3|3|Our Happily Ever After

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3|3|Our Happily Ever After


"Really?!" I felt excitement course through my veins. I will get to see their happy little faces once more. 

"Yes, really," Jungkook looked amused. He shook his head then said, "You're a child yourself so why do you want to see them? Just look in a mirror~"


A Few Months Later:

"...and so we won't get married now," Jin finished. There was an immediate uproar from everyone on the dining table and Namjoon raised his right hand which made everyone go silent.

"Guys, please," Namjoon seemed mollified with all the support we were giving. "You know that our law does not permit same-sex marriages."

"But, since when have we cared about law?" Jungkook fired up. "We murder people, hyung, I'm pretty sure that is against the law too!"

"We do not wish for our relationship to be under fire for breaking the law," Jin said tiredly. "So we have a plan."

"And that is...?" I asked gently, knowing how tired they both must be. All of us looked across the table to Jin.

"Disbanding Bangtan," it was Namjoon who answered. Pin-drop silence ensued for a few seconds so Namjoon continued, "Not now. But in a few years, we are thinking of giving this up. This is a decision that involves all of you. Are you okay with it? If you're not, we'll change it. All those who agree?"

Everyone raised their hands to show that they agree.

"But how's that going to help?" Taehyung asked, expressing our confusion. 

"We were thinking of moving to another country and starting new lives," Jin said. "A year after we've shifted, we'll marry and probably adopt kids."

"Well then, that will be great!" Ji-soo and I said in sync before laughing together. The two men smiled at us. 

"We hope so," Namjoon said. "All our efforts will go towards tying all the lose ends and settling the lives of those who work under us from next year. So no new deals Yoongi-hyung, Hoseok."

As they all continued to talk about business stuff, I looked out of the window that was quite some distance away. Summer had ended and it was the start of Autumn now. Months had flown by and all was good. 

"../n)?" Jungkook tapped me on my shoulder making me jump in my seat and turn to face him. The others were busy talking to pay attention to us. 

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked him.

"Um, I wanted to ask you if you'd, y'know, if you're okay with moving to another country?" He asked. I nodded.

"There aren't many that allow same-sex marriages but we can go to Belgium or Canada," I suggested. "Well it's their decision but we can find some nice places to settle down."

"And, I'm not proposing right now, but if we were to marry...," Jungkook trailed off looking at me intensely.

"I would love to marry and settle down with you Kookie," I said to him. "And we will have two children and a nice small house that will be close to the others' houses and it will be fun!"

"Yeah," Jungkook was smiling widely as if relieved by my words. "I can't wait to be by your side living a normal life, building our own family."

"Sorry to interrupt your cozy two-man party," Hoseok cleared his throat loudly making us look at him to find them all standing and smiling knowingly at us, "but we were all going to the living room for a movie marathon night. You wanna join, lovebirds?"

"Yeah, we'll join," we hastened to stand up and followed the laughing group outside where some sat on the couch, others sat on the floor leaning against the couch and still others sat on big chairs cuddling together (that would be Hoseok and Ji-soo).

It was a genre-mix marathon, the best of the best movies of each genre so I made myself comfortable on the left corner of the couch, Jungkook to my right. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders again.

And then the lights switched off, Jin brought out the popcorn and chips, the movie started playing with the company logos appearing. 

And as I placed my head on his shoulder, I didn't have anything else I wanted more in the world. I don't know about happily ever afters, but I knew this;

We were as happy as we could be.

The End

Please read the author's note ahead! It won't take more than a few minutes, I promise!

Updated/Published On:
24th August 2020

Fun Fact #4:
Due to my laziness, all the seven books have 3 OCs that are repeated – Park Ji-soo, Song Min-ji and Kang Eul-soo.

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