me saved even if they refused? But it's not like we ever had the power to change their decision... My heart didn't want to believe that they would leave me but my mind fought saying that they had and Sehun's words were proof...

I watched the second hand tick in my watch. What's the use of trying to escape if there was nowhere to go?


Despite my calm exterior, I was slowly breaking inside. I had to admit to myself that I surprisingly missed the seven boys who I had lived with for the past 2 and a ½ months. 

I missed Jin's food, Namjoon's comforting presence, TaeTae's bubbly personality, Jimin's constant affection, Yoongi's classes of self-defence, Hoseok's laugh that brightened any situation and Jungkook... I missed him a lot and there wasn't an hour when I didn't think of him. 

I wanted him to come for me, to come save me, to be my prince. I knew it was stupid and childish to do so, but my heart craved it because if he does do so, it will be because he cares for me. And that idea comforted me more than any other.

But more than even Jungkook, I missed Ji-soo. Ji-soo had been the constant in my life– there wasn't a day when I didn't see her. I missed her laugh, her teasing and trouble-making personality; I wanted to meet her and hug her for a long time. 

Two days after Ji-hyo gave me the clothes, I heard heavy footsteps running to my cell and I saw Kai appear there along with an unfamiliar guy who seemed older than him yet shorter. They shared a glance between themselves before standing guard near my door and I inched as close to it as the chains would allow. 

"What happened Kai-ssi?" I asked him, since I didn't know the other guy. Kai seemed to hesitate for a moment but before he could speak, there was a loud crash and heavy footfalls could be heard before two familiar faces appeared and suddenly all four of them held up their guns.

"You want to see her die?" Kai said with a contemptuous tone as he removed a second gun from his holster and without even looking, pointed it exactly at me through the metal bars of my cell. I gulped, knowing that if he fired, I would have to duck just in time to be able to avoid it.

"Touch a hair on her head and you won't have your head anymore!" Jungkook thundered but before anything could happen, I heard a gun blast and instinctively I crouched and rolled onto my back to avoid any bullets coming towards me. There were some more gunshot sounds and I could hear shouting from upstairs but the scene in front of me made my body pump my blood faster.

The stranger guy was clutching his left arm and Kai was holding his stomach; Yoongi had shot at them and barely missed the exact vital points. The unfamiliar guy rushed onto Yoongi but Jungkook held him back and did some martial arts moves as they engaged in close combat.

"You made a grave mistake by kidnapping one of Bangtan," Yoongi's serious tone made it sound like I was a very important part of Bangtan when in fact, I barely knew how to do self-defence. Kai bared his teeth at Yoongi who attacked him and then they were having a hand-to-hand fight, guns lying forgotten on the floor. 

I inched closer and stretched my hand, hoping to be unnoticeable. Thankfully they were too engrossed in their fight to notice and my hand, passing through the gaps between the metal bars, clasped around the gun lying behind Kai. Suddenly, Kai stepped backwards and onto my arm and I barely held in my shout of pain ad I jerked my hand back, tightly clutching the gun in my hand so that it wouldn't drop.

That seemed to have made Kai lose his footing and he fell backwards, his head slamming against the hard stone floor and his body fell limp; he was unconscious. 

Another loud thud made me realise that the unfamiliar guy was lying on the floor too and even as Yoongi tried to look around for a key, Jungkook simply held his gun up and shot the keyhole. He entered inside and wordlessly shot at the chains attached to my limbs; I was free. 

I stood up and despite the situation, despite my better judgement, I embraced him tightly, too overwhelmed to speak anything. His hand snaked around my back and he held my waist firmly.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Did they hurt you? God, these men screwed with the wrong person, I'll make sure they–"

"Don't," I replied quietly, stepping back. "I'm okay. Let's just get out of here quickly."

He eyed me for a second before nodding and we exited my home for the past 9 days, Yoongi leading us out of the cell. I saw light at the end of the dark corridor and when we entered, it was to find a scene of much shouting and bangs.

Gunfire blazed throughout and I had this innate urge to scream for them all to stop but my throat was constricted and probably for a good cause. If I screamed, it most possibly won't end good. 

Jungkook started to drag me around the corners to get to the door that was on the left wall adjacent to the wall we appeared from. It was a large room, probably a mansion too and even as he tried to make me get out without being detected, a roar of anger made my heart skip a beat.

I heard another gun shot and suddenly Jungkook pushed my torso so that I ducked; the bullet hit the wall behind me. I looked up aghast and saw that it was another unfamiliar guy, but he had this air of authority... Was he the leader?

"You've broken our deal," Namjoon said icily. I wondered why he was talking now but it seemed that everyone had run out of ammo and was breathing heavily, some holding their arms or legs tightly to stop the flow of blood. "The peace offering we held for the past two years... Why would you do this?"

"Peace offering?" The authority guy sneered at the words. "You killed three of our numbers and rendered one incapable of attack for nearly a year and you thought a simple negotiation of money, drugs and weapons will do?"

"We never killed any of your numbers!" Namjoon shouted back ferociously and their faces contorted into even angrier ones.

"You have the nerve to lie through your teeth to save yourself," another unfamiliar guy spoke with an air of scary calmness. "If Cha Woo-sung and Gu Hwan-gong weren't your men, then whose were they?"

The Bangtan members seemed to have struck familiar names because their faces turned rigid and steely.

"Those traitors stopped working for us 4 years ago," Hoseok replied in a cold voice so unlike his otherwise sunshine self. 

"You're idiots if you think we'll believe that!" Baekhyun shouted loudly and held up his gun to shoot at Hoseok but I couldn't hold it in anymore.



Updated/Published On:
27th July 2020

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