3|1|In The Heart Of The Woods

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3|1|In The Heart Of The Woods


Jungkook smirked.

"You better be."


The three lettered word that Ji-soo screamed so loudly that all of us inside the mansion heard was followed by busy days. I was appointed the wedding planner along with Jimin and the two of us worked to meet the demands of the bride, the groom and the family attending.

"I want somewhere secluded," Hoseok said.

"Is it okay if it's only the nine of us and the priest?" Ji-soo asked him. 

"Of course, that's how it would be, sweetheart," Hoseok and Ji-soo had got more lovey-dovey in the sense that they were flirting out in the open now and left me blushing quite a lot of time with their antics. 

"A forest would be wonderful," Ji-soo had gushed the next day and Jimin and I set off to find a place where we could do that. 

Jin was going to make the wedding cake with occasional side-help from me along with a scrumptious meal based on Hoseok's and Ji-soo's personal favourites for the nine of us to have after the wedding. 

Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin were busy with work now-a-days so that they could make time for the wedding and make sure it happens safely and securely. Jungkook and Taehyung tried to help us whenever they could but they were more trouble than help so Jimin and I told them to just play video games and not bother us (they took the offer very kindly and did not bother to bother us after that even once).

And the date was fixed for June 6th and when June rolled around, Jimin and I packed our bags to go to the wedding site– a small forestland Bangtan owned in which there was a small white granite gazebo-like building where the actual wedding would be held. 

There was a small safe-house underneath a hidden trapdoor there, where we were going to live for the days till the wedding. Jimin and I needed to decorate it and although we could have sent people to do it, we wanted to do it ourselves to give it a more appealing touch.

The days seemed to fly by and then it was the night before the wedding day when Hoseok, Ji-soo and Jungkook arrived. The two took to their room immediately and I was left with an exhausted Jungkook who I steered into our room. Namjoon and Jin were sharing one room, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin shared another. 

"Ahh," Jungkook groaned as he collapsed onto the bed. "I don't know why, I feel really tired..."

"Want me to give you a massage?" I said as I sat down next to him. His half-lidded eyes glanced at me and he nodded. He sat up and turned his back to me. I started to massage his back before speaking. "I can't believe it will happen tomorrow, I have been working on this for the past two weeks and oh gosh, I feel as nervous as the bride!"

"Why are you feeling nervous?" Jungkook's amused question made me smile to myself.

"Ji-soo is like a sister to me," I said. "No, not even a sister. She's a mixture of all the relationships a person can have put together into one. She's family. Her happiness means a lot to me and tomorrow will be the day her dreams come true. I want to see them smiling and happy in each other's arms so that even I die the day after tomorrow, I would die with the knowledge that when I'm gone, she will have someone to lean upon."

"She has us," Jungkook said quietly. "You have us. If anything happens to any one of us, the others will be there. So don't be worried. Tomorrow will be a great day too."

Silence fell between us but it wasn't awkward. It was peaceful and mutually understood, the kind of serenity that makes you grow inside. 

"Didn't you ever doubt me?" Jungkook asked when I stopped massaging him five minutes later. He turned around, his legs crossed and face facing me. 

"Doubt you?" I asked with a smile. "For what?"

"I'm an assassin," he said, searching my eyes. "Didn't you ever feel that I could be dangerous? Weren't you scared when we forced this world on you?"

"I wasn't scared for myself back then," I said, tucking my knees under my chin as I wrapped my arms around my legs. "Y'know, people are scared of death, but I never was. My parents' death made me realise that death is inescapable. The people around me will die and so will I. No, death didn't scare me, pain did. I was reluctant because entering this world is a confirmation to pain of different kinds. I didn't want pain but all this time spent with you guys has made me realise that if I get to have you by my side, even pain is bearable.

"I never doubted you because my instinct told me you're a good person. I felt who you are before I knew who you are. I trusted that feeling and look where it led me. No matter what you do, there's an aura around you that precedes your introduction when you meet someone new. And getting to know you all has been wonderful, because each new chapter of life teaches you something. I'm so happy right now Jungkook, I don't doubt anything. Even if you betray and kill me, I will happily go through that because I have all these wonderful memories I carry along with me."

Jungkook didn't say anything and simply buried himself into the crook of my neck, wrapping his large and warm body around my own. I stroked his back and placed my right cheek on his shoulder before closing my eyes.

Even the sun, the moon, the stars could not compare to what you mean to me. Their size may be much larger than what I am, but every second spent in your presence is more precious than my life itself.


Updated/Published On:
17th August 2020

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