3|0|The Proposal And The Plan

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3|0|The Proposal And The Plan

"...didn't want to disturb you," I whispered to Jungkook, giving a small butterfly kiss on his forehead as he lied next to me on the bed. "You get your rest, okay?"

"Don't go," he grumbled sleepily, his eyes still closed but face drawn into his adorable pout he knew I couldn't resist. He knew how to make me hesitate, alright. "Stay by my side~"

"It's 9 in the morning, Jungkook-ah," I said softly, running a hand through his hair. We were both lying on his bed in his room, since he insisted that we sleep together in the same room and it was decided to use his since it was larger. "You came at 4 am today so get some nice, long rest and let me just go and meet up with Hoseok-oppa, he said he wants to talk with me."

I heard him murmur something about cock-blocking hyungs and I playfully slapped his muscled upper arm before sitting up and then getting out of bed. Jungkook made a whiny noise that made me roll my eyes despite the smile that seemed forever stuck to my face whenever he was around. 

"I want you to myself all of today evening," he mumbled finally before dropping asleep. I moved towards the door and he grunted, "And night."

I wanted to giggle but stifled it in so that he could sleep calmly. I shut the door softly behind me and started on my way to Hoseok's room. It was odd, but Hoseok had texted me that I should come to his room at 9 am. It's good that I woke up at 8...

When I knocked on his door, his familiar voice called out, "Come in!"

I opened the door and saw Hoseok sitting on the couch to my right. He had something in his hand and smiled nervously when I came in.

"Hey," he said quietly, gesturing to the empty seat beside him. I smiled and made my way over.

"Where's Ji-soo?" I asked him as I sat down.

"On a mission," Hoseok replied, shifting in his seat so that he was facing me. I shifted to face him too. "You must be wondering why I called you..."

"Yeah," I looked at him curiously. He seemed to think for a second before he opened his right palm in front of me. A small blue velvet box sat there and he opened it to reveal a silver banded ring that had small diamonds on top that formed a J entwined in a H. My hands clasped onto my mouth in shock and happiness.

"Hyung, I–" Taehyung's voice broke off and the both of us turned to look at the doorway where he stood with widened eyes. I lowered my hands although my heart was still beating very fast. "Hyung, what...? I thought-?"

"Aish, knock before entering," Hoseok shook his head and walked over to Taehyung. He shut the door behind him and dragged Taehyung to the couch I was seated on and made him sit beside me. "Since you know now... Oh well."

"What about Ji-soo-ah and Jungkook?" Taehyung said with an indignant look. Hoseok and I got confused until I thought of how it might have looked to him. 

"Oh no, no, NO!" I nearly shouted but got my composure back when I saw the two staring at me. "Tae, Hoseok-oppa is going to give it to Ji-soo!"

"Oh..." Tae blushed, embarassed about mistaking the situation. "I thought... So um, you're going to propose, hyung?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes at his brave attempt at recovery before saying, "Yeah. I know it's early, it's just been 4 months but really, everyday threatens to be my death day and I really really love her. I want to be hers and make her truly mine. And I want your help for that."

His last line was directed to me. I nodded excitedly. Ji-soo would love it! I knew how much Hoseok meant to her, and this would be the cherry on the top. 

"I have a plan."


I checked over my handiwork one last time. It looked undoubtedly beautiful and I flushed with pride at the scenery. 

The terrace of the mansion was now decked with tiny golden lights strung sparingly around to hover over the white marble railings. A large, dark crimson carpet was placed in the middle of the terrace surrounded by soft cream coloured pillows upon 2-3 of which red wine bottles lay (Ji-soo's favourite). 

Colourful lamps rested against the railings on the floor giving it a multi-coloured look. A small circular, silver tray sat in front of the carpet upon which two glasses were placed. I had poured the wine into it and now the only thing remaining was the two's presence. 

"I'm proud of us," Taehyung said brightly beside me. 

"Us? I did all the work," I said teasingly, nudging him in the ribs. 

"Hey, I brought and placed the wine bottles!" He puffed up his cheeks. "Very important work, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, c'mon, one last thing to do," I carefully tread across the scattered pillows to reach the other side of the carpet where the two glasses were. I crossed them and reached the railing that was a few feet away from them. I crouched down and stuck a small camera to it in such a way that it wasn't easily noticeable and could record properly and clearly.

"I thought he said to give them privacy?" Taehyung said from behind me. But I knew he was amused by it. 

"What privacy?" I said with a grin as I stood up and dusted my hands off. "We won't be here to watch them, just the camera."

With a laugh, the two of us clambered downstairs and when we entered my room, we were faced with a blank-looking Jungkook whose tongue was poking his cheek– he was angry. I suddenly remembered the words he had said in the morning and gestured Tae to quickly go out and he smirked before backing out and leaving us alone.

"I'm so sorry," I said in a rush, walking over to him quickly and wrapping my arms around him. He didn't move at all so I stepped back. "Hoseok-oppa needed our help to set up the scene because he's-" I lowered my voice, "-going to propose to Ji-soo!!"

That seemed to do the trick. Jungkook's jaw dropped at my words and I could hardly contain my excitement and bounced on my feet. 

"Why don't I know of this?" He asked in amazement.

"You woke up at 1 pm, Kookie," I said, stringing my arms around his neck. His hands automatically wrapped around my waist. "We forgot you didn't know by then, but you know now. And while they're having their time, we'll have our own. I'm all yours now!"

Jungkook smirked.

"You better be."


Updated/Published On:
11th August 2020

A/n: No smut for y'all 💀💀 iM pUrE


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