3|2|Somewhere Far Away

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3|2|Somewhere Far Away

"Jungkook, what–?"

The wedding had just ended and Jin was serving everyone with a slice of the delectable and beautiful triple-decker cake we had baked when Jungkook grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the gazebo-like building. I followed in confusion seeing that he wasn't going to respond. 

After two minutes of dragging and catching up, we finally reached a clearing that had what looked like a stream running across the path. It was shallow, about two feet deep and the clear water ran over the colourful pebbles lying on the bottom of the river.

Jungkook sat down, dipping his feet into the stream then turned to smile at me. 

"Come on," he patted the grass next to him and I sat down before slowly dipping my own feet.

"Brrr!" I shivered. "The water's cold!"

"Summer's here," Jungkook said, looking up at the sky, his palms on either side of his body supporting the weight. I looked up to see a cloudless yellow sky. "Isn't this nice?"

"It is," I said, dropping my head on his left shoulder. His hand immediately slung across my shoulders. "Why did you bring us here?"

"I wanted to go somewhere far away," Jungkook said truthfully. 

"Why?" I asked, fiddling with a small blade of grass I had accidentally uprooted. 

"It was too beautiful, too positive," he said softly. "Watching them all happy made me happy but I wanted some time alone with you. I don't know why, I just required your presence."

"Hm..." I didn't say anything more, soaking in the scenery. The wind was blowing softly making the grass visible on the other bank sway. The gurgling sound of the water as it ran down the stream was a pleasant background music. 

In one of the surrounding trees, birds chirped and the scene felt too calming. It was evening and the sky was turning orange and pink. I could see violet tinging it above the trees. 

"Do you like day-time or night-time?" Jungkook's random question made me surprised.

"I like the night-time," I said softly. "What about you?"

"I like twilight," he replied. "Isn't this scene absolutely beautiful? The sky shaded in all these colours..."

"Yeah," I sighed and smiled at the beauty above.

"Why do you like the night?" He shifted to his right so I had to remove my head. Instead, he laid down, placing his head on my lap, facing the sky above. 

"I love the darkness," I confessed, running a hand through his incredibly soft hair. I closed my eyes imagining the scene. "The dark night sky looks beautiful with the stars twinkling. If you go to a rooftop or balcony, you can often see the city lights sparkling in the darkness. It's so enchanting."

"Just like you," his words made me open and look at him shyly. "Your eyes seem to twinkle all the time, you know?"

I couldn't reply and just cupped his cheeks before placing a peck on the top of his nose. His face scrunched up, reminding me of a bunny and I giggled. My giggle made him smile warmly and I melted.

"Thank you," he whispered. "God, I can't even begin to tell you how happy you make me. I didn't think anyone would love me the way you do. Right from childhood, I kept losing those around me. First it was friends, then family and then my hyungs. I thought I would lose them too when Namjoon-hyung refused to let me into Bangtan.

"I pleaded and pleaded but he said I was too young, that I shouldn't get involved in such things but they were my family. We lived in one run-down apartment together and I knew what they were doing, all the fighting and drugs and stuff. I didn't care. I didn't want to lose them.

"Jin-hyung convinced him when I cried for hours. He reluctantly made me an assassin. He didn't want to involve me in this business but I was a natural. I fit right in, and then onwards it was just the seven of us.

"I'm so grateful Hoseok-hyung went to our stripper club regularly to check on it. I'm glad he met Ji-soo-ah and that I got to meet you because of it. Thank you, (y/n)-ah."

I didn't have any words to say so I kissed him on the lips, pouring in everything I felt. He kissed me back with just as much fervour and we seemed to be just like that for quite some time until we let go to breathe. I placed my forehead on his.

"Thank you Jungkook," I said. "I'm glad you kidnapped me that day. I'm happy my friend became a stripper and met Hoseok-oppa. I'm happy that you all accepted us and didn't make us feel left out. I'm grateful for your existence because I'm truly happy. And that's all I've ever wanted."


"Where were you for so long?" Jin said, bringing out two plates that had two slices of cake each. "This is all that's remaining, the others ate the whole thing."

"We'll make another," I laughed, accepting the dish. Jin placed his hands on his hips.

"Another one?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "For who?"

"I dunno, maybe you?" I smiled mischievously and Jin gave me a playful slap on my arm before going back into the kitchen of the safe-house. "Hey, do you think we can go to my previous school?"

"The one where you taught?" Jungkook asked, swallowing the bite of cake. I nodded. "Why?"

"I miss the kids," I said truthfully. "I wanna see them, if that's okay..."

"Sure, we'll drop by and then we can go on a date," Jungkook suggested.

"Really?!" I felt excitement course through my veins. I will get to see their happy little faces once more. 

"Yes, really," Jungkook looked amused. He shook his head then said, "You're a child yourself so why do you want to see them? Just look in a mirror~"


Update/Published On:
17th August 2020

Last chapter coming out next week! 😭💜

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