2|6|The Hero Deep Within

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2|6|The Hero Deep Within

"Please stop," my voice became small when they all stopped shouting to look at me incredulously. "Can't we just talk this out first? I know that's probably not how you do things but from what I heard, I feel like both sides have something to say to the other and if you just start fighting, you might get seriously hurt. I don't want any of you getting hurt, so please..."

"We don't mind talking this through first," Namjoon immediately said when I was greeted with a few seconds of silence. The authority guy seemed to hesitate.

"Alright then," he murmured. "Ji-hyo, lead the way to the meeting room."

I blinked stupidly; I can't believe they actually listened to me. Bangtan, yes, they would listen, but why EXO...? I didn't voice my thoughts and simply followed them to the room. Ji-hyo sat to my left and Jungkook sat to my right while Namjoon and authority guy sat at the opposite ends of the table.

"Who will start?" Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Suho-ssi, do you want to start or should we?" Namjoon asked the authority guy. So he was the leader! I had heard about the leader of EXO being called Suho. 

"You first," Suho seemed disgruntled but didn't say anything more. 

"You know that we started to grow about 5 years ago," Namjoon said. "At that time we recruited a lot of juniors. However that backfired when a gang in America somehow started receiving our inner secrets. We found out the moles were Cha Woo-sung and Gu Hwan-gong about 3 years ago and we were going to kill them but they escaped. We're still looking for them..."

"They're dead," Suho said bluntly. Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "About 2 and a ½ years ago, we were being taken out one by one with the dirtiest of back-stabbing tricks; we found the culprits to be those two. But we were still late and lost 3 of our members and the 4th one was barely saved in time..."

"So the rumours are true?" Hoseok said, leaning forward. "EXO did lose 3 members? I'm sorry for your loss."

"We did kill them but not before asking who they were working for," Suho continued after giving a small nod to Hoseok. "They said Bangtan and they also had the gang tattoo on their wrist, so really, we didn't doubt it. We were the top gang in South Korea then so if you pulled dirty tricks it wouldn't have been so unusual."

"They escaped so we couldn't remove the tattoo," Namjoon replied. "Also, you killing them explains why we have been unable to find them. EXO is famous for their perfect kill after all; the body is never found. If you don't believe us, I can understand. But we can assure you that we had no part of it."

"No I half-believe you," Suho replied, "because the inner secrets of Bangtan being revealed during that time is something we knew too. So it could be that you're being honest."

The two males seemed to eye each other up with appraising looks. Finally a minute later they both nodded in a satisfied manner and stood up simultaneously (that was creepy). 

"However we cannot overlook that you kidnapped (y/n)," Namjoon jerked his head towards me. "About that–"

"It's fine!" I said quickly and everyone looked at me, which made me stare intensely at my own lap. "I mean, they didn't harm me or treat me horribly so, so it's okay if you don't do anything. I'm fine with things being the way they are and I don't need revenge or anything. I forgive them."

Suho laughed at my words and my cheeks burned; did I say something wrong?

"Well if you say so," Namjoon looked disgruntled this time. "So, should we renew our peace offering?"

Suho nodded and the two left the room. An awkward silence threatened the room as the remaining EXO and Bangtan members glanced at each other. I looked around and saw Ji-soo wasn't here.

"Where's Ji-soo?" I asked Hoseok, which broke the silence. 

"In the car!" Hoseok sprang up. "I have to go and inform her about your safe health– she's been a tear waterfall ever since you disappeared."

He walked out and again silence greeted us. I turned to my left and Ji-hyo gave me a small smile which I returned before turning to my right. Jungkook was staring at the ceiling and his tongue was poking the inside of his left cheek.

"Don't we have to treat everyone here?" I asked him worriedly. "You all are hurt!"

A chorus of agreement was heard and then unfamiliar guy who shouted before started treating the EXO members while Jin started treating the Bangtan members.

As I watched them interact, I couldn't help but feel that they seemed to get along pretty well and looked good together... Well, Exotan all the way!

An hour later, the Bangtan members and I stood outside the mansion with the EXO members.

"Thank you for being so nice to me," I bowed to them. "I honestly didn't feel like I was kidnapped with the way you treated me. I'll miss your company."

"You were fun to talk to," Baekhyun pouted. "Oh well, a goodbye is overdue... Come and meet us some time."

"No," Jungkook said firmly, his hands tightening around my shoulders which he was holding from behind. "I'm not risking it."

"Ooh, jealous much?" Baekhyun asked, a smirk on his face. "Don't worry none of us are after her–"

"Actually there is someone," Suho interrupted Baekhyun. I stared at him in surprise. 


"Someone here did fall for (y/n)?" Jungkook repeated, and I could feel him tensing behind me. The thought that he was jealous made me blush internally but the outside situation was interesting me too. "Who?"

There was silence for some time as the EXO members glanced amongst each other, probably wondering if they should reveal who it was. 

"It was me."


Updated/Published On:
27th July 2020

A/n: I have no clue tf I've written 😭 EXO was originally supposed to be the total bad guys except when I had to write it I couldn't and ended up with this. I've... no excuse...

Also, thank you so much for the 1k views! I never thought I would reach the 1k mark while publishing (most of my books get more reads after they're completed, lol) I PURPLE YOU ALL SO MUCH!! 💜💜😭

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